Communidad:Terrors of Nowhere

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Terrors of Nowhere es un mundo de juego de jugador contra entidad exclusivo para PC, publicado por Beyond en octubre de 2023. En este juego, hasta 14 jugadores tienen la tarea de sobrevivir contra una entidad aleatoria (conocida en el juego como Terror) en una arena aleatoria durante tres minutos.

El período entre rondas se conoce como Intermission (Intermedio), donde puedes tomarte un respiro para recolectar más cristales de Enkephalin (Encefalina) (la moneda del juego, abreviada como Eph). La encefalina crece periódicamente alrededor de la corte y puedes gastar Eph en la Tienda de Encefalina para comprar artículos que te ayuden a ti o a otros a sobrevivir en las futuras rondas.

Además de Eph, recibirás Puntos de supervivencia (PS) por sobrevivir a las rondas. Puedes usar los PS en la Tienda de supervivencia para comprar artículos especiales. A diferencia de los Eph, los puntos de supervivencia no se consumen al comprar un artículo.

Tipos de rondas

Además de las Rondas Clásicas, hay Rondas Especiales que ocurren cada tres rondas (cada dos rondas los fines de semana).

  • Classic - Ronda estándar, sobrevive contra un Terror normal aleatorio durante 180 segundos.
  • Fog - Similar a una ronda clásica, pero la arena está cubierta por una espesa niebla oscura y el nombre del Terror está oculto.
  • Punished - Similar a una ronda clásica, pero no se permiten objetos.
  • Alternate - Sobrevive contra un Terror extra difícil seleccionado de un grupo especial de Terrores.
  • Bloodbath - Sobrevive contra tres Terrors aleatorios del grupo de Terrores normales.
  • Midnight - Sobrevive contra dos Terrors normales y un Terror alternativo.
  • Sabotage - Se selecciona un jugador aleatorio para ayudar al Terror a cazar a los otros jugadores.
  • 8 pages - Encuentra 8 páginas esparcidas por la arena mientras evitas al Terror.
  • Run - Llega al otro extremo del mapa antes de que se acabe el tiempo.


Terrors of Nowhere tiene en total aproximadamente 142 Terrors para enfrentar. (89 Clásicos, 35 Alternativos, 14 Variantes, 4 Boss Moons)

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El contenido a continuación puede contener spoilers, por lo que se recomienda abrirlo con precaución.
Huggy Corrupted Toys Demented Spongebob Specimen 8 HER Tails Doll Black Sun Aku Ball Ao Oni Toren's Shadow [CENSORED]
WhiteNight An Arbiter Squidward Comedy Purple Guy Spongefly Swarm Hush MopeMope Sawrunner Imposter Something
Starved The Painter The Guidance With Many Voices Nextbots Harvest Smileghost Karol_Corpse Mario Has Logged In Big Bird Dev Bytes
Luigi & Luigi Dolls V2 Withered Bonnie The Boys Something Wicked Seek Rush Sonic Bad Batter Signus Mirror
Legs The Old Man Judgement Bird Slender Maul-A-Child Garten Goers Don't Touch Me Specimen 2 Specimen 10 The Lifebringer Pale Association
Toy Enforcer TBH Doombox Christian Brutal Sniper Nosk Apocrean Harvester Arkus Cartoon Cat Wario Apparition Shinto Hell Bell
Security The Swarm Shiteyanyo Bacteria Tiffany HoovyDundy Haket Akumii-Kari Lunatic Cultist Sturm Punishing Bird
Prisoner Red Bus Waterwraith Astrum Aureus Snarbolax All-Around-Helpers Sakuya Izayoi Arrival Miros Birds BFF Scavenger lain
Feddys TBH Spy Tragedy Voidwalker Paradise Bird Lord's Signal Rabid Snarbolax MR. MEGA Eggman's Announcement Knight of Toren
Decayed Sponge Mona & The Mountain Furnace Army in Black Bliss Glaggle Gang WHITEFACE sm64.z64 The Red Mist
Sanic S.T.G.M. Convict Squad Fusion Pilot Dev Maulers Lisa Apathy
Angry Munci Ambush Roblander Walpurgisnacht Sakuya The Ripper
Teuthida Judas The Navigator
Try Not To Touch Me
Alternates Epic Bonnie Search & Destroy Monarch Ruinborn Afton Crimboong Slendy
Scrapyard Machine The Batter Kimera TBH Sans Rewrite Eyes Hungry Home Invader
Boss Moon
Mystic Moon Blood Moon Twilight Solstice
Eventos de temporada
Cold Night


Terrors of Nowhere tiene 46 ubicaciones en total, de las cuales 45 son arenas en las que serás ubicado aleatoriamente durante las rondas.

