Spookality 2023

From VRChat Wiki

For the latest Spookality, see Spookality 2024.

Jam Submissions

Avatars Collapse
Page Avatar Name Link Author
1 Occult Priest VRChat Avatar [1] HTDuy
Spooky - Spookality 2023 VRChat Avatar [2] GabSith
Hypaepa [Remastered] VRChat Avatar [3] -Darian-
The Bubble Blower VRChat Avatar [4] Kibah
Growsferatu VRChat Avatar [5] MR_em
Nebula VRChat Avatar [6] Rekat_16
Dr Tox VRChat Avatar [7] Clan-Universe
Grimgor‚ the Bone Theif VRChat Avatar [8] Katten?
Mushroom woman Jane VRChat Avatar [9] zombies_in_soup
Bob_IRL Skeleton Flowerbed VRChat Avatar [10] Bob_irl
Vamp Kid VRChat Avatar [11] Raujinn
Tails Dolly VRChat Avatar [12] Estefanoida
Alioth HalloweenVer․ VRChat Avatar [13] はにょえ
Chef Lucy VRChat Avatar [14] NuclearBoi_
SpookyBun_v1․1 VRChat Avatar [15] illmatix
2 Ghost doll VRChat Avatar [16] Murdoll
Ghost VRRat VRChat Avatar [17] Ghost
VRCat Animatronic VRChat Avatar [18] Slorg
Edible Gummy Girl VRChat Avatar [19] Keako
Jack Gourdley VRChat Avatar [20] Daemongrave
Shadowling VRChat Avatar [21] Yacare
BonySwolbold VRChat Avatar [22] Bearyl
Boo Bot VRChat Avatar [23] Codeadvanced
Spooki Boi VRChat Avatar [24] literalist
JackO VRChat Avatar [25] Cramble
Spoopy Ghost Sheet VRChat Avatar [26] Yash
Ghost Rabbit VRChat Avatar [27] BEBE CARROT
Abyssal Carcasse VRChat Avatar [28] Sillurgy
AW-000 VRChat Avatar [29] FrostyFiend
Lil' Plague Guy VRChat Avatar [30] Eisslivar
GamiChan VRChat Avatar [31] もちもちむー
Skull'la VRChat Avatar [32] Carbonexx
3 Kuraim VRChat Avatar [33] TrixxedHeart
Zzubb VRChat Avatar [34] Floober
The Warg VRChat Avatar [35] LiLLOAFE
Mel VRChat Avatar [36] Dräk
Pumpkin Bot VRChat Avatar [37] Yernemm
Smol Zombie Girl VRChat Avatar [38] SilverCherry
UFOcto Witch VRChat Avatar [39] Snapdragons
The Haunted Grimoire VRChat Avatar [40] ~Murdoc~
Pun-pkin Catǃ VRChat Avatar [41] Bunny Hearted
False Rabbit VRChat Avatar [42] Cherryvania
Combat Service Unit Theta-9-23 VRChat Avatar [43] Januzuzu
Emo Witch Amanda VRChat Avatar [44] Tzelek
Scarecrowǃ VRChat Avatar [45] Aporthailis
Kunekune VRChat Avatar [46] siofrain
Mr Sir Clothworth VRChat Avatar [47] KawaiiFira
Dr Whaddastein's Gigantasized Insect-Manǃ VRChat Avatar [48] Whaddageek
4 Mummy Marina VRChat Avatar [49] Pholothe1
ClayFox VRChat Avatar [50] JuicyJames111
Cute Halloween Devil VRChat Avatar [51] wordweaver1001
Blood Demon VRChat Avatar [52] SmittenKitten․
Hollowzear VRChat Avatar [53] Abiboi
kikyoNui_#Spookality2023 VRChat Avatar [54] okame_3tubu
VoidWorm VRChat Avatar [55] KazzyTheSpaz
Plushkin VRChat Avatar [56] ChiliCharm
Pumpkin Spirit VRChat Avatar [57] BionicKota
PartySkellie VRChat Avatar [58] Källy -_-
Draugr VRChat Avatar [59] Leucius
The Cursed Mannequin VRChat Avatar [60] Rynhardt
Itzamara‚ the Star Witch VRChat Avatar [61] Shiftle
Ushimitu VRChat Avatar [62] すずまる
Bat VRChat Avatar [63] TheRPGslayer
Poppet Pete VRChat Avatar [64] WarrenW3
5 ljhasfd VRChat Avatar [65] komoron
The Crooked Pale Kita'vali VRChat Avatar [66] Jaco[PHL]
Mothman VRChat Avatar [67] arttimo
Mimic Mushroom VRChat Avatar [68] MariSoul57
flow being (audiolink) VRChat Avatar [69] Teh_Bucket
Spoopy Critterǃ VRChat Avatar [70] fluffy ΘωΘ
Goofy Ghost VRChat Avatar [71] EpicHero4
Steve by Skulli VRChat Avatar [72] zSkulli
Halloween MOOT VRChat Avatar [73] [MOOT]
Scary Worlds Collapse
World Name Link Author
F․E․A․R․S VRChat World [74] ItsCripsy
Hotel․ Now hiring VRChat World [75] TheLeastMost
MKRS VRChat World [76] PseudoFossil
Zombie Survival VRChat World [77] Τeal
Rooms of Realities | A walk around the Asylum VRChat World [78] BаnаnаBreаd
The Gates of Hell VRChat World [79] MomoTheMonster
VRtebrae [Quest Edition] VRChat World [80] Air In
Tenebrous II (Legacy) VRChat World [81] Salena
bone game VRChat World [82] Cornfather
Derelict Opus VRChat World [83] Anonine
Nightmare of Alice VRChat World [84] deko_ai
Backspace VRChat World [85] You are amazing
Tub VRChat World [86] BLG18
Aether's Maw‚ The Leviathans Trail | v1․3․5 VRChat World [87] AltCentauri
