Translations:Age Verification/2/ru: Difference between revisions

From VRChat Wiki
(Created page with "'''年龄验证'''是一个社交功能,允许用户通过第三方服务 [ Persona] 来验证他们的年龄。经过验证的用户可以在个人资料上显示年龄验证标记;验证通过且年满18岁的用户可以访问年龄限制的 实例。该功能于2024年11月27日在官方的 VRChat YouTube 频道宣布<ref name=":0">"Introducing Age Verification | Developer Update #vrchat." YouTube, uploaded...")
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'''年龄验证'''是一个社交功能,允许用户通过第三方服务 [ Persona] 来验证他们的年龄。经过验证的用户可以在个人资料上显示年龄验证标记;验证通过且年满18岁的用户可以访问年龄限制的 [[Special:MyLanguage/instances|实例]]。该功能于2024年11月27日在官方的 VRChat YouTube 频道宣布<ref name=":0">"Introducing Age Verification | Developer Update #vrchat." YouTube, uploaded by VRChat, 27 Nov. 2024, Accessed 27 Nov. 2024.</ref>
'''Age verification''' is a social feature that allows users to verify their age using the third-party service [ Persona]. Users who are verified can display an age verification marker on their profile; verified users who are 18 or older can gain access to age-restricted [[Special:MyLanguage/instances|instances]]. It was announced November 27, 2024 on the official VRChat YouTube channel<ref name=":0">"Introducing Age Verification | Developer Update #vrchat." YouTube, uploaded by VRChat, 27 Nov. 2024, Accessed 27 Nov. 2024.</ref>.

Revision as of 16:12, 12 February 2025

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Message definition (Age Verification)
'''Age verification''' is a social feature that allows users to verify their age using the third-party service [ Persona]. Users who are verified can display an age verification marker on their profile; verified users who are 18 or older can gain access to age-restricted [[Special:MyLanguage/instances|instances]]. It was announced November 27, 2024 on the official VRChat YouTube channel<ref name=":0">"Introducing Age Verification | Developer Update #vrchat." YouTube, uploaded by VRChat, 27 Nov. 2024, Accessed 27 Nov. 2024.</ref>.

Age verification is a social feature that allows users to verify their age using the third-party service Persona. Users who are verified can display an age verification marker on their profile; verified users who are 18 or older can gain access to age-restricted instances. It was announced November 27, 2024 on the official VRChat YouTube channel[1].

  1. "Introducing Age Verification | Developer Update #vrchat." YouTube, uploaded by VRChat, 27 Nov. 2024, Accessed 27 Nov. 2024.