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RESONARK is a series of cross-platform VRChat game Worlds created by septem47, the first being published on May 8th, 2020. This rhythm game features mechanics similar to SEGA's arcade rhythm game series MaiMai and あおお/A-ZERO's iOS rhythm game series WAVEAT[1]. RESONARK also features notable artists from these games, as well as artists from BMS, beatmaniaIIDX, DanceDanceRevolution and many more.


The basic mechanics of RESONARK centre around stereoscopics and gameplay similar to MaiMai but in a 3D space. RESONARK's playfield features six lanes distributed on a hexagon called the "Instrument". The goal is to hit approaching diamond notes when they make contact with the points on the Instrument. Players can earn more points and score higher grades based on how accurately they hit the notes according to the rhythm of the current song. The PCVR version of RESONARK features a camera system to display and record stylized gameplay, keeping track of play performance on screen as an overlay that overrides the desktop display. Starting from RESONARK 3: FEST and beyond, some charts will cause the Instrument to rotate, which can add visual complexity to the gameplay.

Note Types

The following controls are explained for VR, while Desktop Mode controls can be found at the bottom of this section.

Note Name Icon Description Demonstration
Point PointNote.png This is the standard tap note, represented as a pink diamond. Players only need to tap the note on the corresponding lane with their hands and do not need to physically press any buttons. This input method mostly applies to all other notes other than Clap Notes. TapDemo.gif
Chord ChordNote.png Chords are pairs of notes marked with a white dot on the center of each note. The player should expect to hit no more nor less than two notes at the same time. Chord markings apply to Point, Pluck, Long and Long Pluck notes. MultipleNotesDemo.gif
Pluck PluckNote.png Similar to the tap note, this blue diamond note requires the player to "flick" away from the lane. The lane will briefly turn blue when the player moves away from the lane, triggering the flick note function. FlickDemo.gif
Long LongNote.png This is a yellow diamond note that works similarly to a Point Note, however the player must keep their hand on the note until the end of the yellow trail. LongDemo.gif
Long Pluck LongPluckNote.png Similar to the Long Note, the difference is that the note will have a Pluck at the tail end. There is no chart that has the Pluck note at the start of the Long Pluck, as it would be impossible to hit. LongFlickDemo.gif
Clap ClapNote.png This green hexagon note has the player physically clap their avatar's hands together. If the note is timed correctly, it will trigger a unique sound and extra visuals. ClapDemoResonark.gif

Alternative Controls

There is an alternative method of input for Clap Notes, which are to either use both triggers or both grips of the player's controllers. To change to these alternate controls, the player must set them in the World's right hand menu before starting a song.

Advanced Play Tips

  • For Clap Notes, it is strongly recommended for advanced players to switch to any of these button based controls over the simulated clapping due to the risk of controllers colliding with each other, which may damage them.
  • A tip to hit Pluck Notes with less effort is to move to an adjacent lane rather than flicking outwards/inwards of the Instrument, which can save stamina and hit these notes much easier.

Playing on Desktop

RESONARK's Desktop Mode controls are displayed as an overlay alongside a guide of how the various note types work.

The gameplay of RESONARK on Desktop mode is very similar to playing in VR, however the notes are controlled via keyboard and the playfield does not rotate.

The following controls are with a QWERTY layout keyboard:

The left side, from top to bottom, is controlled by T G B, respectively.

The right side, from top to bottom, is controlled with U J M, respectively.

Claps are triggered with K.

Tap Notes are triggered by tapping the corresponding key. Pluck Notes are triggered by pressing the corresponding key and quickly releasing it as soon as the note hits the corresponding point. Long Notes are triggered by tapping and holding the key until the end of the note. Long Pluck Notes are triggered by tapping, holding, and then releasing the key when the Pluck end of the note reaches the Instrument. Clap Notes work exactly like a tap note.


Below are descriptions of what each RESONARK world brings in each subsequent release, as well as tables for the list of songs and difficulties for each World. All RESONARK worlds share the same user capacity of up to 14/28 (Suggested/Actual Maximum). From the first to third Worlds, all songs are unlocked by default.


RESONARK's Thumbnail

World Link

The first World of RESONARK, published on May 8th, 2020. The difficulties of the charts range from 1 to X2, with the latter being the most difficult. The X likely represents "10", meaning X equates to 10, X1 to 11, and X2 to 12. This difficulty system carries throughout the series. Contains 14 songs. This world has not been updated for Persistence.