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El contenido a continuación puede contener spoilers, por lo que se recomienda abrirlo con precaución.
Court Sewers Construct Secret Innyume Warehouse
Hell Fishbowl Forest Pink Neon Towers Playplace Isolation
Sanctum Sea Base Astral Pizzeria Schoolhouse Ancient
Inner Towers Blackspace Museum Throne Green Neon Towers Pool
Car Park Development Hotel Elevator TBH Its Maze
Hole Iteration_0 Scrapyard Robland Backrooms Dring King's Citadel
Baseplate Challenge Cube Have Gardens Dust Dots
Engine Orange Wall Nexus

Tienda del comerciante rojo

En la Tienda del comerciante rojo (Red Merchant Store), puedes explorar tres tiendas diferentes: la Enkephalin Shop (Tienda de encefalina), la Special Shop (Tienda especial) y la Event Shop (Tienda de eventos).

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El contenido a continuación puede contener spoilers, por lo que se recomienda abrirlo con precaución.
Tienda de Enkephalin(encefalina)
Nombre Precio Descripción de la tienda Notas
Radar 20 Eph Una herramienta útil que puede detectar amenazas en la vida del pasajero. Siempre hará un seguimiento de las amenazas principales y también alertará al usuario de cualquier cosa cercana. Cuando se sostiene, el radar mostrará la distancia a la(s) amenaza(s) principal(es). Si hay algo cerca, alertará al usuario. Puede revelar asesinos durante ciertos tipos de rondas.
Medkit 20 Eph Un estuche que contiene varios suministros médicos, reunidos en las distintas ubicaciones que visitó el Green Bus. No es mucho, pero te ayudará a superar una pelea. Al usarlo, te cura a ti mismo y a los aliados cercanos un 25 % de HP. Debe recargarse después de usarlo. Sobrevivir a un virus con un botiquín te otorga un botiquín rojo. Con él, puedes curarte por completo a ti mismo, pero no a nadie más.
Have's Mysterious Brew 20 Eph Una bebida extraña elaborada por una criatura del bosque. Ni idea de qué contiene, pero huele terrible. Te llamaría loco por beber esto, pero bueno, tú haz lo que quieras. Al usarlo, otorga un efecto de estado aleatorio. El efecto puede ser bueno o malo. Los efectos pueden incluir velocidad, curación, ceguera, quemaduras, lentitud, teletransportación, etc.
Glow Coil 75 Eph Esta bobina proporciona luz a los pecadores que tienen demasiado miedo de estar en la oscuridad. No veo que se use a menudo, pero te ayudará a atravesar algunas de las noches más oscuras. Cuando se sostiene, el jugador gana 2 puntos de velocidad. La bobina proporciona una luz reconfortante que te permite ver mejor en la oscuridad. Proporciona un uso decente contra asesinos con efectos de niebla o oscuridad intensa, como Miros Birds o Something Wicked. Glow Coil es un contraataque importante contra las rondas de niebla, ya que reduce el efecto de niebla a la mitad y revela el color del nombre del asesino (pero no el nombre). Sobrevivir a la psicosis con Glow Coil te da una variante, Psycho Coil. Te proporciona más velocidad que Glow Coil y aún niega los efectos de niebla, pero no emite ninguna luz.
Teletorter 125 Eph Un dispositivo recogido de una de las muchas ubicaciones que ha visitado el Autobús Verde. Su naturaleza puede convertirlo en un escape poco fiable pero muy eficaz. Al usarlo, te teletransportas a una ubicación aleatoria en el mapa. Tiene un pequeño retraso al usarlo. Debes recargarlo después de usarlo. Tiene tres variantes que requieren un teletransportador básico para desbloquearlo: el Maletín pálido, que se obtiene al sobrevivir a un Alternativo, el Teletransporte sangriento al sobrevivir a un Baño de sangre y el Hacker de espinas al sobrevivir a un Solsticio. El Maletín pálido tiene un tiempo de reutilización más largo, pero tiene una mejora de celeridad mejor y más duradera. El Teletransporte sangriento se recarga más rápido, pero drena tus HP al usarlo. El Hacker de espinas te teletransporta a la espina (el engendro de Terror) en su lugar cada vez.
