Main Menu

The Main Menu accesses a more verbose array of features and settings within VRChat. Double-clicking the tabs on the Quick Menu, or clicking the expansion button on the Quick Menu will open the Main Menu.
There are currently thirteen different pages for the Main Menu. Six menus accessed from the header at the top, and seven accessed from the tabs at the bottom. You can also open or close the Wings on either side for more information at a glance.
The header, located at the top of the menu, consists of more user-tailored pages and elements, such as notifications, search, Safety, and VRC Credits.
See also User Profiles for more detailed information.
Introduced in the Identity Update, user profiles are a personalized space where information is displayed about a user. Information on a user's profile includes: status, trust rank, bio, their current instance (if applicable), languages they speak, social links, badges they own, and the groups they're in.
The clock displays the user's current time by default, with settings to change the hour mode, timezone and more. The clock settings are located in the Quick Menu.
The search page can aide finding for content or users. By entering a prompt into the search bar, you can find Worlds, Avatar Worlds, Users, and Groups, or all of the above. Clicking on the search tab will also offer suggestions and topics on what you can search for. These suggestions can also be shuffled to find more topics.
An overview of any of all notifications that you have received. There are also sorted tabs specifically for Friend Requests, Invite, Invite Requests, Replies for invites sent out, Group notifications, and "Other" such as system notifications, VRC+ gifts received, or pending vote-kicks in your instance.
Edit Messages
There is also a tab for "Edit Messages" where you can customize your list of replies to invites, whether someone wants to join you, or if someone invites you to their instance.
See also Safety for more detailed information.
The Safety page will control your Safety 'shield levels', and features four main buttons with presets for Safety: Maximum, Normal, None, and Custom.
Maximum, Normal, and None presets are fixed, and cannot be changed. These presets will toggle the surrounding users visuals and audio to instantaneously adjust performance, or assist with personal safety. The visuals and audio being adjusted include toggling Voices, Avatars, User Icons & Emojis, Audio, Lights & Particles, Shaders, Custom Animations, and Animated Emoji.
Clicking the "Safe Mode" button on the Quick Menu, or inputting the button combination for Safe Mode will change your shield level to Maximum. Undoing Safe Mode will revert the shield back to its prior setting. Choosing a Custom Safety shield will allow you to toggle the visuals and audio on a per-rank basis.
Help & Info
The Help & Info page provides guides and articles in reading format and video format for users who are not yet familiar with VRChat. This tab also provides relevant VRChat news and events, similarly to the Launch Pad banner.
See also Settings for more detailed information.
The Settings page displays a wide range of preferences to customize your experience, and has more advanced options than the Quick Menu settings. The top left of the Settings menu allows buttons for Logout, to go back to the log-in screen, and Exit VRChat, which closes the application.
Settings for categories such as Audio & Voice, Comfort & Safety, Graphics, Avatars, Mirrors, User Interface, Controls, Tracking & IK, Accessibility, and Debugging can be accessed here. Specific settings can also be searched using the search button at the top right.
VRChat Credits
See also Creator Economy for more detailed information.
The VRChat Credits (also referred to as VRC Credits), element shows the user's current VRChat Credits balance at a glance. Selecting it opens up the Marketplace page. The amount of VRC Credits can be hidden, by activating Streamer Mode.
The tabs located at the bottom of the menu, consist of more frequently visited pages, such as Worlds, Avatars, and Social.
Launch Pad
The Launch Pad on the Main Menu contains the Launch Pad banner from the Quick Menu, and an overview of the amount of friends who are online, any pending invites and friend requests in your notifications. There are also lists for "Recently Visited Online Friends", "Recently Visited Worlds", "Recently Updated Favorite Worlds", "Recently Updated Favorite Avatars", as well as a list of users who are not yet on your friend list that you may have recently interacted with.
The report button allows users to report a user, avatar, world, or group.
See also Worlds for more detailed information.
On the World tab, you can browse different worlds to visit, and get more information and statistics. Each world has a World page. On a World page, you can select from the following:
- Find and join available instances
- Create an new instance
- Drop a portal to another instance, if available
- Choose to "pre-load" the world
- Favorite or unfavorite the world to and from your lists
- Set it as your Home world (if the world is public, and out of Community Labs)
- View on the VRChat website.