Song List
Song Name Artist BPM Beginner Advanced Nightmare
Tutorial Noshi 142 1 7 8
PEKO PEKO BATTLE -Special Trio Band yuugen6 170 2 5 7
PEACE KEEPER yuugen6 150 3 6 X
Domination M-UE 160 4 5 7
Direct One. DRIVE. 183 2 5 7
Bone Born Bomb M-UE 210 2 7 X
ZONE - Resonark Edit 0b4k3 112 4 6 8
Imagination WiredLain 138 3 6 X1
Plague Mask M-UE 90 3 5 8
Recollexion Noshi 138 4 6 8
Resonance Ark yuugen6 200 3 7 X
Move On 影虎。 200 4 7 9
Psyched Fevererio t+pazolite 150 3 7 X
PEKO PEKO BATTLE yuugen6 190 1 6 X2


RESONARK 2's Thumbnail

World Link

The second World of RESONARK, published on August 30th, 2020. Essentially an expansion pack of the first World. Contains 12 new songs, 13 in total (not counting the tutorial). This world has not been updated for Persistence.

Song List
Song Name Artist BPM Beginner Advanced Nightmare
Tutorial Noshi 142 1 7 8
Unit-00 - Resonark Edit 0b4k3 137 1 7 9
Dogbite t+pazolite 195 1 6 9
Chartreuse Green t+pazolite 180 3 6 9
Variant Cross M-UE 210 3 5 7
Murder Prison M-UE 185 4 7 8
Underwater - Resonark Edit upusen 112 4 7 9
Revolving Lantern - Resonark Edit 影虎。(Kagetora.) 185 3 6 8
Blue Te1egraph yuugen6 174 3 5 8
IONOSTREAM Tatsh 220 3 6 X1
REDRAVE ft. Kent Alexander Tatsh & NAOKI 165 4 7 X
水際 (Re-Install The Ghost) - Resonark Edit Remixed by 0b4k3 208 3 5 7
Voiceless Mind musica 100 2 5 9
Psyched Fevererio t+pazolite 150 3 7 X


RESONARK 3's Thumbnail

World Link

The third World of RESONARK, published on February 15th, 2021. It introduced the rotating Instrument mechanic that will be found present in subsequent releases of the RESONARK Worlds. Contains 17 new songs, 18 in total (not counting the tutorial). This world has not been updated for Persistence.

Song List
Song Name Artist BPM Beginner Advanced Nightmare
Tutorial Noshi 142 1 7 8
P.N.R. はがね (HAGANE) 140 2 6 7
Tune your bass to ours Ryo Arue 175 3 7 8
The Shirushi of Untravellers DUALYS (DRIVE. & yuugen6) 204 4 7 X1
Join Tatsh feat. musica 165 1 4 7
Chase the shadow (2021 rework) 影虎。(Kagetora.) 175 2 5 X
Xenophobia - Resonark Edit Tatsh 112 5 8 X
Last Object M-UE 201 3 7 X
OUTSIDE - Resonark Edit 0b4k3 132 3 6 9
B L A C K - R A Y かめりあ (Camellia) 128 4 8 X2
Tevelia Feryquitous 160 3 7 X1
Envisioned Noshi 143 2 7 X2
ENERGY SYNERGY MATRIX Tanchiky 160 2 7 8
Psyched Fevererio t+pazolite 150 3 7 X
Good Vibes (Game Edit) KO3 126 2 5 8
Meteor Storm Maozon 174 4 7 9
PROMASTER - Resonark Edit yuugen6 150 3 6 9
Great Scott - Resonark Edit yuugen6 130 4 7 X
Cloud Identifier memex 178 3 6 8

RESONARK 4 -ELVES- Part 1: Moonlight

RESONARK 4 (Part 1)'s Thumbnail

World Link

The forth World of RESONARK, published on April 3rd, 2023. It presents itself as a multipart series of the series of Worlds. It introduces a massive environment and visual overhaul, a progression system, an improved UI, a new stage platform, and a text-based save system. Secrets can be found and goals can be achieved in order to unlock additional songs. The scoring system has been reworked as well, with the player's in-game performance being shown at the top of their vision containing their combo and projected grade. The tutorial song has been replaced with one made by Tatsh. The trial avatar "Honoka" can be also found in this world.

Persistence was implemented in a recent update, however saves and preferences are NOT cross compatible between this World and Part 2 as of now.

Contains 18 new songs as of September 9, 2024, 11 which are unlockable through various goals and tasks. Songs written in italics are locked songs requiring specific goals to be completed to unlock.