Speed Coil 125 Eph La Bobina de velocidad es el mejor amigo de los pasajeros, ya que les permite moverse mucho más rápido. North creó estas bobinas de velocidad para que fueran mucho más ligeras que sus contrapartes originales. Cuando se sostiene, el jugador gana 3 puntos de velocidad, lo que le permite superar a los Terrores. Sobrevivir a Bloodbath con la Speed Coil te otorga la Bloody Coil. Con ella, te mueves temporalmente más rápido después de recibir daño.
Regen Coil 125 Eph La Regen Coil proporciona una fuente de sanación al portador y también proporciona una buena cantidad de velocidad. Si bien es más lenta, la capacidad de supervivencia de los pasajeros que usan esta bobina no debe subestimarse. Cuando se sostiene, el jugador gana 2 puntos de velocidad. Cuando se sostiene, la regeneración de HP es 4 veces más rápida.
Metal Bat 200 Eph Este bate es un arma para aquellos que son lo suficientemente valientes como para desafiar a los Terrors. La electrónica interna lo ayuda a dañar a los Terrors. Puede que no funcione contra Terrors más fuertes o incorpóreos. Al usarlo, balancea y aturde a un asesino. El efecto de aturdimiento varía mucho entre asesinos. Los aturdimientos exitosos derivan en partículas amarillas. Los aturdimientos fallidos derivan en partículas rojas. Debe recargarse después del uso. Permite al usuario aturdir a Terrors particulares. Otorga un breve momento de i-frames (fotogramas de invencibilidad) cuando se balancea, aumenta tu velocidad por un corto tiempo después de un golpe exitoso y tarda alrededor de 15 segundos en recargarse. El tiempo de carga aumenta con más jugadores en la instancia. Posee cuatro variaciones, en forma de Bloodstained Bat (en Bloodbath survival), Metal Pipe (en Alternate survival), Justitia (en Midnight survival) y Colorable Bat (en Cracked survival). Para obtener las variantes, hay que usar el base bat, el Colorable Bat o el Rubber Mallet. El Bloody Bat proporciona una recarga más rápida cuanto menos HP tengas. Sin embargo, su tiempo de recuperación inicial es más largo. El Metal Pipe tiene un tiempo de recuperación ligeramente más largo, pero tiene la capacidad de golpear a varios Terrors a la vez. Justitia funciona de manera similar al Bloody Bat, pero además golpea tres veces en una animación. El Colorable Bat funciona exactamente como el base bat, pero como sugiere el nombre, ¡puedes pintarlo en la tienda!
Silver Kat Charm 200 Eph Amuleto mágico que se dice que fue creado por una bruja que no quería nada más que eliminar la humanidad. El amuleto fue creado para protegerse a sí misma y a sus seres queridos. Probablemente también te proteja a ti. Al usarlo, te proteges y ganas 2 puntos de velocidad. Si te golpean mientras estás protegido, te derribarán. El efecto dura 6 segundos. El amuleto deberá recargarse después de su uso. Se recarga en 30 segundos.
Chaos Coil 200 Eph La Chaos Coil está distorsionada con energía de otro mundo, no puede permanecer en un lugar durante demasiado tiempo. La bobina, si bien proporciona un gran impulso de velocidad, es muy inestable y no es seguro. Al sostenerla, el jugador gana 4 puntos de velocidad. Al moverse, la bobina a veces puede romperse durante 2 a 7 segundos y repararse a sí misma después de 3 segundos. Sobrevivir al Apocalypse Bird con la Chaos Coil te otorga la Twilight Coil. Con ella, vas más rápido que con la Chaos Coil, pero se rompe con más frecuencia.
Glass Coil 250 Eph Una poderosa bobina hecha de vidrio. Si bien es más fuerte que la mayoría de las bobinas, se rompe fácilmente. Hice esto como un regalo, pero prefiero no decir para quién. Cuando se sostiene, el jugador gana 3,5 puntos de velocidad. Cualquier daño recibido romperá la bobina. La bobina se reparará a sí misma después de 60 segundos sin daño.
