Groups/fr: Difference between revisions

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(Updating to match new version of source page)
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As mentioned, any user can manually obscure of any public group from displaying on their profile via Visibility settings.
As mentioned, any user can manually obscure of any public group from displaying on their profile via Visibility settings.
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
===Group banner===
A banner can be uploaded by using the options on the website. The image that is uploaded is not showing entirely above those who represent it only a part of it shows. When the menu is opened up it will show a larger part of the banner.

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<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Step 1: Click '''Groups''' on the left sidebar of the website.
* Step 1: Click '''Groups''' on the left sidebar of the website.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Step 2: Click on a group that you can manage or change permissions for.
* Step 2: Click on a group that you can manage or change permissions for.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Step 3: There are different tabs a group manager can access, such as Overview, Posts, etc. Click on the tab titled '''Settings'''.
* Step 3: There are different tabs a group manager can access, such as Overview, Posts, etc. Click on the tab titled '''Settings'''.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Step 4: Click on '''Roles''', below that tab.
* Step 4: Click on '''Roles''', below that tab.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
Step 5: Click on the role that you wish to edit permissions for, and click '''Permissions''' with the lock icon.
* Step 5: Click on the role that you wish to edit permissions for, and click '''Permissions''' with the lock icon.

Revision as of 15:55, 14 October 2024

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Official render of the "Groups" logo.

Groups is a social feature aimed towards forming and maintaining communities within VRChat. The purpose of creating a group allows other users to join them, typically to assimilate an audience such as a fanbase or culture, and optionally, to host and participate in events within group instances. Members of a group may choose to represent it, showcasing the group's banner on their nameplate and profile. The Groups feature was officially released on November 30th, 2022.

Rejoindre un groupe

To join a group, you must first navigate to a group's page. Users can be in up to 100 different groups at a time, or up to 200 with an active VRChat+ subscription. To join a group, you can either find one through the Search tab or Group tab in the Main Menu. It's also possible to join a group by browsing another user's list of groups they are representing on their profile, or by clicking on specific promotional posters located in worlds. Once you are in a group, you are able to join any active group instances via the Instances tab on the group's page, or the Group Activity row in the Social tab.


La représentation d'un groupe permet d'afficher le nom et la bannière du groupe sur la nameplate et le profil de l'utilisateur. Un utilisateur peut représenter un groupe en se rendant sur la page du groupe dans le menu principal et en cliquant sur le bouton "Represent Group", situé dans le coin supérieur droit. Un seul groupe peut être représenté à la fois.

Membership visibility

A member of a group may choose to obscure affiliation from displaying on their profile in the list of joined groups. However, a user will still be able to see if you're in the group under the following conditions:

  • They mutually share the group with you.
  • The user has the "View All Members" permission.
Group visibility options

Vous pouvez cacher la visibilité en allant dans l'onglet Groupe dans VRChat, en sélectionnant le groupe, et en cliquant sur l'icône en forme de roue dentée en haut à droite du menu. Ceci ouvrira un sous-menu Group Settings, dans lequel vous pouvez changer la visibilité à volonté.

Il est également possible de modifier la visibilité à partir du site web de VRChat en allant sur l'onglet Groupe dans la barre latérale, en sélectionnant le groupe, en cliquant sur "Settings", puis en choisissant l'option Visibility qui vous convient le mieux en dessous de "My Membership".

Visible Le groupe est affiché sur votre profil pour tout le monde.
Friends Only Le groupe n'est affiché sur votre profil que pour vos amis.
Hidden Le groupe est masqué de votre profil.

Creating a group

To create a group, a user must first have an active VRChat+ subscription. Maintaining the VRChat+ subscription is not necessary for retaining group ownership. An active VRChat+ subscription is required to change icons, banners and edit the group's gallery using the VRChat+ Gallery, as well as transferring ownership of the group to another user. Currently, creating a group must be done via the Official VRChat source VRChat website. A user can own a maximum of 5 groups, of which a maximum of 100,000 members can join each group.

