Community:Sketchu Spring

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Sketchu Spring is a PC Only world created by Sketchu. It's an expansive world with several locations and contains hidden secrets and lore regarding the setting. It was published in late 2018.


Sketchu Spring takes places primarily in a massive desert located in the continent known as "West Corobi"[1], the distance obscured is by constant sandstorms.


⚠️Spoiler Warning⚠️
The contents below show the map in it's entirety with landmarks and all, if you wish to explore the world for yourself expand with caution.
A map of the entire world with waypoints and marked locations (click to enlarge)

The Spring

The spawn location, a small village of mynok, a species of small people with oval-shaped heads larger than their body. Several avatars of mynoks can be found in the tallest building, with a variety of different outfits and appearances.

Right of spawn can be found a spawner that spawns flying seed-like vehicles that can be used to fly across the world. The lilac music orb can typically be found underneath the wooden platform.

The Portal

The portal in The Spring

The portal is a location within the Spring and can be found behind a large rock formation. The portal has a circular monument with a hole in it for portals, in front of it is a keypad with various symbols representing numbers. To the side there's a stone slab containing codes that lead to various locations, along with a cipher key that can be used to transcribe the codes onto the keypad.

Inputting codes into the keypad successfully will open Special:MyLanguage/portals portals to other VRChat worlds.

Statue Island

Chess board that can be interacted with.

A secluded plateau far south of spawn, the main feature being a chessboard with large interactable statues that act as chess pieces. The green music orb can be found here propped up on an elevated set of rocks. North of the area can be found a bridge that leads to one of several mirages in the world, a giant golem statue.

Mindaro's Shrine

The empty shrine.
The Mural

Found in the dark sandstorms east of spawn. The area consists solely of the shrine, a small set of ruins with several pedestals corresponding to each one of Mindaro's Charms. The charms must be placed atop each pedestal corresponding to the symbol, in which it will begin to glow.

The Mural

"The Mural" is a small ruin that can be found directly south of Mindaro's Shrine. The only thing that can be found here is a mural depicting an unknown character fighting against Alabaster, its hand reaching for the character.

Mushroom Rocks

A pond that can be found in Mushroom Rocks.

Found in the far northeast of spawn within a canyon is Mushroom Rocks, tall mushrooms dot the area, along with a small pond with a grassy area around it. The blue Music Orb can be found in the pond.

Imp Cliff

An arena.

Far west of spawn is Imp Cliffs, taking place in the canyons of a large plateau, it's primary feature is the arena where several weapon props can be found. There is also small systems of tunnels in the walls of the plateau leading to various small rooms meant for the inhabitants. Nearby is the largest peak with an elevator leading to the top. The top reveals a large crater with a wooden dock leaning out of it.

Spike Rocks

Mysterious question mark...

Found north between Imp Cliff and The Spring can be found a grassy area with strange spike-like rock formations. Mysteriously, there is a question mark baked into the terrain. The orange music orb can be found here behind one of the spike formations.

Skeleton Ruins

Murals that can be found near the fast travel point, depicting Alabaster on the left, and Mindaro on the right, showing their charms.

Found southwest of spawn within the dark sandstorm, a gigantic skeleton can be found here alongside a mural depicting Alabaster and Mindaro.

The mural with Alabaster depicts the Mynoks of The Spring along with an unknown tall figure, presumably the one depicted in the mural near Mindaro's Shrine, and the Imps fighting against Alabaster, the scene below it depicts trees and plants being ripped from the ground, with the next scene after that depicting a desert, with Alabaster buried beneath. It could be assumed this implies that Alabaster, either upon death or right before death, turned the land into a desert.(Speculative)

The mural with Mindaro depicts them presenting several charms, directly hinting towards the charms needed for each pedestal at Mindaro's Shrine

Mindaro's Respite

Completed Mindaro's Shrine, leading to Mindaro's Respite.

Upon completing the shrine, a portal will open behind the pedestals leading to Mindaro's Respite, completing the shrine will make it appear for all users in the instance.

The main chamber.
Mindaro's Respite contains a couple avatars along with murals. A secret code for the portal on the wall in the main chamber. Interacting with the orb in the main chamber will transform The Spring's surroundings into a grassland.

