
[Reason: Please expand and proofread, according to the Manual of Style.]
This page contains Resources to help guide you, using official VRChat outlets.
Support resources
Help Forum
For solving the main issues users may have with the game.
Ask Forum
If you have questions for the community.
Status Page
To know in any situation if an issue you are having is due to an issue on VRChat's side.
Feedback forums
VRChat's feedback forum, also known as Canny, consists of several community boards, for posts regarding feature requests, bug reports, and tracking implementation of new features. Upvoting a post on these boards, helps make a suggestion more prioritized by VRChat. To create a post, comment, or upvote a post, you must log in with your VRChat account.
VRChat offers this short document page, for guidelines regarding posts involving bug reports:
General Boards
- Feature Requests - General feedback, and feature requests.
- Bug Reports - A board for bringing awareness to bugs (glitches) on the VRChat platform
- Open Beta - Feedback, feature requests, and bug reports for Open Beta builds and branches.
- VRChat+ Feature Ideas - Suggest new features for VRChat+.
- Merch Ideas - Suggest new items for VRChat to add to their merchandise store.
- Creator Economy - Offer feedback for Creator Economy.
- VRChat IK 2.0 - Inverse Kinematics.
- Localization - Crowdin community.
- Impostors - Feedback for avatar Impostors.
- Website - Bug reports, and feedback for VRChat websites.
These boards offer creators an outlet to suggest feedback, and report bugs for topics regarding the VRChat SDK.
- Android Limited Beta - A temporary board for VRChat's mobile Android beta.
- iOS Closed Beta - A temporary board for VRChat's iOS beta.
- World/Udon Bugs & Feature Requests - Feedback for Udon and Worlds.
- Avatar Bugs & Feature Requests - Feedback for Avatars.
- SDK Bugs & Feature Requests - Feedback, specifically for the VRChat SDK.
- Build & Test for Mobile
- Creator Companion - Bug reports, and feature requests for VRChat Creator Companion.
Official docs
Original docs
Creator Docs
All the documentation related to creating Avatars and Worlds for the platform.
VRChat's social media
See also Discord servers for more information regarding VRChat's publicly available Discord servers.
Twitter / X