Joinability and visibility

When creating a group, an onboarding process presents the creator with a few privacy options. The joinability of a group determines any given user's ability to join the group. This setting can be changed later.

Free Join Anyone can join the group freely.
Request to Join New members must request to join the group.
Invite-Only Those with the right permissions may invite new members to the group.

The visibility of a group determines whether or not the group can be represented or displayed on a member's profile. This setting cannot be changed later.

Public Members can choose to advertise the group on their profile.
Private The group cannot be advertised or displayed by members.

As mentioned, any user can manually obscure of any public group from displaying on their profile via Visibility settings.

Group banner

A banner can be uploaded by using the options on the website. The image that is uploaded is not showing entirely above those who represent it only a part of it shows. When the menu is opened up it will show a larger part of the banner.

Group roles and permissions

Viewing your roles

While it is not currently possible to select or change roles within the VRChat client, you can view all current roles applied to your account by opening the Main Menu, and clicking on the Group tab, click on a group that you wish to view your roles for. There is a 'cog' icon towards the top right of the menu, which expands a rightwards Group Settings submenu. The very top of the submenu will let you browse the roles currently applied.

Default roles

Role overview

Groups have three different tiers for roles: Management Roles, Member Roles, and Default Role. Automatically, groups will have three roles when the group is created: Everyone, which is listed under 'Default Role', Member, which is listed under 'Member Role', and Group Owner, which is listed under 'Management Role'. The role names for 'Group Owner' and 'Member' can be changed, but 'Everyone' cannot be changed or deleted.

Group Owner permissions cannot be changed or deleted in any way, since by default, they should always have all permissions. The Group owner, however, can be transferred to another willing group member as long as both parties are subscribed to VRChat+. This should be deliberated heavily before transfer, since all transfers are final. Read more about Group Transferring below.

Creating roles

Roles can be added, renamed, or deleted at any time by a group's management. Each role can be given a description, and a custom set of permissions. Permissions are either toggled on, or off for a group. Roles can optionally be set to be Assigned On Join, be Self Assignable, or Require 2FA. Self Assignable roles are optional, and users can sign into the VRChat website to apply roles to themselves, if available. However, users on platform accounts, such as Steam or Meta accounts, are unable to log in and do so, since logging into their account on the VRChat website requires the creation of a VRChat account. Group management can manually apply roles to any user at will.

Function Description
Assign On Join If enabled, new members will be assigned this role when they join the group. This will not affect existing members.
Self Assignable Allows members of the group to assign this role to themselves.
Require 2FA Requires members to have 2FA before permissions apply.
Some of the available permissions that may be assigned, as seen in the Group Management Options

Assigning permissions

To assign permissions for a role, a group manager must sign in on the VRChat website, and navigate to the Permissions tab.

  • Step 1: Click Groups on the left sidebar of the website.
  • Step 2: Click on a group that you can manage or change permissions for.
  • Step 3: There are different tabs a group manager can access, such as Overview, Posts, etc. Click on the tab titled Settings.
  • Step 4: Click on Roles, below that tab.
  • Step 5: Click on the role that you wish to edit permissions for, and click Permissions with the lock icon.

Étape 6 : Appliquez les autorisations indiquées ci-dessous, faites défiler la page jusqu'en bas et cliquez sur Save.

