
From VRChat Wiki
Revision as of 14:58, 15 January 2025 by in801fo (talk | contribs)

(Questa pagina descrive i vari ruoli e responsabilitià annesse, per gli utenti della Wiki. Per ruoli inerenti ai Gruppi, dai un'occhiata a Ruoli e permessi gruppo.)

Ci sono vari ruoli che si occupano della supervisione e produzione della Wiki di VRChat. Questo articolo descrive tutti i ruoli, le loro responsabilità, requisiti e aspettative.

Permessi utente

Ci sono ruoli speciali per gli scrittori che vengono assegnati tramite decisione unanime dal team della Wiki di VRChat; sono inclusi i ruoli: utente automoderato e revisionatore.

Utenti automoderati

Gli utenti automoderati sono utenti che hanno mostrato costanza nei loro contributi alla Wiki di VRChat. È valutata l'affidabilità tramite l'adempimento alla scrittura seguendo le guide e norme. A questi utenti è approvata automaticamente ogni loro modifica nello spazio dei nomi: "Ufficiale", ossia le pagine che contengono informazioni ufficiali di VRChat. Infine, gli utenti automoderati, non hanno accesso alle funzioni di moderazioni, o ulteriori responsabilità verso la Wiki.


Per risultare qualificati per diventare un utente auto moderato, bisogna esser stati utenti della Wiki per almeno una settimana, con diversi contributi significativi e nessuna infrazione maggiore. Un manutentore può assegnare questo ruolo se gli altri manutentore non hanno obiezioni.

Responsabilità e aspettative

Come tutti gli altri utenti, gli utenti auto moderati devono continuare a seguire le norme della Wiki di VRChat. Contiene violazioni di queste o non curanza verso la Guida allo Stile può risultare in una temporanea revoca dei permessi.


I revisionatori sono utenti in cui è riposta particolare fiducia nel lavoro di traduzione degli articoli in lingue diverse dall'Inglese, e può aiutare altri scrittori a localizzare l'articolo nella loro lingua.


Il ruolo revisionatore è assegnato a coloro che hanno già in precendenza ricevuto tale ruolo nel server discord Comunità di Localizzazione di VRChat, per Crowdin. Nuovi revisionatori verranno aggiunti in base alla costanza e alla qualità delle modifiche per la/e lingua/e che conoscono.

Responsibilities and expectations

Like all users, proofreaders should continue to follow all VRCWiki policies. Translations should be accurate and based on the English version of the article, while continuing to follow the Manual of Style. When an article or page is marked ready for translation, a proofreader will then be able to make a full translation of the assigned pages.

Se una pagina non è stata segnata per la traduzione, quello a cui debbono dedicarsi è a migliorare l'articolo in Inglese.

VRChat Wiki team

The VRChat Wiki team are volunteers, who are assigned by the VRChat Wiki administrators (VRChat developers) to proactively assist in the oversight and upkeep of the VRChat Wiki.


Maintainers have a high degree of expectation and responsibility with overseeing the VRChat Wiki, and being part of the VRChat Wiki team.


Maintainers may nominate users for the role of Maintainer. The nominee must demonstrate a consistent and active investment in the VRChat Wiki, both in direct contributions on pages, as well as in discussions on Talk pages or community forums, and be present in the VRChat Wiki Discord server, to collaborate with the rest of the VRCWiki team.

They must exemplify dedication to all policies, demonstrate trustworthiness, and have no major infractions or substantial objections from the current VRChat Wiki team. VRChat Wiki administrators have veto power for approval of a new Maintainer.

Responsibilities and expectations

Maintainers are able to add, edit, and delete in almost all content spaces, and protect pages. Users with this role can approve, reject, or modify edits by users requiring moderation intervention. Maintainers help to resolve minor disputes between users on Talk pages, as well as being able to roll back or revert edits made by a user.

In addition, maintainers can moderate users for misconduct. They are also involved in the decision-making process for determining VRChat Wiki policies, and nominating persons for automoderated user, proofreader, and maintainer roles.

Maintainers should remain reasonably active on the Wiki, both in contributions and moderation responsibilities. Users in this role are expected to attend and contribute to as many meetings as possible. Abuse of privileges, or refusal to abide by established guidelines and policies, are grounds for removal from the VRChat Wiki team, and finalized by the Wiki administrators.

As a volunteer position, there's no explicit minimums or quotas given, but after general inactivity or unannounced absence for a period approximately two months or longer, the maintainer may be approached by an organizer to see if they're still interested in upholding the role. If not, or if there's no response, or no change is seen over the following two weeks, they may be removed from the position. Former maintainers who request to return after a prolonged period of voluntary or involuntary activity may return to their role, unless there's a major substantial objection taken into consideration, or if a Wiki Administrator vetoes.


Organizers are maintainers who display high levels of experience with MediaWiki policies and its environment, and have been trusted for a higher degree of responsibility and expectation, but otherwise have equal leverage in decision-making.


Candidates should have demonstrated a consistent degree of active involvement and investment in discussions regarding the VRChat Wiki, and policies. They should not have any major infractions, and no major substantial objections from anyone on the VRChat Wiki team. Wiki Administrators may veto their promotion. There should be typically three active users with the Organizer role at a time, to balance effectiveness with the position. When there's vacancy or inactivity, any new organizers should be chosen by unanimous consensus of the maintainers on the VRChat Wiki team, as well as the other organizers.

Responsibilities and expectations

Users with this role, act as liaisons between the VRChat Wiki team (volunteers), and Wiki administration. Organizers are responsible for creating, attending, and keeping up with meetings and discussions, as well as intervening and resolving any disputes within the VRChat Wiki team environment; help to manage the VRChat Wiki team by checking in with inactive Maintainers, or sanction them for policy violations, and to perform the administrative functions entrusted to them.

Organizers should be reasonably active in Wiki contributions, discussions to attend, oversee, guide meetings. They should be diligent to resolve disputes, and to communicate between the VRChat Wiki team, and Wiki administration when necessary.

As a volunteer position, there are no explicit minimums, but given their unique role and responsibilities, should generally be more involved than the already reasonable expectations assigned for maintainers. Abuse of privileges, or refusal to abide by established guidelines and policies, are grounds for removal from the VRChat Wiki team, and finalized by the Wiki administrators.

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