Translations:Age Verification/11/ru: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "经过验证的用户可以选择在个人资料上显示一个标记,表明他们的年龄验证状态。经过验证的用户可以随时选择两种版本的标记: * "Age Verified"(年龄验证通过),任何通过年龄验证的用户都可以使用,无论年龄多少。 * "Verified 18+"(验证18+),仅限已通过年龄验证且年满18岁的用户使用。 如果用户不希望将验证状态公开,可以选择完全隐藏该标记。年满18岁...")
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Verified users have the option to display a marker on their profile indicating their age verification status. There are two versions of the marker that a verified user can pick from at any time:
* "Age Verified"(年龄验证通过),任何通过年龄验证的用户都可以使用,无论年龄多少。
* "Age Verified" which ''any'' age verified user can use regardless of age.
* "Verified 18+"(验证18+),仅限已通过年龄验证且年满18岁的用户使用。
* "Verified 18+" which can only be used by users who are age verified ''and'' are 18 or older.
The marker can also be hidden completely if a user does not want to make their verification status visible to others. Users who are verified 18+ can always access age-restricted instances, regardless of which verification marker is shown publicly on their profile.

Revision as of 16:13, 12 February 2025

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Message definition (Age Verification)
Verified users over the age of 18, have the option to display a marker on their profile indicating their 18+ age verification status. 
*"Verified 18+" which can only be used by users who are age verified, ''and'' are 18 or older.
The marker can also be hidden completely if a user does not want to make their verification status visible to others. Users who are verified 18+ can always access age-restricted instances, regardless if the verification marker is shown publicly on their profile.

Verified users have the option to display a marker on their profile indicating their age verification status. There are two versions of the marker that a verified user can pick from at any time:

  • "Age Verified" which any age verified user can use regardless of age.
  • "Verified 18+" which can only be used by users who are age verified and are 18 or older.

The marker can also be hidden completely if a user does not want to make their verification status visible to others. Users who are verified 18+ can always access age-restricted instances, regardless of which verification marker is shown publicly on their profile.