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<languages/> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> ''<sup><big>(This page outlines different roles and responsibilities, established for users on the VRChat Wiki. For roles involving [[Special:MyLanguage/Groups|Groups]], please also see [[Special:MyLanguage/Groups#Group_roles_and_permissions|Group roles and permissions]].)</big></sup>'' </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> There are several '''roles''' involved in the oversight and production of the VRChat Wiki. This article outlines each role, its responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> == User permissions == There are special roles for editors that can be granted via unanimous decision by the VRChat Wiki team. These currently include automoderated users and proofreaders. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> === Automoderated users === {{Anchor|Automoderated}} [[Special:ListUsers/automoderated|Automoderated users]] are users who have shown their investment in the VRChat Wiki, and displayed trustworthiness through consistently adding to the VRCWiki while following policies and guidelines. They are specifically selected to have their additions or edits automatically approved in the Official namespace - these pages are official VRChat information pages. Otherwise, users who are automoderated do not have any moderation capabilities, or further Wiki responsibilities. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> ==== Qualifications ==== To qualify as an automoderated user, one should be an active user on the VRChat Wiki for at least a week, with several quality contributions and no major infractions. A Maintainer may appoint automoderated users if other Maintainers have no reasonable objections. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> ==== Responsibilities and expectations ==== Like all users, automoderated users should continue to follow all VRCWiki policies. Consistent policy violations or disregard for the [[Special:MyLanguage/VRCWiki:Manual of Style|Manual of Style]] may result in temporary revocation of privileges. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> === Proofreaders === {{Anchor|Proofreader|Proofreaders}} [[Special:ListUsers/automoderated|Proofreaders]] are trusted with translation efforts on articles written in different languages from English, and can help guide other editors localizing articles in their language. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> ==== Qualifications ==== The proofreader role is assigned if they are already established with the "Proofreader" role on VRChat's [[Special:MyLanguage/Discord servers#VRChat Localization|Localization community]] for [ Crowdin]. New proofreaders may be established by consistently publishing quality edits for their known language(s). </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> ==== Responsibilities and expectations ==== Like all users, proofreaders should continue to follow all VRCWiki policies. Translations should be accurate and based on the English version of the article, while continuing to follow the [[Special:MyLanguage/VRCWiki:Manual of Style|Manual of Style]]. When an article or page is marked ready for translation, a proofreader will then be able to make a full translation of the assigned pages. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> If a page is not yet ready marked for translation, they should help to improve on the English article first. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> == VRChat Wiki team == {{Anchor|Team}} The VRChat [[Special:MyLanguage/VRCWiki:Team|Wiki team]] are volunteers, who are assigned by the VRChat Wiki administrators (VRChat developers) to proactively assist in the oversight and upkeep of the VRChat Wiki. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> === Maintainers === {{Anchor|Maintainer|Maintainers}} [[Special:ListUsers/community-mod|Maintainers]] have a high degree of expectation and responsibility with overseeing the VRChat Wiki, and being part of the VRChat Wiki team. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> ==== Qualifications ==== Maintainers may nominate users for the role of Maintainer. The nominee must demonstrate a consistent and active investment in the VRChat Wiki, both in direct contributions on pages, as well as in discussions on Talk pages or community forums, and be present in the [[Special:MyLanguage/Discord servers|VRChat Wiki Discord server]], to collaborate with the rest of the VRCWiki team. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> They must exemplify dedication to all policies, demonstrate trustworthiness, and have no major infractions or substantial objections from the current VRChat Wiki team. VRChat Wiki administrators have veto power for approval of a new Maintainer. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> ==== Responsibilities and expectations ==== Maintainers are able to add, edit, and delete in almost all content spaces, and protect pages. Users with this role can approve, reject, or modify edits by users requiring moderation intervention. Maintainers help to resolve minor [[Special:MyLanguage/VRCWiki:Guidelines#Personal conduct, and disputes|disputes]] between users on Talk pages, as well as being able to roll back or revert edits made by a user. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> In addition, maintainers can moderate users for [[Special:MyLanguage/VRCWiki:Disciplinary_policy|misconduct]]. They are also involved in the decision-making process for determining VRChat Wiki policies, and nominating persons for automoderated user, proofreader, and maintainer roles. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> Maintainers should remain reasonably active on the Wiki, both in contributions and moderation responsibilities. Users in this role are expected to attend and contribute to as many meetings as possible. Abuse of privileges, or refusal to abide by established guidelines and policies, are grounds for removal from the VRChat Wiki team, and finalized by the Wiki administrators. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> As a volunteer position, there's no explicit minimums or quotas given, but after general inactivity or unannounced absence for a period approximately two months or longer, the maintainer may be approached by an organizer to see if they're still interested in upholding the role. If not, or if there's no response, or no change is seen over the following two weeks, they may be removed from the position. Former maintainers who request to return after a prolonged period of voluntary or involuntary activity may return to their role, unless there's a major substantial objection taken into consideration, or if a Wiki Administrator vetoes. </div> <div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr"> === Organizers === {{Anchor|Organizer|Organizers}} Organizers are maintainers who display high levels of experience with MediaWiki policies and its environment, and have been trusted for a higher degree of responsibility and expectation, but otherwise have equal leverage in decision-making. </div> ==== Qualifikationen ==== Kandidaten sollten ein konsistentes Maß an aktiver Beteiligung und Engagement in Diskussionen über das VRChat-Wiki und dessen Richtlinien nachgewiesen haben. Sie sollten keine größeren Verstöße begangen haben und es sollten keine wesentlichen substantiellen Einwände von Mitgliedern des VRChat-Wiki-Teams vorliegen. Wiki-Administratoren können ihre Beförderung per Veto ablehnen. Es sollte in der Regel drei aktive Benutzer mit der Rolle des Organisators geben, um die Effektivität in dieser Position zu gewährleisten. Wenn es eine Vakanz oder Inaktivität gibt, sollten neue Organisatoren durch einstimmigen Konsens der Verantwortlichen des VRChat-Wiki-Teams sowie der anderen Organisatoren ausgewählt werden. ==== Verantwortlichkeiten und Erwartungen ==== Nutzer mit dieser Rolle agieren als Vermittler zwischen dem VRChat-Wiki-Team (Freiwillige) und der Wiki-Administration. Organisatoren sind verantwortlich für die Planung, Teilnahme und Nachbereitung von Meetings und Diskussionen sowie für die Intervention und Lösung von Konflikten innerhalb des VRChat-Wiki-Teamumfelds. Sie helfen, das VRChat-Wiki-Team zu verwalten, indem sie sich mit inaktiven Maintainers austauschen oder diese bei Verstößen gegen Richtlinien sanktionieren, und führen die ihnen anvertrauten administrativen Aufgaben aus. Organisatoren sollten in der Wiki-Beitragsleistung und Diskussionen angemessen aktiv sein, an Meetings teilnehmen, diese beaufsichtigen und leiten. Sie sollten sorgfältig Streitigkeiten lösen und bei Bedarf zwischen dem VRChat-Wiki-Team und der Wiki-Administration vermitteln. Als freiwillige Position gibt es keine expliziten Mindestanforderungen, aber angesichts ihrer einzigartigen Rolle und Verantwortlichkeiten sollten sie im Allgemeinen stärker eingebunden sein als die bereits angemessenen Erwartungen, die an Maintainer gestellt werden. Der Missbrauch von Privilegien oder die Weigerung, sich an festgelegte Richtlinien und Vorgaben zu halten, können zur Entfernung aus dem VRChat-Wiki-Team führen und werden von den Wiki-Administratoren abschließend entschieden. == Siehe auch == * [[Special:MyLanguage/VRCWiki:Team|VRCWiki:Team]] * [[Special:MyLanguage/Discord servers|VRChat Discord-Server]] [[Category:VRCWiki policies]] [[Category:Proofread]]
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