Corkscrew Coil 250 Eph La Corkscrew Coil es la herramienta definitiva para luchar o huir, ya que otorga velocidad y defensa al mismo tiempo. Sin embargo, debe recargarse entre usos, así que úsala con precaución. Cuando se sostiene, otorga 1 punto de velocidad. Al usarla, gana 4 puntos de velocidad durante 3 segundos. La bobina puede aturdir a los asesinos durante este tiempo. Debe recargarse después. Tarda unos 30 segundos en recargarse. Otorga i-frames (fotogramas de invencibilidad) cortos al usarla.
Antique Revolver 250 Eph Un revólver viejo y desgastado. Parece que se puede romper en cualquier momento. Su cilindro solo puede contener una bala, y colocar la bala es muy difícil. Con uno solo bastará. Al usarlo, dispara el revólver y aturde a los Terrors desde la distancia. El efecto de aturdimiento varía mucho entre asesinos. La bala puede atravesar varios Terrors. Debe recargarse durante 30 segundos después de su uso. Posee una variante Pale al sobrevivir a una ronda alternativa con el arma. Disparar y golpear con la Pale Pistol otorga una mejora de velocidad temporal, pero tiene un tiempo de recuperación más largo.
Special Shop
Name Price Shop Description Notes
hamburger 1 SP hamburger cheeseburger big mac whopper hamburger cheeseburger big mac whopper hamburger cheeseburger big mac whopper Consume item on use, recover all HP. Must respawn at the shop after use.
Beyond Plush 10 SP An enigmatic plush of someone who was probably important at some point in time. It holds faint traces of ancient energy, who knows what it’s capable of? On use, play a sound. Chance to play random sounds. Chance to trigger other effects. 10 second cooldown. When squeezed, has a chance to play random sounds with random effect, varying from invincibility, teleportation, or death.
Magic Conch 25 SP A conch shell recovered at a strange underwater ritual site. It talks when you pull the string. Despite being made of an organic shell, there seems to be electronics inside it. Ask it something and pull the string.
Radar Coil 50 SP A strange mixture of the Radar and a Speed Coil. Due to its lack of a screen, it’s difficult to tell where the danger is coming from. Though; it’ll make sure you know. When held, the player gains 2 points of speed. When held, the radar will pick up Terrors within 35 meters of the user. Radar updates its distance every 0.8 seconds. Radar Coil provides a noticeable speed boost when detecting a Terror. Reveals the name of the Terror during fog rounds as well as all three Terrors during a Bloodbath or Midnight round.
Rubber Mallet 100 SP A rubber hammer effective on sussy individuals. It may be familiar to some, or more comforting to use than the metal bat; but functionally, it accomplishes the same purpose. On use, swing and stun a killer. Stun effect varies greatly between killers. Successful stuns result in yellow particles. Failed stuns result in red particles. Functions the same as the Metal Bat. You can unlock Metal Bat variations with Rubber Mallet.
TBH 500 SP A little dude, a little creature. Doesn’t have any brain activity; just kinda vibes. If you squeeze it, it might even make a noise. I’ve seen these guys burst into flames though, so be careful. On use, gain temporary 5+ speed. Inflict Burn to self. Must recharge after use. Recharges in 30 seconds.
Darkgrey Plush 750.5 SP It’s Darkgrey! Wow! So Cool! Darkgrey Action! Darkgrey Action! It's super cool. It's incredible. Look at him!!!!!!!
Delicate Coil 1000 SP If you thought the Glass Coil was risky, this thing will downright shatter in your hands. Some people have died to its glass explosion; so I don’t suggest using this unless you’re willing to risk it. When held, the player gains 3.8 points of speed. Any damage taken will kill the user.
Emerald Coil 2500 SP This coil runs off what you’ve been collecting. Turns out, Enkephalin is a pretty useful resource. While useful, it doesn’t last long as fuel, so use this sparingly if you wanna survive. On use, charge coil for 2 seconds at the cost of 5 Enkephalin. While charged, gain 6 points of speed. Won’t work if you don’t have Enkephalin.
Brick 10000 SP There ain’t anything a good old brick can’t solve. You might need practice throwing it, but it’ll be worth it. Just don’t drop it, you might not get it back. Physically throw the brick to stun Terrors. No cooldown, but you have to pick up your brick. (no recall!) Causes a stun with even minor force. Must be picked up manually after use.
Event Shop
Name Shop Description Notes Unlock Requirement
Luxury Coil A specialty coil created from some gold-like material. It provides all the things needed for survival, albeit not doing the best job at it. It’s much for show than anything else. When held, the player gains 1.5 points of speed. When held, HP regenerates 2.5x faster. When held, the players earns 1.5x more Eph. Also shares fog-clearing capabilities of Glow Coil. Given to all Patreons (Caretaker) who submitted a form before April 2023.
Blue Medkit A case that contains multiple medical supplies, gathered from the many locations the Green Bus visited. I wonder why it’s blue? It’s not much, but it’ll get you through a scuffle. On use, heal self and nearby allies for 25% HP. Grants a random status effect to self and anyone else nearby. Must recharge after use. Given to all Patreons (Pilot) who submitted a form before April 2023.
Sealed Sword An ancient weapon. It is covered in cloth and talismans, designed to absorb both blessings and curses alike. The weapon is clunky and slow. I wouldn’t recommend using it. On use, swing and stun a Terror. Applies Slowness to you. Stun effect varies greatly between Terrors. Successful stuns result in yellow particles. Failed stuns result in red particles. Must recharge after use. Can be broken out of a case in Museum with a stun tool.
Gran Faust Its charge attacks are powerful enough to curse its wielder, but that hasn’t stopped Devilites from treasuring these rare blades even more highly than their meager vacation time. The weapon itself is much less powerful in the hands of those who don’t know how to use it. On use, swing and stun a Terror. Stun effect varies greatly between Terrors. Successful stuns result in yellow particles. Chance to Curse self on swing. Swinging while Cursed will damage the user and reapply Curse. Faster recharge after use. When unlocked, you can't unlock Divine Avenger anymore. Acquired by facing Arkus with the Sealed Sword and surviving without hitting them.
Divine Avenger A holy sword created in another time to arm knights who fought against the legions of the Underworld. There are few foes remaining in this world that are worthy enough to be defeated by such a fine blade, and there are even fewer heroes worthy of wielding it. On use, swing and stun a Terror. Stun effect varies greatly between Terrors. Successful stuns result in yellow particles. Successful stuns grant regeneration. Must recharge after use. When unlocked, you can't unlock Gran Faust anymore. Acquired by facing Arkus with the Sealed Sword and surviving after hitting them at least two times.
Maxwell One of the old gods of creation. He has many names, but only one is fitting for one such as himself. He has taken pity upon your plight; and will help you as you have helped him. Once per round, absorb fatal damage and teleport away with full HP. Maxwell will be consumed after this and must be respawned at the shop. Found in Its Maze. (spawns once per round)
Rock Doesn’t look like any rock i’ve ever seen before. Don’t feel like one, either. Don’t think you’ll want this, stranger. Sometimes I hear this thing whispering to me. Physically throw the rock to stun Terrors. No cooldown, but you have to pick up your rock. (no recall!) Functionally the same as brick. Acquired from surviving Fusion Pilot.
