All translations

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Found 7 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h German (de)<gallery widths="260" heights="150">
File:ToN Courtroom.png|"Terrors of Nowhere"-Lobbybereich, bezeichnet als der "Court"
File:ToN Merchant Shop.png|Roter Händlerladen
File:ToN Index&Settings.png|Terror-Index und Einstellungstafel
File:ToN Achievements&Stats.png|Errungenschaftstafel und Spielerstatistiken
File:ToN SpectatorScreen.webp|Der Zuschauerbildschirm, erreichbar über die Hinterseite des Hofes.
File:ToN RedCrystal.webp|Ein roter Enkephalin-Kristall. Etwa 1-2 Eph wert.
File:ToN BlueCrystal.webp|Ein blauer Enkephalin-Kristall. Etwa 3-5 Eph wert.
File:ToN YellowCrystal.webp|Ein gelber Enkephalin-Kristall. Etwa 17-19 Eph wert.
File:ToN HeadsUpDisplay.webp|Das Heads-Up-Display zeigt verschiedene Informationen, die für die Runde notwendig sind, an.
File:Terrors Tracker.webp|Der blanke Tracker für Terrors of Nowhere, verfügbar auf []
 h English (en)<gallery widths="260" heights="150">
File:ToN Courtroom.png|Terrors of Nowhere lobby area, referred to as the 'Court'
File:ToN Merchant Shop.png|Red Merchant Store
File:ToN Index&Settings.png|Terrors Index and Settings Panel
File:ToN Achievements&Stats.png|Achievements Board and Player Stats
File:ToN SpectatorScreen.webp|The spectator screen, accessible at the back of the Court.
File:ToN RedCrystal.webp|A Red 'Enkephalin Crystal'. Worth around 1-2 Eph.
File:ToN BlueCrystal.webp|A Blue 'Enkephalin Crystal'. Worth around 3-5 Eph.
File:ToN YellowCrystal.webp|A Yellow 'Enkephalin Crystal'. Worth around 17-19 Eph.
File:ToN HeadsUpDisplay.webp|The Heads-Up Display, displaying various information necessary for the round.
File:Terrors Tracker.webp|The tracker for Terrors of Nowhere in its blank state, available at []
 h Spanish (es)<gallery widths="260" heights="150">
File:ToN Courtroom.png| Área del vestíbulo de Terrors of Nowhere, conocida como "The Court" (La corte)
File:ToN Merchant Shop.png|Red Merchant Store (Tienda del comerciante rojo)
File:ToN Index&Settings.png|Índice de Terrors y panel de ajustes
File:ToN Achievements&Stats.png|Tablero de logros y estadísticas de jugadores
File:ToN SpectatorScreen.webp|La pantalla del espectador, accesible en la parte trasera de "The Court" (La corte).
File:ToN RedCrystal.webp|Un cristal de Enkephalin rojo. Valor aproximado de 1-2 Eph.
File:ToN BlueCrystal.webp|Un cristal de Enkephalin azul. Valor aproximado de 3-5 Eph.
File:ToN YellowCrystal.webp|Un cristal de Enkephalin amarillo. Valor aproximado de 17-19 Eph.
File:ToN HeadsUpDisplay.webp|La pantalla de visualización frontal, que muestra diversa información necesaria para la ronda.
File:Terrors Tracker.webp|El rastreador de Terrors of Nowhere en su estado en blanco, disponible en []
 h Italian (it)<gallery widths="260" heights="150">
File:ToN Courtroom.png|Sala d'attesa di Terrors of Nowhere, riferita come 'Corte'
File:ToN Merchant Shop.png|Negozio del Mercante Rosso
File:ToN Index&Settings.png|Indice dei Terror e Pannello delle Impostazioni
File:ToN Achievements&Stats.png|Lista Trofei e Statistiche Giocatore
File:ToN SpectatorScreen.webp|Lo schermo da spettatore, accessibile nella parte posteriore della Corte.
File:ToN RedCrystal.webp|Un 'Cristallo di Enkephalin' Rosso. Dal valore di 1-2 Eph.
File:ToN BlueCrystal.webp|Un 'Cristallo di Enkephalin' Blu. Dal valore di 3-5 Eph.
File:ToN YellowCrystal.webp|Un 'Cristallo di Enkephalin' Giallo. Dal valore di 17-19 Eph.
File:ToN HeadsUpDisplay.webp|L'Heads-Up Display (HUD), che mostra varie informazioni utili durante il round.
File:Terrors Tracker.webp|Il tracciatore per Terrors of Nowhere senza progressi, disponibile su []
 h Japanese (ja)<gallery widths="260" heights="150">
File:ToN Courtroom.png|Terrors of Nowhere のロビー、通称「コート(Court)」
File:ToN Merchant Shop.png|赤商人のショップ
File:ToN Index&Settings.png|テラーの索引と設定パネル
File:ToN Achievements&Stats.png|実績ボードとプレイヤーの統計
File:ToN SpectatorScreen.webp|コート後方にある観戦スクリーン。
File:ToN RedCrystal.webp|赤いエンケファリンクリスタル、1-2 Eph ほどの価値がある。
File:ToN BlueCrystal.webp|青いエンケファリンクリスタル、3-5 Eph ほどの価値がある。
File:ToN YellowCrystal.webp|黄色いエンケファリンクリスタル、17-19 Eph ほどの価値がある。
File:ToN HeadsUpDisplay.webp|ラウンドに必要な様々な情報を表示するヘッドアップディスプレイ。
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)<gallery widths="260" heights="150">
File:ToN Courtroom.png|Área do lobby do Terrors of Nowhere, conhecida como 'Tribunal'
File:ToN Merchant Shop.png|Loja Vermelha do Comerciante
File:ToN Index&Settings.png|Índice de Terrores e Painel de Configurações
File:ToN Achievements&Stats.png|Quadro de conquistas e estatísticas do jogador
File:ToN SpectatorScreen.webp|A tela do espectador, acessível no fundo do Tribunal.
File:ToN RedCrystal.webp|Um 'Cristal de Encefalina' Vermelha. Vale cerca de 1-2 Eph.
File:ToN BlueCrystal.webp|Um 'Cristal de Encefalina' Azul. Vale cerca de 3-5 Eph.
File:ToN YellowCrystal.webp|Um 'Cristal de Encefalina' Amarelo. Vale cerca de 17-19 Eph.
File:ToN HeadsUpDisplay.webp|O Display de Alerta, exibindo diversas informações necessárias para a rodada.
 h Simplified Chinese (zh-hans)<gallery widths="260" heights="150">
File:ToN Courtroom.png|被称为审判庭的ToN大厅区域
File:ToN Merchant Shop.png|红商人的商店
File:ToN Index&Settings.png|实体图鉴和设置面板
File:ToN Achievements&Stats.png|成就板和玩家统计
File:ToN SpectatorScreen.webp|监视器屏幕,位于审判庭后部
File:ToN RedCrystal.webp|红色 “脑啡肽晶体”。价值约1-2 Eph
File:ToN BlueCrystal.webp|蓝色 “脑啡肽晶体”。价值约3-5Eph
File:ToN YellowCrystal.webp|黄色 “脑啡肽晶体”。价值约17-19Eph
File:ToN HeadsUpDisplay.webp|HUD,显示本回合所需的各种信息
File:Terrors Tracker.webp|处于空白状态的ToN进程追踪器,访问 [ ToN进程追踪]使用