Community:The Cupboard

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The Cupboard is a PC Only world created by Elsie. A world described to be shaped by "dreams and YTP". It was originally made in 2018 and re-released using SDK 3.0 in 2025.

The world consists of many memes and other humorous aspects. Most notably various parodies of characters from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, specifically William "Will" Smith, and Philip Banks.


The Cupboard

The titular location and spawn of the world, a lodge with many amenities such as a stage, sauna, bedrooms, bar, and hotspring.

There are vents that can be found throughout the building that can act as a method of fast travel within The Cupboard.

Main Floor

The entrance includes a fast-travel map for easy traversal of the map along a list of settings.

The foyer is the main room of the building, from the entrance, the left is Carlton Banks and one of the many lounge areas, to the right is the stage area, and up the stairs leads to the bar and bedrooms. Under the stairs there is a Tom Brady memorial to the 2036 Superbowl LXXX with the subtitle "gone but not forgotten".

Going behind the stairs to the back area leads to another lounge area with a fireplace and a gravestone that says "FESH PINCE 2017-2018". A floating interactable basketball can also be found here, interacting with it will teleport the user to The Court.

The back end of the building leads to a small outdoor hangout area alongside a hotspring and sauna. The Shed can also be found back here.

Second Floor

The second floor consists primarily of the bar, where some food and drink props can be found, along with some kitchen tools. A comically large spoon can be found on the floor behind the counter.

Next to the counter is a small Jukebox with 10 songs to select:

  • Boss Battle (Shut up and Jam Gaiden)
  • Boss Battle (Space Jam Remix)
  • (Slam For) Eternity
  • Eternity (Blue Dragon)
  • Slow Dance in your Cupboard
  • Chronokinetic
  • Read the Stars
  • Nium's Machine
  • The Crawl
  • Jailbird's Lament

In one of the corners, a video player that defaults to a 5 day weather broadcast on "Uncle News 9" can be seen, with everyday being snowy and at 0° or below.

Third Floor

The third floor consists of multiple bedrooms, and Carlton Bank's sandwich. Various cutouts and props can be found on this floor.

There is a ladder in the storage room that leads to the attic.

The Attic

The attic is home to numerous cutouts of various memes.

The Basement

The basement can be found down a set of stairs on the main floor of The Cupboard. There can be found a barracks alongside a chapel dedicated to presumably Carlton Bank's sandwich.

The Jail

U.N.C.L.E. Base

The Shed

The Shed can be found behind The Cupboard, approaching it results in spooky ambience to begin playing, with lights and text flickering. Entering the shed will result in being teleported to the Uncle Uncle Uncle dimension, a long hallway showing the Uncle Uncle Uncle's fall from grace. Upon reaching a certain point in the hallway, the Uncle Uncle Uncle will appear and begin chasing the player. This will cause an artifact to spawn at the beginning of the hallway which can be collected as one of the three artifacts needed to open the portal at spawn.

There is no way to escape Uncle Uncle Uncle, and touching them will result in respawning.

The Court

The Court can be found by interacting with the basket ball found on the main floor of The Cupboard. This will take the player to the B-Ball court where they can throw a basket ball into hoops, triggering the b-ball bossfight.



The Tower

The tower provides an eagle-eye view of the entire map along with multiple fast travel points.







The Tunnels


Double Jump

Users are able to press the jump button again once in the air to preform a double jump. This can be used to reach high places in the world.

The Bestiary

The Bestiary provides extra information regarding entities a user has encountered in the world.

Boss Fights

There are a couple bossfights that can be encountered throughout The Cupboard.




The world The Cupboard takes place in appears to be an alternate universe where memes have become an anomalous force. With an organization known as U.N.C.L.E. tasked with managing them.

The Cupboard itself seems to have been a base of U.N.C.L.E. to study the nearby anomalies. However according to one of the reports that can be found in the basement, everyone has been trapped there due to a strange snow storm affecting the area.


Numerous anomalies can be found across the world, most often in the form of memes from over the years.


  • The world was uploaded originally created November 9th 2018 by Lateo with Elsie as the co-creator, eventually updated to SDK 3.0 and reuploaded onto Elsie's account in 2022, officially released again March 1st 2025.
  • The world's original description was "We dont know how anyone ever gets here - or leaves․"
  • In the basement jail, a suspicious person's log can be found with references to multiple other VRChat users. Most notably a fictionalized version of Tupper who is accused of Kidnapping "Mr 44th". Although the Jailbird Bestiary entry deconfirms this.