Permission Function
Manage Group Member Data Permet au rôle d'afficher, de filtrer par rôle et de trier tous les membres et de modifier les données les concernant.
Manage Group Data Permet au rôle de modifier les détails du groupe (nom, description, joinState, etc.).
View Audit log Permet au rôle d'afficher les logs complet du groupe.
Manage Group Roles Permet de créer, de modifier et de supprimer des rôles.
Manage Group Default Role Permet au rôle de gérer les autorisations pour le rôle par défaut (le rôle Everyone). Nécessite “Manage Group Roles”.
Assign Group Roles Permet au rôle d'attribuer ou de désattribuer des rôles aux utilisateurs. Nécessite “Manage Group Member Data”.
Manage Group Ban Permet au rôle de bannir/dé-bannir des utilisateurs et d'afficher tous les utilisateurs bannis. Nécessite “Manage Group Member Data”.
Remove Group members Permet au rôle de retirer quelqu'un du groupe. Nécessite “Manage Group Member Data”.
View All Members Permet au rôle d'afficher tous les membres d'un groupe, et pas seulement les amis.
Manage Group Announcement Permet au rôle de définir/effacer une annonce de groupe et de l'envoyer en tant que notification.
Manage Group Galleries Permet au rôle de créer, réorganiser, modifier et supprimer des galeries de groupe. Il peut toujours soumettre des images aux galeries et les approuver.
Manage Group Invites Permet au rôle de créer/annuler des invitations, ainsi que d'accepter/décliner/bloquer des demandes pour rejoindre le groupe.
Moderate Group Instance Permet au rôle de modérer au sein d'une instance de groupe.
Manage Group Instances Permet au rôle de fermer une instance de groupe.
Group Instance Queue Priority Donne la priorité aux rôles pour les files d'attente des instances de groupe.
Create Group Public Instances Permet au rôle de créer des instances de groupe ouvertes à tous, membres ou non. REMARQUE : les groupes privés ne peuvent pas créer d'instances publiques.
Create Group+ Instances Permet de créer des instances de groupe auxquelles les amis des personnes présentes peuvent également se joindre.
Create Members-Only Group Instances Permet au rôle de créer des instances réservées aux membres.
Role-Restrict Members-Only Instances Permet au rôle d'ajouter/supprimer/modifier les restrictions de rôle sur les instances réservées aux membres. Nécessite “Create Members-Only Group Instances”.
Portal to Group+ Instances Permet au rôle d'ouvrir des portails verrouillés vers les instances Group+. Les membres, les amis des personnes présentes et les amis de l'auteur du portail peuvent y accéder à moins qu'ils ne soient bannis par le groupe.
Unlocked Portal to Group+ Instances Permet au rôle d'ouvrir des portails déverrouillés vers les instances Group+. Tout le monde peut y entrer, sauf les personnes bannies par le groupe. Nécessite “Portal to Group+ Instances”.
Join Group Instances Permet au rôle de rejoindre les instances du groupe.

Group instances

The owner of a group, and those with the correct permissions may create group instances. There are three types of group instances.

Group Only members of a group (or certain roles within the group if specified) can join the instance.
Group+ Any friend of a user in the instance can join. Group membership is not required to join the instance.
Group Public A publicly listed instance hosted by a group to which anyone can join. Group membership is not required to join the instance.

Group instances are often moderated by the group hosting the instance. The group's owner and those given moderation permissions through their role may warn, mute, kick or ban a user within the instance. Banning a user from a group permanently prevents them from joining any Instances made by the group, as well as joining the group itself.

Group instance queues

Group Instances are also great for managing events with a high amount of people. For that situation, the VRChat Group Queues option will setup a waiting queue to process joining requests when the instance max capacity is reached. When you join the queue for an instance, you will be placed in and will receive a invite request when a slot becomes available. Once the request is received on your side, you have one minute to join the instance before your slot is given to the next person.

Transferring a group

As of March 27, 2024[1], owners of groups could choose to transfer the ownership of a group to another willing group member as long as both parties are subscribed to VRChat+, and have available space. This should be taken under consideration, as all transfers are final.

You can transfer your group ownership to another member of the group; the target member and the group must meet the requirements below.

  • The target member has verified their email address (check the Email section via account settings)
  • The target member has an active VRC+ subscription
  • The target member can still own more groups (each user can own up to 5 groups)
  • The group is not monetized

Official resources

Reference list