
From VRChat Wiki
V · EThis is an official VRChat information page!
It is written and maintained by Wiki Maintainers and VRChat Staff.

Platforms are the different systems on which VRChat can run. While users can join the same instance and see and interact with each other regardless of platform, the content within VRChat such as avatars and worlds must be built specific for each platform.

Supported platforms

The following platforms are supported by VRChat.

  • Windows
    • PCVR
    • Desktop
  • Android
    • Meta Quest*
    • Pico
    • HTC Vive
    • Android Phone/Tablet
  • iOS (Beta)†
    • iPhone/iPad

*Oculus Quest 1 devices were previously supported VRChat on standalone mode, but was later deprecated. Any Quest 1 device can still access VRChat, if linked to SteamVR.

†While iOS is technically supported for creating content, the client is not yet publicly available. It is currently being tested in an invite only closed beta.

Platform specific content

While users can connect with each other regardless of platform, not all content is available to every platform. A user on Quest for example might encounter a user on PCVR wearing an avatar built for PCVR only. When this occurs, the Quest user will either see an impostor of the PCVR user's avatar, or else they might see their fallback. If neither of these are set, then the PCVR user will appear as the default Robot avatar. This applies in reverse as well is the Quest user is in an avatar not built for PCVR.

Worlds built for different platforms are handled somewhat differently. Unlike avatars, there are no imposter or fallback worlds, meaning users on different platforms can only join the same world if it is built for each platform. This applies to portals, joining a world directly, and joining a world off of a friend or invitation.

Creators can upload their content to different platforms through Unity with the VRChat SDK, though this often requires some changes to be made in order to meet different performance or compatibility requirements for each platform.

Official resources