Double-clicking the Here tab from the Quick Menu will open up the World tab on the Main Menu, and redirected to the World page of the instance you are present in.
There may be a biography for the world, known as "About This World", and also "Details". Additionally, a world page shows statistics for the world, including the following:
- Amount of visits the world has received
- Amount of Favorites the world has received
- The world's publish date
- Date of the last time the world was updated
- The download size of the world for your platform
- How many friends, or people are in private or public instances
- Browse whether or not the instance requires age verification.
Also on the World page, a world may have "tags" to search for the world, or find similar worlds, the world author's profile, and more worlds created by the same author, if applicable.
To search for more worlds on the World tab, there are different lists on the left side, including a drop-down menu for My Worlds, which includes worlds you uploaded, worlds Recently Visited, Updated Favorites, as well as your Favorites list. You can rename your Favorites list to have different names. Below the My Worlds dropdown, are different world rows such as: VRCat's Variety Box, Popular, and Games. Limited time world rows may pop-up during special collaborations or events.
When opening the World tab, VRCat's Variety Box is open by default. It shows one world from each of the above list. You can also "shuffle" the list to get different recommendations. On other lists on the World Tab, you can change the grid type from 4x4 to 4x10, which reduces the thumbnail size for faster searching.
See also Avatars for more detailed information.
The Avatar tab is the place to browse and change avatars in your collection. There are tabs of lists on the left side of the menu that sorts and categorizes your avatars:
The Recently Used row will display the last twenty five avatars you used. You can access your uploaded avatars in the Uploaded tab if you are using a VRChat account, and have at least one avatar added to your account through Unity and the VRChat SDK. Every user has one Favorite row by default, storing up to 50 avatars to save and change into again; VRC+ subscribers have a total of six Favorite lists, equaling to a total of 300 favorite avatars. Each list can be re-named to help with organization.
The tab for Fallback avatars contain two lists: one list of any Fallback-compatible avatars you have uploaded via the SDK, and a second list of Public avatars to serve as your Fallback avatar. The Other avatars row will show any avatars that you've uploaded to your account if it was uploaded as a local 'test'. Local test avatars cannot be seen by other users. Any avatars uploaded to your account via third-party methods, such as Tafi, or Ready Player Me will appear in the Other tab. Public avatars are optimized starter avatars, curated by VRChat. They can be worn as your primary avatar, or as a Fallback. Legacy avatars is an expanded list of optimized curated avatars that were originally uploaded using older versions of the VRChat SDK.
You can sort your avatars in grids of either 3x9 in a compact view, or 3x4 in the default view. Avatar lists can also be sorted by date added, date uploaded, alphanumerically, or most recently used in that list. The avatar menu will give you a local preview of the selected avatar, and you will be able to change into the avatar, favorite or unfavorite the avatar, or view avatar stats.
Viewing avatar stats will give an overview of the selected avatar. It shows the uploader, date uploaded, description of the avatar, if applicable, and then statistics. Statistics include download size, texture memory, bounds, and the count of polygons, meshes, materials, bones and Physbones, contacts, animators, lights, particles, trail renders, cloth meshes, colliders, rigidbodies, audio sources (if on PC or Steam Deck), and constraints.
See also Social for more detailed information.
The Social tab includes access to the instances of Friends and Groups, as well as the profiles of other users. The left side of the Social Menu includes lists for the following:
- Friend Locations
- Group Activity
- Online Friends
- In Instance
- Favorite Friends Lists
- Offline Friends
- Blocked users
Friend Locations
Friend Locations include a list of friends who are available on "Online" (green) status, or "Join Me" (blue) statuses, and are present in an accessible world such as Public, Friends+, Friends, Group Public, Group+ instances.
Group Activity
Group Activity includes a list of available Group instances, for Groups that you have joined. If you have the ability to begin a Group, Group+, and Group Public instance, it will appear on the Group Activity tab for users in that group.
Online Friends show the entire list of your friends who are currently online, including Friends on "Ask Me" (orange) or "Do Not Disturb" (red) statuses.
In Instance displays each user who is currently present in the instance you are in; users who have blocked, and sharing the instance with you may not appear on this tab, unless you are a host. The "Here" tab on the Quick Menu functions the same as this row.
