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The HUD is a UI element that's located at the bottom half of the screen, which contains displays important, at a glance, information. Some elements include the microphone, friend requests, notifications, among other things.


The HUD contains a variety of elements, but are verbose, allowing you to customize it to your liking.



The microphone icon appears on the left side of the HUD. This element displays when you are muted or unmuted.

When muted the icon turns red with a line across it, when unmuted the icon adapts to if you are speaking or not.

When speaking, the icon is white. When not speaking the icon turns gray, becomes smaller and transparent.

Friend Request

The friend request icon displays on the right side of the microphone. The element displays when receiving a friend request and is colored green.

This icon fades out after a certain amount of time. There is also a notification variant of it.


The invite icon displays on the right side of the microphone. This icon displays when receiving an invite or a variation of it. The color also changes depending on what type of invite you receive.

This icon fades out after a certain amount of time. There is also a notification variant of it.


Gesture Indicators icons

The gesture indicators icons display, left and right-hand icons on each side of your screen, respectively. The icons show the current gesture you are doing.

Gesture toggle icon

The gesture toggle icon displays to the right of the microphone. This element appears when toggling the "Avatar Gestures" setting. There are 2 states for this icon: disabled and enabled.

See also Avatar Gestures to learn more about this setting.

Face mirror

The face mirror appears in the middle of the HUD. This element displays the face of the user's avatar. The position and other settings for the face mirror can be adjusted to your liking.


The notification icon displays to the right of the microphone. This element appears when receiving certain types of notifications.

For a list of notifications that make the icon, see here.


Notifications also appear in the HUD, keeping you notified at a glance.

Notification position can also be changed, as well as the UI theme; if you have VRChat+.

HUD Specific

HUD Specific notifications are those mentioned in the "HUD Verbose Mode" Settings.

Friend Request

When receiving a friend request, the notification displays the friend request icon and the following message:

Receiving a friend request: "(name of user) would like to be your friend"


When receiving an invite, the notification displays the icon of the type of invite your received and the following message:

Receiving an invite: "(name of user) would like you to join them in (world name)"

Joining & Leaving

When a user either joins and leaves the instance, the notification displays the icon friend icon and the following message:

User joining: "(name of user) has joined your instance"

User leaving: "(name of user) has left your instance"

Also, when joining an instance, a notification pops up telling you what type of instance you are joining. The notification displays the icon world icon and the following message:

Invite+: "You have joined an Invite+ instance"


When a user drops a portal, the notification displays the entering portal icon and the following message:

Dropping a portal: "(name of user) has created a portal"


The HUD also displays other notifications, such as when your instance queue is ready, groups posts, OSC, and more.

See also Notifications for more detailed information.

HUD Detail Level

The HUD comes with three detail levels you can choose from: Off, Minimal, and Verbose.

"Off" completely hides the HUD

"Minimal" only shows HUD icons. These icons include:

  • Microphone
  • Friend Request
  • Invites
  • Notification
  • Gestures & Gesture toggle icons
  • Face Mirror

"Verbose" includes HUD icons and notifications.

HUD Settings

Below is a list of all settings that affect the HUD in one way or another: