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Show new changes starting from 02:34, 5 December 2024
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5 December 2024

     01:20  Developer Update‎‎ 2 changes history +3,797 [DAG-XR‎ (2×)]
01:20 (cur | prev) +82 DAG-XR talk contribs (Left note on June updatefor missing patchnotes) Tag: Visual edit
00:30 (cur | prev) +3,715 DAG-XR talk contribs (April to August 2023 documented.)
     00:39  Menus/de diffhist −90 Takì talk contribs (Aktualisierung veraltete Übersetzung)
N    00:31  2FA diffhist +45 DAG-XR talk contribs (Created redirect.) Tag: New redirect
     00:23  Groups/de diffhist −40 Takì talk contribs Tag: Manual revert
     00:21  Template:MainPageUpdates/de‎‎ 3 changes history +34 [Takì‎ (3×)]
00:21 (cur | prev) +5 Takì talk contribs ((en) tag added)
00:21 (cur | prev) +25 Takì talk contribs (Created page with "Bezüglich Udon2, Soba und warum wir die Richtung geändert haben (en)")
00:19 (cur | prev) +4 Takì talk contribs (Created page with "Altersverifizierungs-FAQ")
 m   00:17  Removed Features diffhist +195 DAG-XR talk contribs (Provided release date, and patchnotes for Guided Mode.) Tag: Visual edit: Switched

4 December 2024

     23:50 Move log Tony Lewis talk contribs moved page Sai to Sai
N    23:49  Sai diffhist +13 Sai talk contribs (Created page with "Helo i'm Sai.") Tag: Visual edit
     22:48  Template:MainPageInfopush/Item diffhist +65 Arie² talk contribs
N    22:47  Template:MainPageInfopush/Excluded items/ips 954c2ef7-9c90-43de-8914-ca069e381bb1 diffhist 0 Arie² talk contribs (Created blank page)
     22:39  VRCWiki:Team/de‎‎ 2 changes history 0 [FuzzyBot‎; Takì‎]
22:39 (cur | prev) −40 Takì talk contribs
22:38 (cur | prev) +40 FuzzyBot talk contribs (Updating to match new version of source page)
  b  22:38  VRCWiki:Team/en diffhist 0 FuzzyBot talk contribs (Updating to match new version of source page)
  b  22:38  VRCWiki:Team/pl diffhist +40 FuzzyBot talk contribs (Updating to match new version of source page)
  b  22:38  VRCWiki:Team/es diffhist +40 FuzzyBot talk contribs (Updating to match new version of source page)
     22:38  (Page translation log) [Arie²‎; Tony Lewis‎ (10×)]
22:38 Arie² talk contribs marked VRCWiki:Team for translation ‎
19:22 Tony Lewis talk contribs marked Community:The Black Cat for translation ‎
19:22 Tony Lewis talk contribs limited languages for translatable page Community:The Black Cat to English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese ‎
19:21 Tony Lewis talk contribs marked Community:Rexouium for translation ‎
19:21 Tony Lewis talk contribs limited languages for translatable page Community:Rexouium to English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese ‎
19:21 Tony Lewis talk contribs marked Community:Jetski Rush for translation ‎
19:21 Tony Lewis talk contribs limited languages for translatable page Community:Jetski Rush to English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese ‎
19:20 Tony Lewis talk contribs marked VRChat Home for translation ‎
19:20 Tony Lewis talk contribs limited languages for translatable page VRChat Home to English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese ‎
19:19 Tony Lewis talk contribs marked Controls for translation ‎
19:19 Tony Lewis talk contribs limited languages for translatable page Controls to English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese ‎
     22:34  VRCWiki:Team diffhist 0 ʙɪɢ․ talk contribs (fixed list of organizers)
  b  22:17  Template:MainPageInfopush diffhist +214 VRChatWiki talk contribs (Automated edit.)
     22:10  (Interwiki table log) [TrixxedHeart‎ (9×)]
22:10 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "ja.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Japanese interlinking)
22:09 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "zh.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Chinese)
22:08 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "ru.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Russian wikipedia)
22:06 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "pt.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Portuguese)
22:06 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "pl.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎
22:05 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "it.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Allows for Italian wikipedia interlinking)
22:04 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "de.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Allows for German wikipedia interlinking)
22:02 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "es.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Allows interlinks from Spanish wikipedia)
21:59 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "fr.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Testing for allowing language interlinks)
N b  19:22  Community:The Black Cat/en diffhist +4,880 FuzzyBot talk contribs (Updating to match new version of source page)
  b  19:22  Community:The Black Cat diffhist +327 Tony Lewis talk contribs (Marked this version for translation)
N b  19:21  Community:Rexouium/en diffhist +5,832 FuzzyBot talk contribs (Updating to match new version of source page)
  b  19:21  Community:Rexouium diffhist +255 Tony Lewis talk contribs (Marked this version for translation)
N b  19:21  Community:Jetski Rush/en diffhist +9,670 FuzzyBot talk contribs (Updating to match new version of source page)
  b  19:21  Community:Jetski Rush diffhist +1,244 Tony Lewis talk contribs (Marked this version for translation)
N b  19:20  VRChat Home/en diffhist +2,668 FuzzyBot talk contribs (Updating to match new version of source page)
  b  19:20  VRChat Home diffhist +99 Tony Lewis talk contribs (Marked this version for translation)
N b  19:19  Controls/en diffhist +11,285 FuzzyBot talk contribs (Updating to match new version of source page)
  b  19:19  Controls diffhist +483 Tony Lewis talk contribs (Marked this version for translation)