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"群组"的 logo。

群组是一种社交功能,目的是在 VRChat 中形成和维护社区。创建群组的目的是让其他用户加入群组,通常是粉丝群体或各种文化群体的聚集地,也可选择在群组房间中主办和参与活动。群组的成员可以选择展示该群组,在他们的铭牌和个人资料上展示群组的旗帜。群组功能于2022年11月10日正式发布。


要加入一个群组,你必须首先打开群组页面。用户最多可以加入 100 个不同的群组,如果订阅了活跃的VRChat+,则最多可以加入 200 个群组。要加入一个群组,可以通过主菜单中的“搜索”选项卡或“群组”选项卡查找。也可以通过浏览其他用户在其个人档案中的群组列表,或点击位于世界中的特定宣传海报来加入群组。加入群组后,您可以通过群组页面上的房间选项卡或社交选项卡中的群组活动选项卡加入任何活跃的群组房间。





  • 他们与你在同一个群组中。
  • 用户拥有“查看所有成员”权限。

你可以通过进入 VRChat 客户端中的群组选项卡,选择群组并点击菜单右上角的齿轮图标来变更群组可见性。这将打开一个群组设置子菜单,你可以随意的更改可见性。

也可以从 VRChat 网站上变更可见性,方法是进入侧边栏的“群组”选项卡,选择群组,点击“Settings”,然后在“My Membership”下方选择你想要的的Visibility设置。

Visible 该群组会显示在你的个人资料中,所有人可见。
Friends Only 该群组会显示在你的个人资料中,但仅好友可见。
Hidden 该群组不会显示在你的个人资料中。


要创建群组,用户必须首先拥有一个活跃的 VRChat+ 订阅。保持 VRChat+ 订阅并不是保留组所有权的必要条件。但如果要使用 VRChat+ 图库更改图标、横幅和编辑群组图库,以及将群组所有权转让给其他用户,则需要活跃的 VRChat+ 订阅。目前,创建群组必须通过 Official VRChat source VRChat 网站。一个用户最多可拥有 5 个群组,每个群组最多可有 100,000 名成员加入。



Free Join 任何人都可以随意加入群组。
Request to Join 新成员必须通过申请才可加入群组。
Invite-Only 只有拥有权限的人才可邀请新成员加入群组。


Public 群组成员可以选择将群组展示在他们的个人资料页面。
Private 该群组不可以被展示在成员的个人资料页面上。






虽然目前无法在 VRChat 客户端中选择或更改权限组,但你可以打开主菜单,点击“群组”选项卡,然后点击希望查看权限组的群组,即可查看当前你的账户的所有权限组。菜单右上方有一个“齿轮”图标,它会向右展开一个群组设置子菜单。子菜单的最上方可以查看当前拥有的权限组。



群组有三种不同的权限组:管理员成员默认权限组。创建群组时,群组会自动创建三种权限组:Everyone(属于默认权限组)、Member(属于成员)和Group Owner(属于管理员)。“Group Owner”和“Member”的权限组名称可以更改,但“Everyone”不能更改或删除。

群组所有者权限不能以任何方式更改或删除,因为默认情况下,群组所有者应始终拥有所有权限。但是,只要双方都订阅了 VRChat+,群组所有者就可以将群组转让给另一个群成员。转让群组前应慎重考虑,因为所有转让都是无法撤销的。请阅读下文以获取有关群组转让的更多信息。


管理员可以随时添加、重命名或删除权限组。每个权限组都可以有一个简介和一组自定义权限。权限组可以被设置为加入时分配可自行分配需要 2FA 。可自行分配的权限组是可选的。用户可以登录 VRChat 网站为自己授予权限组。但是,使用设备账户(如 Steam 或 Meta 账户)的用户无法登录并进行此操作,因为在 VRChat 网站登录其账户前需要先创建 VRChat 账户。群组管理员可以为任意用户手动授予权限组。

Function Description
Assign On Join 如果开启,则新成员在加入群组时将被自动分配到这个权限组
Self Assignable 可由群组管理员自由授予成员。
Require 2FA 需要成员的账户启用 2FA 后才可授予。