Illumina An ancient weapon that reveals itself to those who show determination to rid the world of impure hearts. Even in the darkest of nights, there will always be a light. On use, swing and stun a Terror. Stun effect varies greatly between Terrors. Successful stuns result in yellow particles. Faster recharge, but no immunity on attack. Acquired from surviving Bliss.
RedBull An energy drink said to give you wings, but it’s more likely to give you heart failure. (ToN is NOT sponsored by Red Bull) On use, grants a massive speed boost. After the speed boost ends, gain severe slowness. Acquired from surviving Roblander.
Omori Plush Found this lil guy at a yard sale awhile back. Been holding him ever since. I don't think it'll really increase your chances of survival, but he's fun to squeeze! Squeeze to play a sound. Might help you forget about all the bad things, maybe. Heals 1 HP per use. Acquired from surviving Something.
Paradise Lost Some weird staff, seems to be powerless without faith in the right deity. Can't say what religion this belongs to though, but if you figure it out I'm happy to give it to you. Stun killers that are a short range in front of you. Heals other players that it hits. Hurts user on use. Acquired from repeatedly stunning Apostles in one round. (Metal Bat/Colorable Bat/Rubber Mallet: 7 hits) (Antique Revolver/Pale Revolver: 14 hits) (Everything else that stuns: 12 hits)
Silver Coil I'm feeling kind today, and decided that you should be the one to use this beauty. It's not everyday you get to use something as slick as this! When held, the player gains 3 points of speed; allowing them to outrun Terrors. Functionally similar to Speed Coil. Silver Coil is a temporary item that does not save upon leaving an instance. 1/250 (0.4%) chance to show up in Event Shop when joining an instance.
Special Items*
Name Description
Torch of Obsession This is an item which you can get from surviving Cold Night during the Winterfest. It provides AoE stun and healing as well as some extra light when used.
Snowy Speed Coil This is an item which you can unlock during Winter Event by picking it from the snow pile next to the shop. Once picked, you get to keep it after the Winterfest. Despite the name, it goes just a tiny, really tiny bit slower than regular Speed Coil. However, it is free for those who have it.
Carrot This is a contributor item specifically owned by MaraRizer (Webmaster of the official ToN Wiki) and not only does it make its user happy little bnnyu, carrot gives them the same benefits as a regular Speed Coil. When picked up, it plays a sound effect from one of MaraRizer´s favorite games, Super C. It has a title "Wiki Webmaster" when dropped.
Overseer Plush Overseer Plush is an extremely rare item that only few have received for surviving a battle royale. Yes, sometimes Beyond gets really bored during some of the testing instances and put players to fight for their lives. The plush itself doesn't do anything, besides making a sound effect and light up the Overseer´s eyes when used. However, if you spectate someone in the list below (except contributors), they'll have a short string under their name; "overseer loves you :)".
Judia This is a contributor item specifically owned by nkt_にこまる, the person who made the base used in Terrors, including Bliss, Judas and Roblander. When used, it lunges where the spear is pointed at and stuns Terrors. It works in a similar way like Corkscrew Coil in a way that its attack animation is longer than your average stun weapon. When it hits a Terror however, knockback (caused by parry) will stop the lunge, making nkt_にこまる vulnerable against Terrors with hitboxes still on even when stunned. Judia also provides about ~2 speed boost when held. When dropped, title shows owner's name.

