New Years Eve

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[Reason: Simple and barebones, probably could describe the event and world better. Also, images needed.]

For the latest New Years Eve, see New Years Eve 2025.

New Years 2024

VRChat's New Year's Eve is an annual event to celebrate the new year. This event is hosted in a mock version of New York City's Times Square, a world where users come together to ring in the new year.


VRChat's 2022 New Years Eve world.

Each New Year's celebration is accompanied by either a newly designed or updated world created by VRChat. Alongside the Times Square-themed world, it features content made by the community.

The world comes in both a low-capacity and high-capacity variant.


Posters from VRChat's 2022 New Years Eve world.

Posters are images that appear around the world, similar to the advertisements you see around Times Square. Anyone can submit a poster to be featured in the world, although some poster slots are reserved for VRChat.

The posters serve to showcase the community, such as worlds, avatars, groups, events, and more.


Booths are 3D models within the world, providing another dimension to highlight the community, just like the posters.

However, booth submissions are invite-only.


Graffitti logo's from VRChat's 2024 New Years Eve world.

In the back alley of the world, there is a graffiti wall exclusively for the music community to display their logos.

Anyone in the music community can submit logos for the graffiti wall.