Age Verification

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[Reason: Age Verification is an emerging feature, more information is to come out over time. — TrixxedHeart (They/Them) (talk)]
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Profile Markers

Age verification is a feature announced on November 27, 2024 on the official VRChat Youtube channel[1]. It allows users to verify their age using the third-party service Persona, users who are verified 18+ gain access to instances restricted to those 18 and older.


Age verification is conducted through Persona, a third-party verification provider compliant with GDPR[2]. Users provide a government-issued ID[3] and use a camera-enabled device, such as a smartphone or computer with a webcam, to complete the process.

Just about any form of government identification can be used depending on the country the user is from, such as, but not limited to:

  • Drivers License
  • Identification Card
  • Passport
  • Passport Card
  • Permanent Residence Card
  • Immigration Visa
  • Work Permit

Persona processes the user’s identification and biometrics in accordance with its strict privacy policy[4], ensuring GDPR, CCPA, and other compliance standards are met. VRChat does not receive or store personal information from the verification process, except for the user’s verified date of birth. Persona operates under a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) with VRChat, which requires Persona to operate under GDPR/CCPA for all users regardless of location[5].


Profile options to select which marker is shown.

Verified users have the option to display a marker on their profile indicating their age verification status. There are two versions of the marker that a verified user can pick from at any time:

  • "Age Verified" which any age verified user can use regardless of age.
  • "Verified 18+" which can only be used by users who are age verified and are 18 or older.

The marker can also be hidden completely if a user does not want to make their verification status visible to others. Users who are verified 18+ can always access age-restricted instances, regardless of which badge is shown on their profile.

Note: "Age Verified" marker alone does not indicate a user is 18+, only that they have verified their age. Users who are under 18 (but must be at least 13) can verify their age with Persona, but will not be able to choose the 18+ Verified marker on their profile or access age-restricted instances until they have turned 18.

Groups can create 18+ restricted instances, requiring all participants to complete the age verification process and be 18 or older to join. These restrictions can be applied to public, group-only, or group-plus instances.

Age Verification is being considered to function alongside Content Gating to prevent unverified users and verified users under the age of 18 from accessing content tagged with "Sexually suggestive" and "Adult language and themes" however, when or how it will is not currently confirmed[6][7].


The feature is currently being deployed in phases, beginning with a trial period for select groups. During this phase, only members of selected groups can apply for verification and create age-restricted instances. Future updates will expand access and introduce additional use cases, such as content gating and other feedback collected during the trial[1].

The first beta rollout begun December 17th 2024, multiple selected groups were given access to age verification for group users.

Additional information

  • Verification Requirements: Users must submit an unedited photo of their government ID for it to be accepted as well as complete a "liveliness check" involving a selfie to ensure the person validating is the same as the person who owns the ID[8].
  • Optional: Age verification is not mandatory to use VRChat. However, to be able to access age-restricted instances and features a user must verify their age and be 18 or older[9].
  • Data Handling: ID data is retained by Persona for the minimum amount of time it takes to verify the user's birthdate and to create a unique one-way cryptographic hash utilizing data from the user's provided ID. This hash is stored on VRChat's servers for that user's account and all ID data is deleted on Persona's end, the irreversible cryptographic hash and user's verified Date of Birth remain on VRChat's servers.[10]
    • Note: Deleting verification data in VRChat will result in the user's account being unusable until they accept the Terms of Service and input their birthdate again. This will also result in verification status being removed from that account unless it is reverified.
  • One ID Per Account: One ID cannot be used to verify multiple accounts. This restriction is intended to enhance trust, and encourage users to place more value in their account, discouraging malicious behavior[11].
  • 18+ ≠ Sexually Explicit Content: 18+ Age verification or age-restricted instances do not waive the Terms of Service or Community Guidelines' policy on pornographic content.


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Introducing Age Verification | Developer Update #vrchat." YouTube, uploaded by VRChat, 27 Nov. 2024, Accessed 27 Nov. 2024.
  2. Persona. Security. Accessed 28 Nov. 2024.
  3. Government ID Verifications] on; retrieved December 9, 2024.
  4. Persona. Privacy Policy. Accessed 27 Nov. 2024.
  5. Tupper (2024, December 2). Age Verification FAQ. VRChat Forum. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from
  6. Tupper (2024, December 3). Age Verification FAQ. VRChat Forum. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from
  7. Tupper (2024, December 3). Age Verification FAQ. VRChat Forum. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from
  8. Tupper (2024, December 2). Age Verification FAQ. VRChat Forum. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from
  9. Tupper (2024, December 2). Age Verification FAQ. VRChat Forum. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from
  11. Tupper (2024, December 2). Age Verification FAQ. VRChat Forum. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from
  12. VRChat (2024, November 18). VRChat Terms of Service. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from
  13. VRChat (2024, August 12). VRChat Community Guidelines. Retrieved December 9, 2024, from