*Special items are either not found in the store or accessible at all.


Terrors of Nowhere tiene 99 logros que puedes desbloquear al completar varios objetivos.

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El contenido a continuación puede contener spoilers, por lo que se recomienda abrirlo con precaución.
Name Flavor Text Unlock Requirements
Not Enough Blood What, were you expecting more?! Survive a Bloodbath Round.
No Smoking! It´s bad for your lungs! Survive a Fog Round.
Broken Boundaries Every star will burn itself out someday. Survive a Cracked Round.
The Other Side We´ve all got friends on the other side. Survive an Alternate Round.
Escaped! You escaped that crazed lunatic! Oh wait, did you know them? Survive a Sabotage Round as an innocent.
Walk It Off Not only can you run for your life, you can now run with it! Survive Bloodbath Round with a Speed Coil.
Slaughter Look at the mess you´ve made! There´s so much blood! Survive Bloodbath Round with a Bat.
Sacrificial Hey, were you always missing your ear? Survive Bloodbath Round with a Teleporter.
Oooo Shiny! You found a pipe. Congratulations, I guess. Why do you even want a pipe? Survive Alternate Round with a Bat.
Business Partner You ever wonder what´s inside those suitcases? Now´s your chance! Survive Alternate Round with a Teleporter.
Pale Associate Congratulations, you´re hired! Hopefully the others get the memo. Survive Alternate Round with a Revolver.
Judgement You´d think the sword would be more effective with the blade out. Survive a Midnight with the Metal Bat.
Am I tripping? That Bat is looking a little colorful. Is it just me? Survive a Cracked Round with a Bat.
Crack of Dawn The horrors came out, at midnight! They were Midnight Horrors! Survive a Midnight Round.
The False Light It´s only a memory of her power, but it´s enough to make use of. Survive Mystic Moon with a Glow Coil.
Watchful Eyes The twilight was endured, and we now face towards dawn. Survive a Twilight with a Chaos Coil.
The War Is Over With nowhere left for him to go, you offer him a place of safety. Survive Blood Moon with the Medkit.
Fateful Encounter Everything for as long as time has led up to this moment. Find Maxwell.
Collateral Damage You swear it was an accident, and you have no idea where the sword went! Steal the Sealed Sword.
Know Your Enemy There isn´t enough room for the two of us. Encounter the Alternates.
Forgive Us The cost was too great and grief overtook her will to persist. Survive Bliss.
Did You Have Fun? There was no room left in the asylum for you. Survive Roblander.
Fahrenheit 10K Despite her burning hatred for you, you managed to push through the fire. Survive Fusion Pilot
It´s Dark It´s there again, behind you. You can see it, can´t you? Survive Something.
Fading Memory Wait, what did we just beat? I don’t remember. Survive Mystic Moon.
Darkest Day There was no such beast in the forest. Survive Twilight.
War The fight never ends for him, and he will be back to fight another day. Survive Blood Moon.
The Acolyte There’s no reason to look back. We can only move forward. Survive Solstice.
Genocide You had a bad time, but came out ontop. Survive TBH Sans.
It Happened. You should probably go for a walk after this round. Encounter Punished Arkus while holding the Sealed Sword.
Forget Me Not No thanks, I think I´d rather forget about this. Survive MopeMope.
The Purplest Guy And employee of the month goes too... Purple Guy! Survive Cracked Purple Guy.
Heresy You resisted temptations and fought against the teaching of sin. Combat the Apostles during WhiteNight.
Time Out Go sit in the corner, you´ve been naughty Survive a Punished round.
Ancient Power The weapon banished the knights curse, and grew stronger. / The weapon absorbed the knights curses, at what cost? Upgrade the Sealed Sword.
All Skill Despite watching everyone die, you never submitted to the fear. Survive a Solstice with no item.
Survivor You won your first round! Congratulations! Survive a round.
Which Way? I think I´m lost. Oh well, I´ll just google it Survive The Navigator.
Muted “AMBUSH” has been muted by a moderator for micspam. Survive Ambush.
The Greatest Performance To Ever Be Held The performance is over, for now. The crowd awaits an encore. Survive Teuthida.
Conflict & Resolve Even after letting go of what made them alive, they still could not let go of their hate. Survive Convict Squad
Persistence Your life in the palm of your hand. Keep it safe, if you value it. Save for the first time.
You died! It´s okay, you´ll die at least 3 more times before you get the hang of it! Die for the first time.
Powered By Fear Now your chances of survival are 50% better! Purchase an item for the first time.
Rent´s Due Don´t have the money? Don´t worry, your life will make a fine payment! Get killed by a closet.
Big Bank You´ve done so much grinding today, you should probably take a break! Obtain 1000 Enkephalin.
INTERLOPE Was it just a dream? Or maybe something more. Don’t dwell on it. Die to the Interloper.
Oh No Look what you did, now she´s angry! Enrage Toren´s Shadow.
Dango Dango Dango I don´t think he can get any bigger. But it´s best not to feed him anymore to find out. Encounter a full Mountain of Smiling Bodies.
