Rang de confiance

From VRChat Wiki
Revision as of 17:29, 22 August 2024 by French Fox (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Rangs spéciaux ===")
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Le Rang de Confiance fait partie du Système de Confiance et de Sécurité de VRChat, ayant pour objectif de permettre une expérience de jeu sûre et agréable pour tous. Ce système détermine quand un utilisateur peut mettre en ligne du contenu et évalue son comportement pour calculer sa "Confiance", un amas de plusieurs variables. Le système est ajustable et peut être modifié au besoin.


La confiance d'un utilisateur alimente son Rang de Confiance, un indicateur de son temps passé sur VRChat, du contenu créer, des amitiés formées, et d'autres facteurs.

Les rangs obtenables sont (du plus haut au plus bas):

Visiteur Rang de départ.
Nouvel Utilisateur Peut mettre en ligne des avatars et des mondes. Les mondes restent cependant privés.
Utilisateur Peut mettre en ligne des mondes vers les laboratoires communautaires. La plupart des fonctionnalités deviennent accessible à partir de ce rang.
Utilisateur Fidèle Peut choisir d'apparaître en tant qu'Utilisateur.
Trusted User Peut choisir d'apparaître en tant qu'Utilisateur.

Rangs spéciaux

Friends Users you have friended will have all their avatar features shown in the Normal Shield Level, and you can customize them like any other Trust Rank.
Nuisance Users who have caused problems for others will have an indicator above their nameplate when the Quick Menu is open. Their avatar will be completely blocked, and they will be muted by default, regardless of Shield Level. However, you can still manually unmute them or show their avatar.
VRChat Team Only usable by VRChat Team members. When a member has their "DEV" tag on, their rank will show in the Quick Menu. If you suspect someone is falsely claiming to be a VRChat Team member, select them in the Quick Menu to verify their Trust Rank.

Gaining ranks

The inner workings of the Trust system are intentionally hidden to prevent exploitation.

However, the best way to raise your Trust Rank is to engage in normal activities in VRChat, such as:

  • Exploring
  • Making friends
  • Creating content

Activities that will not raise your Trust Rank include:

  • Standing or idling in a room (AFKing).
  • Uploading a large amount of low-effort content.
  • Mass-friending large numbers of users.

Appearance of ranks inside VRChat


The Safety and Trust system is designed to stay unobtrusive. A user's Trust Rank is visible only when the Quick Menu is open. This setting can be changed under "User Interface" > "Nameplate" or in the radial menu under "Options" > "Nameplates."

  • The text in the top left of the nameplate indicates the user's Trust Rank.
  • The top right of the nameplate displays the user's avatar performance rank.

Rank transition

  • Visitor to New User: Upon reaching the New User rank, users gain the ability to upload content to VRChat if they are using a VRChat account. Users are notified of this transition and directed to the VRChat documentation page for content creation.
  • Notifications: Users receive notifications when they transition Trust Ranks.
  • Rank Display Toggle: Users with the Known User rank or higher can choose to display their rank as "User." This changes their Trust icon and text to the User Rank and alters how the Safety system treats them. The toggle can be found on the profile page below the status and also on the 'Profile Wing' at the very bottom.


Safety and Trust System on docs.vrchat.com