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Show new changes starting from 02:44, 5 December 2024
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5 December 2024

     01:20  Developer Update‎‎ 2 changes history +3,797 [DAG-XR‎ (2×)]
01:20 (cur | prev) +82 DAG-XR talk contribs (Left note on June updatefor missing patchnotes) Tag: Visual edit
00:30 (cur | prev) +3,715 DAG-XR talk contribs (April to August 2023 documented.)
     00:39  Menus/de diffhist −90 Takì talk contribs (Aktualisierung veraltete Übersetzung)
N    00:31  2FA diffhist +45 DAG-XR talk contribs (Created redirect.) Tag: New redirect
     00:23  Groups/de diffhist −40 Takì talk contribs Tag: Manual revert
     00:21  Template:MainPageUpdates/de‎‎ 3 changes history +34 [Takì‎ (3×)]
00:21 (cur | prev) +5 Takì talk contribs ((en) tag added)
00:21 (cur | prev) +25 Takì talk contribs (Created page with "Bezüglich Udon2, Soba und warum wir die Richtung geändert haben (en)")
00:19 (cur | prev) +4 Takì talk contribs (Created page with "Altersverifizierungs-FAQ")
 m   00:17  Removed Features diffhist +195 DAG-XR talk contribs (Provided release date, and patchnotes for Guided Mode.) Tag: Visual edit: Switched

4 December 2024

     23:50 Move log Tony Lewis talk contribs moved page Sai to Sai
N    23:49  Sai diffhist +13 Sai talk contribs (Created page with "Helo i'm Sai.") Tag: Visual edit
     22:48  Template:MainPageInfopush/Item diffhist +65 Arie² talk contribs
N    22:47  Template:MainPageInfopush/Excluded items/ips 954c2ef7-9c90-43de-8914-ca069e381bb1 diffhist 0 Arie² talk contribs (Created blank page)
     22:39  VRCWiki:Team/de diffhist −40 Takì talk contribs
     22:38  (Page translation log) [Arie²‎; Tony Lewis‎ (12×)]
22:38 Arie² talk contribs marked VRCWiki:Team for translation ‎
19:22 Tony Lewis talk contribs marked Community:The Black Cat for translation ‎
19:22 Tony Lewis talk contribs limited languages for translatable page Community:The Black Cat to English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese ‎
19:21 Tony Lewis talk contribs marked Community:Rexouium for translation ‎
19:21 Tony Lewis talk contribs limited languages for translatable page Community:Rexouium to English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese ‎
19:21 Tony Lewis talk contribs marked Community:Jetski Rush for translation ‎
19:21 Tony Lewis talk contribs limited languages for translatable page Community:Jetski Rush to English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese ‎
19:20 Tony Lewis talk contribs marked VRChat Home for translation ‎
19:20 Tony Lewis talk contribs limited languages for translatable page VRChat Home to English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese ‎
19:19 Tony Lewis talk contribs marked Controls for translation ‎
19:19 Tony Lewis talk contribs limited languages for translatable page Controls to English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese ‎
19:18 Tony Lewis talk contribs marked Action Menu for translation ‎
19:18 Tony Lewis talk contribs limited languages for translatable page Action Menu to English, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, German, Russian and Simplified Chinese ‎
     22:34  VRCWiki:Team diffhist 0 ʙɪɢ․ talk contribs (fixed list of organizers)
     22:10  (Interwiki table log) [TrixxedHeart‎ (9×)]
22:10 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "ja.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Japanese interlinking)
22:09 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "zh.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Chinese)
22:08 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "ru.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Russian wikipedia)
22:06 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "pt.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Portuguese)
22:06 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "pl.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎
22:05 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "it.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Allows for Italian wikipedia interlinking)
22:04 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "de.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Allows for German wikipedia interlinking)
22:02 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "es.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Allows interlinks from Spanish wikipedia)
21:59 TrixxedHeart talk contribs added prefix "fr.wikipedia" ($1) (trans: 0; local: 0) to the interwiki table ‎(Testing for allowing language interlinks)
     19:15  Community:Rexouium diffhist +399 Tony Lewis talk contribs (Prepared the page for translation)
     19:15  Community:The Black Cat diffhist +303 Tony Lewis talk contribs (Prepared the page for translation)
     19:14  Community:Jetski Rush diffhist +1,435 Tony Lewis talk contribs (Prepared the page for translation)
     19:14  Action Menu diffhist +355 Tony Lewis talk contribs (Prepared the page for translation)
     19:13  VRChat Home diffhist +86 Tony Lewis talk contribs (Prepared the page for translation)
     19:13  Controls diffhist +65 Tony Lewis talk contribs (Prepared the page for translation)
 m   13:52  VRChat SDK diffhist +24 Tony Lewis talk contribs (Replace with template)
     13:52  Community:Terrors of Nowhere/fr‎‎ 2 changes history −214 [Nekosan‎ (2×)]
13:52 (cur | prev) −161 Nekosan talk contribs
13:48 (cur | prev) −53 Nekosan talk contribs
     13:47  Community:LGBTQ culture in VRChat/fr‎‎ 4 changes history +106 [Nekosan‎ (4×)]
13:47 (cur | prev) −64 Nekosan talk contribs (Created page with "*[ Identity, Gender, and VRChat (Why is everyone in VR an anime girl?)] publié par Straszfilms, le 3 février 2021. *[ Why are there SO many Trans people in VRChat? Gender, Identity, and Self Discovery.] publié par The Virtual Reality Show (PHIA), le 11 avril 2023. *[ Wearing Fe...")
13:45 (cur | prev) +125 Nekosan talk contribs (Created page with "===Le genre et l'effet Proteus=== L'effet Proteus décrit la façon dont les utilisateurs s'identifient et s'imprègnent de l'apparence de leurs avatars, ce qui entraîne souvent des changements dans leur comportement et leur perception d'eux-mêmes dans le monde virtuel. Ce phénomène permet aux individus d'explorer et d'exprimer leur identité de genre d'une manière qui ne serait pas possible ou confortable d...")
13:43 (cur | prev) +6 Nekosan talk contribs (Created page with "S'engager avec des avatars de sexe différent peut modifier les perceptions de l'esthétique et des préférences au fil du temps. Explorer le genre dans VRChat est une expérience courante, qui permet aux individus de s'exprimer librement dans un environnement sûr et favorable. Cela favorise une compréhension fluide du genre qui contraste avec les notions plus cisnormatives souvent observées dans la vie réelle, permettant aux utilisateur...")
13:42 (cur | prev) +39 Nekosan talk contribs (Created page with "Certains utilisateurs ne s'identifient pas nécessairement au sexe que présente leur avatar. Par exemple, certains hommes cisgenres peuvent choisir des avatars féminins simplement pour leur attrait esthétique ou la variété des vêtements, accessoires et caractéristiques disponibles. À l'inverse, les femmes transgenres peuvent préférer les avatars féminins pour des raisons de confort ou pour s'aligner plus étroitement sur leur identité. File:2024 03 31 Trans...")