The Taco Room VRChat World [88] EchoLoveVR
Demon-Date-Meǃ VRChat World [89] -Merkin-
Path of the Accursed VRChat World [90] akalink
Static Two - The End VRChat World [91] RacBones
Art Heist VRChat World [92] CodaRobo
We're On Observation Duty VRChat World [93] Mega G Wolf
Mayfly VRChat World [94] FlowersRite花之祭P
Whisper VRChat World [95] Colourfall
PC ROOM VRChat World [96] Satoshi Minai
Subterranean Flood System VRChat World [97] Cekay
The Grinning Nightmare VRChat World [98] _Melly_
カラダ探しテ ~Looking for a Bodyテ~ [Horror] VRChat World [99] mockyun
Spooky Trails - Hay Ride VRChat World [100] plague810
The Unicorn Glade VRChat World [101] Keef dd7a
RG Solutions Datacenter VRChat World [102] DarkSwordsman
Spectral Base (Previewǃ) VRChat World [103] Softb0ii
Invasion Horror 家宅侵入 VRChat World [104] Sayo Hiraoka
SCP˸CB VR - Horror Experience VRChat World [105] NanoBunTV
Demonhour[v0․9․2]WIP VRChat World [106] Kitsunaki
The Fog VRChat World [107] Cheemis
Welcome Home˸ A Mind's Descent - Demo VRChat World [108] RoboCap
Halloween Visitor VRChat World [109] ShirakoTakamoto
Seringway VRChat World [110] Juntarhenogu
Scary Stories to Tell VRChat World [111] GreykennyWolfz
Curriculum VRChat World [112] Auzlex
The Plague Doctor's Haunt VRChat World [113] OkashiKami
Please Hold․․․ VRChat World [114] Ms_Malvolio
tangle VRChat World [115] Arzolath
Rocket Sweeper VRChat World [116] へむへむ
A VR Horror Short ˸ Spider Veins VRChat World [117] rollthered
Computer Horror VRChat World [118] Akalexy
Hide And Shriek VRChat World [119] Superfriend
Monsoon VRChat World [120] Table․
Forbidden Maze VRChat World [121] Domulus
Anima Paradisus VRChat World [122] Shopow
The Horror Comics Shop VRChat World [123] Aemeth
Halloween Midnight Horror VRChat World [124] darksister
House in the Woods (demo) VRChat World [125] Yernemm
Keep Running (Game) VRChat World [126] Junii23
VRC OF THE DEAD˸SURVIVE VRChat World [127] えしりあ
House of Dargon˸ The Haunting VRChat World [128] Dargön
Hangout Worlds Collapse
World Name Link Author
Masquerade˸ Dark Skylines - Chalice Hill VRChat World [129] dorktoast
Area of the Dead VRChat World [130] Sly Boots
Halloween BUNNIES VRChat World [131] BEBE CARROT
A Normal Home VRChat World [132] zSkull162
KEIDORO VRChat World [133] K1911jp_けーいち
TUBE x Trans Academy x SlimeVR VRChat World [134] Hadean
Zom-BIT VRChat World [135] doodledrop
Pepiement VRChat World [136] puri_san
Waking the Fallen VRChat World [137] Auinakai
Umbra VRChat World [138] ViceFox
Voxel Spook - 2024 Updateǃ VRChat World [139] Bloomin'
Dollhouse Mystery VRChat World [140] Kitana_mk
Halloween party night VRChat World [141] Katanaku_JP_EN
Vincent Mystery Mansion VRChat World [142] Marino
Halloween Hideout VRChat World [143] wordweaver1001
The witch hut VRChat World [144] blubari
Spirit O'Pumpkin VRChat World [145] Nuoance
Whispers in the dark VRChat World [146] CHIP-2X4
The Pumpkin Cabin VRChat World [147] Lucifer MStar
Self Checkout Machine OF HORRORǃ VRChat World [148] Pikapetey
Cryptid Hunting Cabin VRChat World [149] Arbiter_King500
CHESED's SPOOKY HALLOWEEN TOWN-ケセドのハロウィンタウン- VRChat World [150] ケセドCHESED
VRChat Halloween Hangout 2022 VRChat World [151] Fooni
Truth or Dare VRChat World [152] stasok
Tethered Tunnel from "Us"(Classroom Update) VRChat World [153] Basemisl
Phantom Switch VRChat World [154] オノッチ|沙影
Cariñosas Spanish Club VRChat World [155] Creator'sHeaven
Sea Escape VRChat World [156] -NightSky-
The Spooktacular Halloween Adventure 2023 VRChat World [157] zandyxr
DSVR Halloween House VRChat World [158] The Leviathan44
Ghost Town VRChat World [159] pandaaxolotl
Little Magic VRChat World [160] Tippin
Club Penguin VRChat World [161] Timingplanet_
Dagon VRChat World [162] Ymmotehl
Four Sisters Lakehouse VRChat World [163] Seiya Ryuuguuin
Carnival of Souls VRChat World [164] cthulahoop
Helloween Lights VRChat World [165] Cat1559
Stabby Cinema VRChat World [166] MissStabby
Size Shibuya VRChat World [167] Terranek
Spanish Garden VRChat World [168] mrivanovichh