Translations:Community:Terrors of Nowhere/23/en

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Enkephalin Shop
Name Price Shop Description Notes
Radar 20 Eph A useful utility that is able detect threats to the passenger’s life. It will always keep track of the main threats while also alerting the user of anything nearby. When held, the radar will display the distance to the main threat(s). If anything is nearby, it will alert the user. It can reveal killers during certain round types.
Medkit 20 Eph A case that contains multiple medical supplies, gathered from the various locations the Green Bus visited. It’s not much, but it’ll get you through a scuffle. Upon use, heals self and nearby allies for 25% HP. Must recharge after use. Surviving Virus with Medkit grants you Red Medkit. With it, you can fully heal yourself, but not anyone else.
Have's Mysterious Brew 20 Eph A strange beverage brewed by a forest creature. No clue what’s inside of it, but it smells terrible. I’d call you crazy for drinking this, but hey, you do you. Upon use, grants a random status effect. The effect may be good or bad. Effects can include speed, healing, blindness, burning, slowness, teleportation, etc.
Glow Coil 75 Eph This coil provides light for the sinners too scared to be in the dark. I don’t see it used often, but it’ll get you through some of the darkest nights. When held, the player gains 2 points of speed. The coil provides a comforting light that allows you to see better in the dark. it provides decent use against killers with intense darkness or fog effects, such as Miros Birds or Something Wicked. Glow Coil is a major counter against Fog rounds as it reduces the fog effect by half and reveals the killer's name color (but not the name). Surviving Psychosis with the Glow Coil gives you a variant, Psycho Coil. It provides you more speed than Glow Coil and it still negates fog effects, but it doesn't emit any light.
Teleporter 125 Eph A device picked up from one of the many locations the Green Bus has visited. It's nature can make it an unreliable yet very effective escape. On use, teleport to a random location on the map. Has a small delay on use. Must recharge after usage. Possesses three variants all requiring base teleporter to unlock - the Pale Briefcase, acquired from surviving an Alternate, Bloody Teleport from Bloodbath survival and Thorn Hacker from surviving Solstice. Pale Briefcase has longer cooldown but has a better and longer swiftness buff. Bloody Teleport recharges quicker, but drains your HP on use. Thorn Hacker teleports you to the thorn (Terror spawn) instead every single time.
Speed Coil 125 Eph The Speed Coil is a passengers best friend, allowing them to move around much faster. North created these speed coils to be much lighter than their original counterparts. When held, the player gains 3 points of speed; allowing them to outrun Terrors. Surviving Bloodbath with the Speed Coil gives you the Bloody Coil. With it, you temporarily move faster after taking damage.
Regen Coil 125 Eph The Regen Coil provides a source of healing to the wielder whilst also providing a good amount of speed. While slower, passengers who use this coil’s survivability are not to be underestimated. When held, the player gains 2 points of speed. When held, HP regeneration is 4x faster.
Metal Bat 200 Eph This bat is a weapon for those who are brave enough to challenge the Terrors. Internal electronics help it damage Terrors. It may not work against stronger or incorporeal Terrors. On use, swing and stun a killer. Stun effect varies greatly between killers. Successful stuns result in yellow particles. Failed stuns result in red particles. Must recharge after use. Allows the user to Stun particular Terrors. Grants a short moment of i-frames when swung, boosts your speed for a short time after a successful hit, and takes around 15 seconds to recharge. Charge time increases with more players in the instance. Possesses four variations, in the form of the Bloodstained Bat (from Bloodbath survival), Metal Pipe (from Alternate survival), Justitia (from Midnight survival) and Colorable Bat (from Cracked survival). To get the variants, one must use the base bat, Colorable Bat or Rubber Mallet. Bloody Bat provides a faster recharge the less HP you have. However, its initial cooldown is longer. Metal Pipe has slightly longer cooldown but it has the ability to hit multiple Terrors at once. Justitia works similarly to Bloody Bat but additionally swings three times in one animation. Colorable Bat works exactly like the base bat, but as the name suggests, you can color it at the shop!
Silver Kat Charm 200 Eph Magic charm said to be created by a witch who wanted nothing more than to remove humanity. The charm was created to protect herself and those she loved. It will probably protect you too. On use, become protected and gain 2 speed. Being hit while protected will knock you back. The effect lasts 6 seconds. The charm will need to recharge after use. Recharges in 30 seconds.
Chaos Coil 200 Eph The Chaos Coil is distorted with otherworldly energy, unable to stay in one place for too long. The coil, while providing a massive boost of speed, is very unstable and is not reliable. When held, the player gains 4 points of speed. When moving, the coil may sometimes break for 2-7 seconds and repair itself after 3 seconds. Surviving Apocalypse Bird with the Chaos Coil gives you Twilight Coil. With it, you go faster than with Chaos Coil, but it breaks more often.
Glass Coil 250 Eph A powerful coil made of glass. While it is stronger than most coils, it is easily shattered. I made this as a gift, but I would rather not say for who. When held, the player gains 3.5 points of speed. Any damage taken will break the coil. The coil will repair itself after 60 seconds of no damage.
Corkscrew Coil 250 Eph The Corkscrew Coil is the ultimate Fight or Flight utility; granting both speed and defense at the same time. It must recharge between uses however, so use with caution. When held, grants 1 point of speed. On use, gain 4 points of speed for 3 seconds. Coil is able to stun killers during this time. Must recharge after. Takes around 30 seconds to recharge. Grants short i-frames on use.
Antique Revolver 250 Eph An old worn revolver. It looks like it could break apart at any moment. Its cylinder is only capable of holding a single bullet, and getting the bullet in is very difficult. Just one will do. On use, fire the revolver and stun Terrors from a distance. Stun effect varies greatly between killers. The bullet can pierce through multiple Terrors. Must recharge for 30 seconds after use. Possesses a Pale variant by surviving Alternative round with the gun. Shooting and hitting with the Pale Pistol gives a temporary speed buff, but it has a longer cooldown.