Discord servers

From VRChat Wiki
Revision as of 13:49, 15 August 2024 by Patroll (talk | contribs) (Minor fixes)


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VRChat utilizes multiple Discord guilds to organize and manage different groups of VRChat users. The primary Discord servers include:

  • VRChat: Main Discord, around ~400,000 users.
  • VRChat Localization: Dedicated to translating VRChat, around ~4,000 users.
  • VRChat Wiki: Dedicated to maintaining VRChat wiki, around ~150 users.
  • VRChat Testing Discords: These servers are used for testing purposes. They are available by invite only.


VRChat servers have roles setup for members and staff.

Role Servers Color Employed by VRChat? Description
VRChat Team all yellow Yes Responsible for the Discord server. Listed at the top of the user list.
VRC Team all yellow Yes General Employee at VRChat Inc.
Chat Mod VRChat - No A trusted community member given the ability to help moderate the server.
Active Chat Mod VRChat purple No A chat mod who is actively moderating.
Proofreader VRChat Localization purple No Responsible for approving and moderating translations on the VRChat Crowdin.
Organizer VRChat Wiki blue No
Maintainer VRChat Wiki blue No