Favorite Friends lists are three rows of friends who you have chosen to 'Favorite'. It can be placed in one of the three rows. Each list can be re-named to help with organization.
Offline Friends are a list of your friends who are not logged into VRChat. Blocked users are other users who you decided to block. They can be clicked upon in this tab, and unblocked if desired.
Clicking on a user in the Social tab will open their profile, similar to the Profile Tab, except there are options to do the following actions:
- Gift VRChat+,
- Favorite or Unfavorite them
- Friend or Unfriend
- Moderating the user
- Muting
- Blocking
- Reporting them
- Warn them, if given access
- Voting to kick
- Instantly kick them, if given access
- Add Note
- Invite to Group
- View On Website
- View Avatar Details.
See also Groups for more detailed information.
The Groups tab includes a list of all groups that you've joined. You can also use this tab to join or search new groups, and look for Group instance using the Group Activity row.
You can choose to "Represent" the group which will display the Group banner on your nameplate, if allowed. "Stop Representing" will remove the banner from your nameplate. The settings gear at the top right of a group profile will display your roles, sort the group in your group list, subscribe or unsubscribe from Group announcements, report the group, change your 'visibility' from Public to Friends Only or Private, or simply leave the group.
Clicking on a group in the list will open a group profile, which includes five tabs:
The Posts tab shows any announcements or MOTDs the group has posted, along with a timestamp of the announcement.
The Instances tab shows a list of all available instances that the group is hosting. This can also be accessed via the Group Activity tab, on the Social menu.
The Store tab allows you to browse products the group may offer, in exchange for VRC Credits. Some perks may be a one-time fee, or a subscription. When purchasing, you can choose to apply a recurring monthly subscription for a fixed amount of months. Subscriptions and Credits can be managed from the Marketplace tab of the Main Menu. Groups will have this tab if it's enrolled in the Creator Economy program.
The Gallery tab displays images that users have uploaded to the group's gallery via the VRChat website; this typically requires administrative permission, and a VRC+ subscription to include pictures.
The Group Info tab displays the name, shortcode, banner and icon, amount of group members, URLs, as well as rules and a description of the group.
See also VRC+ for more detailed information.
In the VRC+ tab, you can manage your subscription to VRC+. VRC+ can be purchased for $9.99 USD for one month, or $99.99 USD for one calendar year.
Subscribers can verify their age, manage their personal gallery - for profile pictures and icons, groups banners, custom emojis, and invite photos. VRC+ also users change the Background and UI theme for their menus. Users can create and maintain five groups, which are permanent even if the subscription lapses.
Subscribers will gain access to three hundred Favorite Avatar slots. A one-time Trust Rank boost will be applied to your account, and a "Supporter" badge will be applied to your profile, as long as you are subscribed. Other perks are also present.
See also Creator Economy for more detailed information.
The Marketplace tab allows for the acquisition and exchange of VRChat Credits. The Spotlight section of the Marketplace tab allows users to explore Groups and Worlds that have kiosks to exchange products for Credits. The Purchases section allows for the management of your credits, including a purchase history.
Wings are expandable and customizable widget menus that appear on each side of the Main Menu and Quick Menu, offering an easier way to instantly access the preferences to your favorite VRChat content.
Option | Tooltip | Function |
Profile | View your user details | Includes name, profille banner and icon, as well as tabs for nameplate status, current avatar, current world, amount of friends online, and Trust rank appearance. |
Friends | View your online friends | Shows the available users on your friend list who are online. You can sort alphabetically, by availability, by location, or only show favorited friends. |
Groups | View your groups | Allows you to choose a group, and shows you any active instances. |
Avatars | View your avatars | Displays a condensed grid of avatars you've favorited or have recently worn. |
Worlds | Browse Worlds | Shows recently visited worlds, worlds uploaded by you, or the lists of your favorite worlds. |
Emoji | Express yourself with Emojis | Choose an emoji to show to other users. VRC+ users an use custom emojis! |
Stickers | Express yourself with Stickers | Choose a sticker to place in worlds. VRC+ exclusive feature. |
Expressions | Make your avatar wave, dance, and more | Utilize custom animations, props, or other features equipped to your current avatar. See also Expressions |
Explore | Discover things to do in VRChat | Read VRChat tutorials from the Help and Info menu! |