Discord servers

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VRChat utilizes multiple Discord servers to organize and manage different groups of VRChat users.

Public servers

VRChat utilizes three public Discord servers for anyone within good standing to access. The user count has been updated as of November 21, 2024.



Created on July 20, 2017. This server is the primary server for VRChat and its community, with approximately ~310,000 users. It can be accessed at https://discord.gg/vrchat.

List of channels


rules, announcements, server-status, community-servers, discord-tickets


user-support (forum), ai-support (forum), vrchat-general-1, vrchat-general-2, general-media, vrchat-pictures, vrchat-fan-art, vrchat-videos, other-games, starboard, sticker-emoji-share (forum)

Android Mobile

android-info, android-general, android-dev

iOS Closed Beta

ios-closed-beta-info, ios-closed-beta-discussion

Oculus Quest

quest-general, quest-development, quest-optimization


avatar-search (forum), avatar-discussion (forum), avatar-development-links, avatar-general, avatar-help, avatar-quest, avatar-optimization, avatar-dynamics, avatar-osc, avatar-showcase, avatar-rigging

Worlds & Udon

world-development, world-quest, world-lighting, world-optimization, world-ui-design, udon-persistence, udon-info, udon-general, udon-showoff, udon-networking


creator-companion, 3d-modeling, animation, shaders, development-advanced, feature-requests, vrchat-jams

Open Beta

open-beta-info, open-beta-announcements, open-beta-discussion, open-beta-off-topic


full-body-tracking, 3d-printing, ik-2

VRChat Localization

VRChat Localization

Created on April 19, 2023. This server is for localizers to translate VRChat for international languages, with approximately ~4,000 users. It can be accessed at https://discord.gg/T6ztSjHYCn.

List of channels


rules-and-faq, announcements


general, off-topic, english-discussions, suggest-languages, questions, suggest-languages-archived

Brazilian Portuguese

br-pt-guidelines, br-pt-general, br-pt-discussions

Chinese, Simplified

cn-si-guidelines, cn-si-general, cn-si-discussions

Chinese Traditional

cn-tr-guidelines, cn-tr-general, cn-tr-discussions


french-guidelines, french-general, french-discussions


german-guidelines, german-general, german-discussions


hebrew-guidelines, hebrew-general, hebrew-discussions


indonesian-guidelines, indonesian-general, indonesian-discussions


italian-guidelines, italian-general, italian-discussions


japanese-guidelines, japanese-general, japanese-discussions


korean-guidelines, korean-general, korean-discussions


polish-guidelines, polish-general, polish-discussions


russian-guidelines, russian-general, russian-discussions


spanish-guidelines, spanish-general, spanish-discussions

toki pona

toki-pona-guidelines, toki-pona-general, toki-pona-discussions

VRChat Wiki

VRChat Wiki

Created on May 28, 2024. This server is dedicated to maintaining and organizing VRChat Wiki, with approximately ~260 users. It can be accessed at https://wiki.vrchat.com/discord.

List of channels


announcements, rules, roles, resources, wiki-feed


newcomers, introductions, general, collab (voice)


discussions (forum), official-wiki (forum), community-wiki (forum), lang-discussion (forum), tech-changes (forum), wiki-theme (forum)

Private servers

There are few official VRChat Discord servers that are private, and available by invite only. The invites to these servers are handed out to people enrolled in obscure VRChat programs, typically for closed testing or moderation.

VRChat General Testing

Also referred to as "Green", VRChat General Testing is a private server dedicated to communication for various types of closed beta tests. These tests sometimes reach Open Beta, but usually involve VRChat SDK updates, and planned upcoming features.

VRChat General Testing

VRChat Creator Economy Sellers

This server serves as where creators selected for the Creator Economy program are able to communicate with VRChat regarding the Creator Economy, and vice-versa.

VRChat Creator Economy Sellers

VRChat Community Leaders

This server operates as a centeralized place for community leaders to work together, share information between peers, report bugs and maintain a connection with the VRChats community lead to help focus user feedback.

The server was founded on the 4th of September 2024

VRChat Community Leaders

Roles and responsibilities

For further information about roles on the VRChat Wiki, please also see VRCWiki:Roles

VRChat's servers have roles set up for members and staff:

Staff roles and responsiblities
Role Servers Color Employed by VRChat? Description
VRChat Team All Yellow Yes Responsible for the Discord server. Listed at the top of the user list.
VRC Team All Yellow Yes General employee at VRChat, Inc.
Chat Mod VRChat White No A trusted community member given the ability to help moderate the server.
Active Chat Mod VRChat Purple No A chat moderator who is actively moderating.
Proofreader VRChat Localization Purple No Responsible for approving and moderating translations on the VRChat Crowdin.
Organizer VRChat Wiki Cyan No Organizers are VRChat Wiki maintainers who have demonstrated their knowledge about technical aspects regarding MediaWiki systems.
Maintainer VRChat Wiki Blue No Manages and approves edits, and file uploads for the VRChat Wiki, and its Discord.