STOP You should always make sure the light is green before crossing! Die to Guidance´s red light.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time Well, at least the chances of it happening twice are basically zero. Die to MR MEGA´s passive lightning.
To Take The Dead Nailing the broken pieces back together, one AFK player at a time. Survive a round while being chased by Specimen 9.
Ph.D While you may not have the knowledge, you have the experience! Experience every status effect in one instance.
The Fog Is Coming Is the reason the mist is red because of all the blood? Survive Red Mist Squidward.
Deal With The Devil You sold your soul! I hope you didn´t need it for anything! Sign Beelzebub´s contract.
Insurrection While unable to undo the damage done that day, the door has opened for a better future. Survive Glaggle Gang.
Be Nice You never know who´s waiting just down the hall from you. Survive Angry Munci.
Deleted The world will continue as it always has, just without you in it. Survive sm64.z64
Standard Procedure You resisted your intrusive thoughts and lived to see another day! Survive Don't Touch Me
Rule Breaker You allowed your intrusive thoughts to take over, and took everyone else with you. Press Don't Touch Me
Stand Proud I won! Hey guys! ...guys? Where´d everyone go? Be the only survivor of a round.
Perfection You survived so many rounds, without even a scratch! Survive 10 rounds in a row without taking any damage.
Crystal Clicker It´s just like one of those idle games! Break an enkephalin crystal.
Sightseer You´ve been all around the place! Complete a round in every location at least once in a single instance.
What’s For Dinner? Violence never solved anything. Survive Starved without stunning it.
Vengeance The only light that remained was fueled by a desire to take back what was taken. Survive Judas.
No Cost Too Great You betrayed everyone, and befriended a monster. Kill everyone in a Sabotage Round.
The First Festival We hope you had fun! Survive Walpurgisnacht.
The Red Mist Returns What remained of her opponents was nothing but red stains. Survive The Red Mist.
Uber Cheap Killer The X-Tier is really something else. Survive Sakuya The Ripper.
Dilemma A dubious creature stands before you. What can you do? Encounter Neko Arc.
Late For Work People got places to be! You´re just wasting their time! Enrage the Red Bus.
Fallen Kingdom The king failed to exact his revenge, and once again returned to darkness. Survive Monarch
Live and Learn You proved that there is always hope in the face of fear. Survive a Midnight with a point reward over 200.
Endless Appetite Nothing will quench its everlasting hunger. Survive The Meatball Man
Researcher You´ve seen all this world has to offer. Complete the Nightmare Index.
Void Walker You´ve seen all this reality has to offer. Complete the Alternate Index.
Stargazer You spend too much time staring at the stars. Complete the Moon Index.
Ran´s Guidance Now you learned how to run! Survive “Christian Brutal Sniper”, “Huggy”, and “Akumii-Kari”.
Ran´s Favourite Say “Hi” to them! Survive “The Boys”.
Like She Do! She always does this very easily! Be the only survivor of a Bloodbath.
It´s the Slenderman! and he´s cooking hotdogs on the stove! Encounter the Hungry Home Invader.
Victory^3 That´s like, three times the victory! I think? I don´t know math. Survive a round in Challenge Cube.
Page Thief I wonder who drew all of these anyway? Beat 8 Pages
Mindless Machine But alas, he could be nothing more than a common machine. Survive that which has no name.
Rite of Passage With her choice made, she never looked back. Survive a Solstice with Teleporter.
An Unknown Challenger Was there an update I missed? Encounter a rare killer variant.
Hide & Seek Champion You better hope nobody else takes your hiding spot next time! Survive a Bloodbath or Midnight featuring Rush or Ambush.
The World They invaded her world of stopped time, and still you managed to survive. Survive a Bloodbath or Midnight featuring Sakuya Izayoi.
Empathy Everything can be emphasized with; except that thing. Survive Apathy.
Showstar! Looks like this rounds all about them! See a Round Takeover.
Seeing Double Did that witch do something to my eyes? See two of the same killer at once.
Paradise Found Perhaps what we consider paradise is subjective to us all. Some of us don´t want to be eaten by a bird. Survive Paradise Bird.
Lost Soul No home, no destiny, there is truly nothing for her left. Survive Kimera.
Heart of Horror It all had to come from somewhere, but in the end, ended up nowhere. Encounter Beyond in an instance.
Like Banbans to Heaven There is something wrong seriously with me for making this. Survive Garten Goers.
Happy Winterfest! There´s something in the snow for you! Find the Snowy Speed Coil.
Their Garden If I went with you, would there be happily-ever-afters? Survive the Cold Night.



  • La inspiración original para Terrors of Nowhere es Midnight Horrors un juego de Roblox de CaptainSpinxs.
  • El juego consta de muchas referencias y alusiones a varias piezas de medios, muchas se explican en el juego, pero otras que no lo están son:
    • "Enkephalin(Encefalina)" es una referencia al recurso energético que se encuentra en los juegos Lobotomy Corporation y Limbus Company de Project Moon
    • Los elementos de bobina son una referencia a elementos de Roblox con nombres similares.

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