Full-Body Tracking

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Full-Body Tracking[1] (often abbreviated as FBT) in VRChat allows users to track the movement of their entire body, making their in-game avatar's actions more closely match their real-life movements. FBT significantly enhances immersion by allowing users to move more naturally and express themselves more fully.

Compatible Hardware

Several full body trackers used in VRChat:

  • HTC Vive Trackers[2]:
    • These are some of the most widely used trackers and are compatible with most VR setups. They are typically placed on each foot and the hips or waist. SteamVR Base Stations are required.
  • Tundra Trackers[3]:
    • Similar to Vive Trackers but smaller and lighter. They also have longer battery life. SteamVR Base Stations are required.
  • PS Move Controllers:
    • Although a budget option, these require extra software and hardware, such as Playstation Eye Cameras, to work with SteamVR and are generally more difficult to set up.
  • SlimeVR Trackers:
    • A budget-friendly option for people to either purchase direct from the SlimeVR Crowdsupply website, or build themselves with their documentation[4]. It is fully open-source, hardware and software. They are designed to use IMU's for their tracking capability. They use the calculations from the IMU's to determine postion and rotation in a 3D space.
  • Other Devices: Some custom setups also incorporate Kinect sensors, QR codes, such as AprilTags[5], and other SteamVR compatible controllers, although this method is less common.

How Full-Body Tracking Works

Full-body tracking (FBT) uses additional tracking devices attached to the body to relay real-time movement data to the VR system. Typically, trackers are placed on areas like the feet, hips, and sometimes other parts of the body, depending on the setup.

Most trackers require the use of SteamVR Base Stations to be able to track the trackers within a persons playspace. There are other solutions that use cameras, and IMU's to track the position and rotation of the trackers. Read above for trackers that don't require SteamVR Base Stations.

In VRChat, avatars that support FBT will mirror the user's real-life movements, allowing for a more immersive experience. For the best results, avatars should be configured with bones for the hips, knees, and feet to accurately follow the user's movements.