One of the murals is the same from The Mural found near Mindaro's Shrine, but in better condition. As well as another mural depicting a character holding a lantern surrounding other lanterns.

Several avatars can be found here, including an avatar of Alabaster, and various "void bois".


Flying seeds

A flying seed

In multiple areas of the world, spawners can be found that spawn seed-shaped devices that when sat in, can be controlled by the interactable handle to fly across the world. When a user exits a flying seed, it will instantly despawn. Flying seeds can be used as an effective method of traversing the world as they are significantly faster than the user's walk or run speed.

They are controlled by moving the controller interactable inside the seed, holding interact will cause the seed to move in the direction the controller is pointed.

These may be difficult to control in desktop as it requires holding the controller which could potentially make it difficult to see where one is going.

Fast travel

a fast travel point in Mushroom Rocks

Fast travel points can be found across the world, when interacted with, it'll unlock a diamond behind spawn on the air balloon. Unlocking a fast travel point unlocks it for all users in the instance. They are visible from the distance due to being rendered over the sandstorm. Fast travel points are not persistent and will have to be unlocked again once entering a new instance.

Due to how fast travel points work, a desktop user may not hold an interactable object and use the fast travel point at the same time. Making it difficult to take objects found in the world back to spawn and to other areas.

There are a total of 5 fast travel points that can be found across the map.

Fast Travel Point CollapseLocation
Statue Island Unlocked by default
Mindaro's Shrine Found outside of the shrine
Mushroom Rocks Found near the pond
Imp Cliff Found near the arena
Skeleton Ruins Found near the murals

Music orbs

An orb

Across the world, 4 orbs that play a track of music can be found across the world. At least one of these orbs must be brought to Mindaro's Shrine to complete the shrine, as hinted towards by the Skeleton Ruins mural. When all orbs are brought together, they create a full song.

Music orb Locations

Orbs CollapseLocation
Lilac orb Underneath The Spring's docks, usually by the elevator.
Green orb On top of a small rock formation at Statue Island
Blue orb Found in the pond at Mushroom Rocks
Orange orb Near one of the spike formations in Spike Rocks

Mindaro's Charms

One of Mindaro's Charms

Mindaro's Charms can be found across the desert, appearing as small multi-colored orbs with an object inside of them.

These charms can be taken back to Mindaro's Shrine and placed on the pedestals, where a portal will open to a secret area once all the charms have been collected. This can be difficult to do without a user in VR, as desktop users aren't able to respawn or interact with other interactables such as fast travel points while holding an object.

Charm Locations

Charm Location
Star Grassy Spot near Mindaro's Shrine
Teardrop Imp Cliff's highest peak
Pebble Skeleton Ruins behind the ribs
Diamond Small Ruins between Skeleton Ruins and Statue Island


Mirages can found across the desert, appearing as landmarks that vanish upon getting close to them. There are a total of 4 mirages that can be found across the world.

Portal Codes

There are 5 codes that can be found across the world. Below is a table showing each including where they are found, including links to the destination world.

⚠️Spoiler Warning⚠️
The contents below may contain spoilers that could ruin the intended experience of the world, expand with caution.
Code Destination How to Find
2934x Sketchu's Well On the stone slab by the portal
1892x Sketchu's Forest On the stone slab by the portal
1546x wip forest On the stone slab by the portal
9568x Matcha Cafe On the stone slab by the portal
9381x w Unlocked by completing Mindaro's Shrine


  • The lilac Music Orb found at the Spring initially spawns on the wooden platform, however often rolls and falls underneath the wooden platform on world load.
  • In the thumbnail, the land around the Spring appears to be grassy, this is a hint towards the secret quest in the world that leads to a trigger to turn the desert surrounding the spring into a grassland.
  • Mindaro and Alabaster's gender and pronouns are intentionally vague, leaving them up for interpretation.[2]
  • The name of the continent the world takes place in is called "West Corobi, " as seen in the secret "w" world unlocked by finding all the orbs in Sketchu Spring.[1]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Sketchu. W. VRChat, 18 Jan. 2018, updated 29 Sept. 2018. VRChat,
  2. TrixxedHeart. “Sketchu Spring Bite Sized Q&A.” Medium, 18 Sept. 2024,