
From VRChat Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Action Menu and the translation is 35% complete.
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Eine Abbildung des Aktionsmenüs

Das Aktionsmenü ist die Hauptmethode, um auf Steuerungen für deinen Avatar und verschiedene andere Schnellzugriffsfunktionen zuzugreifen. Bei der Verwendung eines Avatars 3.0 können diese Steuerungen vollständig angepasst werden und verschiedene Typen umfassen. Dieses Menü ermöglicht es dir, verschiedene Parameter zu steuern, die deinem Avatar mitteilen, wie er basierend auf der Konfiguration deiner Animator-Komponenten reagieren soll.

Du kannst das Aktionsmenü bis zu 2 Mal gleichzeitig öffnen, um deine Erfahrung flexibler anzupassen.*

Öffnen des Aktionsmenüs

Je nach Steuerungsart lässt sich das Aktionsmenü anders öffnen.

  • Tastatur/Maus: Drücke R zum Öffnen.
  • VR-Controller: Halte den Knopf gedrückt, der dein Schnellmenü öffnet. Je nach Hand, mit der du das Aktionsmenü öffnest, öffnet sich entweder das linke oder rechte.
  • Controller: Drücke den rechten Analogstick zum Öffnen.
  • Mobil: Halte den Menüknopf gedrückt.

*The Keyboard/Mouse, Gamepad, and Mobile control types only opens one action menu (left), using both action menus is not possible using these control types.


When first opening the Action Menu it is separated into 4 sections: Expressions, Emojis, Tools, and Options.


See also Expressions for more detailed information.

This menu is used to change different features on your avatar, each avatar's expression menu is different.

Quick Actions

Quick Actions is a menu under the Expression menu that lets you control various parts of your avatar, the options in this menu are:

  • Avatar Height: changes the height of your avatar between 0.20M - 5.00M
  • Reset Height: Sets the height of your avatar back to the default set in Unity.
  • Release Poses: Resets poses for Physbones
  • Reset Avatar: Resets all parts of your avatar, including Physbones and saved toggles
  • Legacy Fingers: Avatars fingers will be animated by SteamVR skeletal data if Disabled

Emojis & Sticker

See also Emojis for more detailed information.

The emoji & stickers sub-menu is for emojis; which appear in the surrounding air, or stickers; which you can place within the world you are in.


The tools sub-menu is the home of commonly used features, these tools include:


The options sub-menu hosts a plethora of options consisting of Action Menu, nameplates, avatar options and more.

Using the Action Menu

Example of the action menu in use

Selection Methods

You can toggle on and off section methods by opening up your Action Menu > Options > Action Menu > Flick Select.

Flick Select

In Flick mode, push the joystick in the direction of the pie slice you want to trigger. Pushing part way shows an indicator of the selection. Pushing all the way triggers the selection.

Pick Select

Pick mode involves pushing the joystick towards the pie slice and confirming the selection with the trigger on the controller (or mouse click on Desktop).

Closing and Saving

To close the Action or Expression Menu or any of their folders, choose the Back option at the top of the radial menu. Doing the inverse of opening the action menu will close the menu but remember your place. Reverse this process to return to where you left off.