Song List
Song Name Artist BPM Beginner Advanced Nightmare Final
Tutorial Tatsh 1 N/A N/A N/A
Enigma (Game Version) Nhato 2 5 8 X
DDD はがね (HAGANE) 3 6 9 N/A
Moonflower tokiwa feat. achu* 2 6 7 N/A
show me love (Short Mix) YSS 3 6 8 N/A
HYP3RTRIBE KO3 x sky_delta x Tanchiky 3 8 X N/A
Pray's to be yuugen6 2 5 7 N/A
Paracelestia Nego_tiator 4 6 9 N/A
ジト目の女の子になりたかった てれかす 3 6 8 N/A
Brain Power NOMA 4 7 9 N/A
Stream Maozon 4 6 9 N/A
Adam DJ MURASAME a.k.a. Tatsh 4 6 9 N/A
Anökumene Jun Kuroda 3 6 X N/A
Ghost Node Add Burrrst yuugen6 4 7 8 X
Hilarious Seeker 影虎。(Kagetora.) 3 7 9 N/A
ow (2022-edit) - Resonark Edit 0b4k3 4 7 X N/A
Lucent Coord Tatsh 4 7 9 N/A
Dual Bounds Rezu Mochizuki 6 8 X N/A

RESONARK 4 -ELVES- Part 2: Raylight

RESONARK 4 (Part 2)'s Thumbnail

World Link

The fifth World of RESONARK, published on April 26th, 2024. Retaining similar concepts as RESONARK 4 -ELVES- Part 1: Moonlight, this addition to the series introduces a tablet that brings in lore that ties in with the previous RESONARK. Completing tasks and goals unlocks more chapters that expand upon the story, as well as rewarding the player with more songs to play. This World integrates the VRChat Creator Economy; by purchasing the Supporter Role monthly subscription for 600 VRChat Credits, players are given more songs to play. The trial avatar "Cian" can be found in this world as well.

Like Part 1 with Persistence, saves and preferences are NOT cross compatible between this World and Part 1: Moonlight of the latest update.

The Virtual Parallel World Inspection Tablet, a device that provides both the lore and progression system.

Contains 17 new songs, 11 which are unlockable through various goals, tasks and the Supporter Role. Songs written in italics are locked songs requiring specific goals to be completed to unlock. Songs written in underlined italics are premium songs requiring the Supporter Role monthly subscription.

Song List
Song Name Artist BPM Beginner Advanced Nightmare Final
Tutorial Tatsh 1 N/A N/A N/A
Vert (Game Version) Nhato 2 6 8 N/A
Magnet KO3 3 5 8 N/A
AliceBlue Noshi 3 5 8 N/A
Ignotus (from Arcaea) ak+q 3 6 9 N/A
The Beginning of Rain Saki Momiyama 1 5 8 N/A
Oriens ginkiha 2 5 8 N/A
Revolving Lantern - Resonark 2 Edit 影虎。(Kagetora.) 3 6 8 N/A
Lost Found Melody Chroma 4 7 9 N/A
Move On (ELVES Version) 影虎。(Kagetora.) 3 7 9 N/A
?????? ?????? 2 5 7 N/A
Heliotrope M-UE 5 8 X N/A
?????? ?????? 5 8 X N/A
Final Word yuugen6 X X 7 N/A
felys - final remix onoken 2 5 9 N/A
Direct One. (RESONARK) DRIVE. 2 5 7 X
Plague Mask (RESONARK) M-UE 3 5 8 N/A
NuRAVE (RESONARK X) Tatsh 3 5 9 N/A
Move On (RESONARK) 影虎。(Kagetora.) 4 7 9 N/A
Connectivity Test

There is also the addition of a brand new mode called "Connectivity Test", which is a mode consisting of a selected series of songs the player must go through with set conditions. Functioning similar to beatmaniaIIDX's CLASS mode, the player is given either a BASIC or STRICT route for completion, one providing a much more difficult goal than the other. Completing either route will unlock the subsequent locked course. There are currently five courses to select from, three of which are unlocked at the start.


  • RESONARK is also available as a standalone game on Steam as RESONARK X, however it has not been updated to include songs from RESONARK 4: ELVES.
    • A standalone Meta Quest version of the is also available, aptly named RESONARK X LITE.
  • The sound design for RESONARK 4 -ELVES- was partially comprised by Tatsh, who was a notable artist within the BEMANI franchise, which was responsible for the DanceDanceRevolution and beatmaniaIIDX series. Songs by NAOKI can also be found scattered across the franchises before his departure from KONAMI in 2014.
  • REDRAVE by Tatsh & NAOKI is a sequel to RED ZONE[2], originating from beatmaniaIIDX 11: IIDX RED.
  • BRAIN POWER by NOMA can be found in several other rhythm games, such as SOUND VOLTEX, Pump It Up, NeonFM and SUPERBEAT XONiC.
  • 0b4k3 has made music for a Hyundai advertisement[3].
