Translations:Getting Started/53/ja: Difference between revisions

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File:How_to_change_UI_Language3.webp|3. Englishまたはお好きな言語をクリックします。
File:How_to_change_UI_Language3.webp|3. Englishまたはお好きな言語をクリックします。

Latest revision as of 11:25, 20 February 2025

Information about message (contribute)
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Message definition (Getting Started)
== Change UI Language==
If VRChat is set to a language you don't understand, you can use the following process to change it:
*The icons can be used to identify which button to click.
<gallery widths="260" heights="150">
File:How to change UI Language1.webp|1. Open Quick Menu and '''Double Click''' on the '''Gear''' Icon.
File:How_to_change_UI_Language2.webp|2. Select the category '''between the mirror and gamepad symbols''' to navigate to the User Interface category, and click the button '''highlighted by the Green Circle'''.
File:How_to_change_UI_Language3.webp|3. Select '''English''' or your '''preferred language'''.
</gallery>Additionally, you can select your preferred language on the '''login screen'''.



  • アイコンを利用してどのボタンをクリックするのか判別してください。
