Avatar Dynamics

From VRChat Wiki

Avatar Dynamics (Introduced on 21. April 2022[1]) is enabling real-time avatar physics and interactivity on both PC and Quest. It replaces Dynamic Bones with more efficient PhysBones, allowing users to grab, move, and manipulate avatar parts (e.g., hair, ears) across different platforms.


See also Physbones for more detailed information.

Physbones are components that allow avatars to display additional motion beyond the normal skeletal movements.


See also Contacts for more detailed information.

Contacts are a system that allows avatars to detect collisions with itself or other avatars. These collisions can then be used to drive the animation controller and perform all sorts of fun effects.


Vrrat posed-right.png
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The Avatar Dynamics permission system gives you complete control over who can interact with your avatar and how:

Global Permissions

Choose “Everyone,” “Friends,” or “Nobody” as a default setting for all users.

Per-User Overrides

Individually grant or deny avatar interaction permissions for specific users.

Quick Toggle/Panic Mode

Instantly pause all interactions (regardless of any other settings) with one button press in the Quick Menu.