要为某个权限组分配权限,群组管理员必须登录 VRChat 网站,并导航至“Permissions”选项卡。

  • 第1步:点击网站左侧边栏的 Groups 选项卡。
  • 第2步:点击选择一个你拥有管理权限的群组。
  • Step 3: There are different tabs a group manager can access, such as Overview, Posts, etc. Click on the tab titled Settings.
  • Step 4: Click on Roles, below that tab.
  • Step 5: Click on the role that you wish to edit permissions for, and click Permissions with the lock icon.
  • Step 6: Apply the permissions found below, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click Save.
Permission Function
Manage Group Member Data Allows role to view, filter by role, and sort all members and edit data about them.
Manage Group Data Allows role to edit group details (name, description, joinState, etc).
View Audit log Allows role to view the full group audit log.
Manage Group Roles Allows role to create roles, modify roles, and delete roles.
Manage Group Default Role Allows role to manage the permissions for the default role (aka Everyone role). Requires “Manage Group Roles”.
Assign Group Roles Allows role to assign/unassign roles to users. Requires “Manage Group Member Data”.
Manage Group Ban Allows role to ban/unban users and view all banned users. Requires “Manage Group Member Data”.
Remove Group members Allows role to remove someone from the group. Requires “Manage Group Member Data”.
View All Members Allows role to view all members in a group, not just friends.
Manage Group Announcement Allows role to set/clear group announcement and send it as a notification.
Manage Group Galleries Allows role to create, reorder, edit, and delete group galleries. Can always submit to galleries, and can approve images.
Manage Group Invites Allows role to create/cancel invites, as well as accept/decline/block join requests.
Moderate Group Instance Allows role to moderate within a group instance.
Manage Group Instances Allows role to close an group instance.
Group Instance Queue Priority Gives role priority for group instance queues.
Create Group Public Instances Allows role to create group instances that are open to all, member or not. NOTE: Private groups cannot create public instances.
Create Group+ Instances Allows role to create group instances that friends of people present can also join.
Create Members-Only Group Instances Allows role to create members-only instances.
Role-Restrict Members-Only Instances Allows role to add/remove/modify role restrictions on members-only instances. Requires “Create Members-Only Group Instances”.
Portal to Group+ Instances Allows role to open locked portals to Group+ instances. Members, friends of people there, and friends of the portal dropper may enter unless group-banned.
Unlocked Portal to Group+ Instances Allows role to open unlocked portals to Group+ instances. Everyone except group-banned people may enter. Requires “Portal to Group+ Instances”.
Join Group Instances Allows role to join group instances.

Group instances

The owner of a group, and those with the correct permissions may create group instances. There are three types of group instances.

Group Only members of a group (or certain roles within the group if specified) can join the instance.
Group+ Any friend of a user in the instance can join. Group membership is not required to join the instance.
Group Public A publicly listed instance hosted by a group to which anyone can join. Group membership is not required to join the instance.

Group instances are often moderated by the group hosting the instance. The group's owner and those given moderation permissions through their role may warn, mute, kick or ban a user within the instance. Banning a user from a group permanently prevents them from joining any Instances made by the group, as well as joining the group itself.

Group instance queues

Group Instances are also great for managing events with a high amount of people. For that situation, the VRChat Group Queues option will setup a waiting queue to process joining requests when the instance max capacity is reached. When you join the queue for an instance, you will be placed in and will receive a invite request when a slot becomes available. Once the request is received on your side, you have one minute to join the instance before your slot is given to the next person.

Transferring a group

As of March 27, 2024[1], owners of groups could choose to transfer the ownership of a group to another willing group member as long as both parties are subscribed to VRChat+, and have available space. This should be taken under consideration, as all transfers are final.

You can transfer your group ownership to another member of the group; the target member and the group must meet the requirements below.

  • The target member has verified their email address (check the Email section via account settings)
  • The target member has an active VRC+ subscription
  • The target member can still own more groups (each user can own up to 5 groups)
  • The group is not monetized

Official resources

Reference list