Debug Menu

The Debug Menu consists of multiple menus and consoles which are windows within the VRChat client that display various pools of data, and are used for troubleshooting. There are different debugging windows for Worlds, Avatars, and even OSC.
Avatar Debug Console
The Avatar Debug Console displays information about your current avatar's animator, and other settings. This console can be found in the Action Menu in Options > Avatar > Debug
. To scroll up and down you can press Page Up
, and Page Down
on desktop.
- Left column: Lists the avatars parameters.
- Parameter: Name of the parameter.
- Type: What variable type the parameter is. Available types are Bool, Float, and Int.
- Value: Their current value.
- Center column: Contains 3 sections.
- Tracking control: Shows if the parts of the avatars body has IK enabled or disabled.
- Name: Name of the avatars body part.
- Value: What type of tracking its using. Either tracking the Ik, or an animation.
- Animation Controllers: Shows the current weight of the avatars Playable Layers.
- Miscellaneous:
- Tracking control: Shows if the parts of the avatars body has IK enabled or disabled.
- Right column: Lists all the layers for each Playable Layer and their current weight and state.
Avatar Dynamics Overlay
These options allow you to visualize Avatar Dynamics features like PhysBones, and Contacts. These options can be found in the Action Menu in Options > Avatar > Avatar Overlay
- None: Turns off all the Overlays.
- PhysBones Proximity: Visualizes PhysBones near your hands.
- PhysBones: Visualizes PhysBones on all avatars.
- Contacts: Shows all contacts on avatar and their current contact state.
See also, VRChat Learning Channel's Avatar Dynamics Debugging Overlay Demonstration on YouTube.
OSC Debug Console
Displays incoming OSC messages to VRChat, and their values. The OSC console can be found in the Action Menu in Options > OSC > OSC Debug
. To scroll up and down, you can press Page Up
, and Page Down
on desktop, or use the scroll bar in VR mode. See also VRChat's OSC Debugging page.
World Debug Console
This console is used to debug your worlds in-game.
- In order to access, you must add the launch parameter
. - Press
Right Shift + Tilde (~) + 1-9
with the number corresponding to the menu number you want.
More information can be accessed at World Debug View on
Debug Menu 1
Debug Menu 1 displays information about your connection to the VRChat API.
Debug Menu 2
Debug Menu 2 displays information about the build of VRChat you are using, also shows your frames per second (FPS).
Debug Menu 3
Debug Menu 3 displays your output log. Hold Tab
to activate the mouse cursor so you can use the buttons at the top as well as scroll the log output.
For additional information, you can use two launch parameters, if you're using VRChat on Steam or SteamVR:
Debug Menu 4
Debug Menu 4 displays stats about players.
- M: Whether or not the player is the master of the instance
- L: Whether or not the player is the local player
- VR: Whether or not the player is in VR
- Group: The current group that the player is in. Grouping in this context is an internal networking system used to combine multiple objects together by distance so that their data can be sent together.
- Ping: The player's ping
- Intrvl: The amount of time between the player sending synced data about themselves.
- D: The current delay.
Debug Menu 5
Debug Menu 5 displays graphs related to networking.

Debug Menu 6 & 7
Debug Menu 6 displays all networked objects in the world. Showing networking stats of that object.
Debug Menu 7 displays the same information as Debug Menu 6, but sorts the objects from highest networking impact to least.
- Name: GameObjects name.
- Owner: The PlayerID of the owner of the object.
- Group: The current group that this object is in. Grouping in this context is an internal networking system used to combine multiple objects together by distance so that their data can be sent together.
- Sleeping: Whether or not the object is sleeping. Only objects with VRCObjectSync can sleep. Sleeping causes the object to stop transmitting data.
- Delay: The current delay of this object between the owner and the viewer.
- Size: The current number of bytes per serialization of this object. Every time it needs to sync, it will send this many bytes.
- Bps: A rough approximation of how many bytes per second this object is using up.
- Since Last: A running counter of how long it has been since the last time this object has sent data.
- Interval: A rough approximation of how many times this object tries to sync per second.
Debug Menu 8
Debug Menu 8 displays a panel on top of every synced object in the world. Each panel displays stats about that object.
- P: Ping of the owner
- Q: Quality of the data (100% is no dropped packets)
- O: PlayerID of the owner of the object
- G: The current group that this object is in. Grouping in this context is an internal networking system used to combine multiple objects together by distance so that their data can be sent together.
- Held: Whether or not this object is held, if it is a pickup
- Status: Displays various things about what this object is doing, such as
Should Sleep
, orDiscontinuity
Debug Menu 9
Debug Menu 9 displays a panel near players to display their networking stats.
Official Resources
World Debug View page in the VRChat Documentation
- OSC Debugging page in the VRChat Documentation