User talk:Usr 9202bfb9-6ce5-404d-b7ae-c1684cba7532

From VRChat Wiki
Latest comment: 4 months ago by Usr 7d3dca04-5671-4738-a277-04fad9b586e4 in topic Mod note about Polish translations of Getting Started and Groups pages

Mod note about Polish translations of Getting Started and Groups pages

Hi there!

I'm a VRC Wiki maintainer and I also overview Polish translations of pages. Your localization contributions to Getting Started and Groups pages unfortunately have been reverted. The quality of the provided translations was considered to be of bad quality, similar to that of a complete machine translation, with unnaturally constructed or straight up broken sentences/vocabulary, mismatches with the official Polish terminology used in-game, and further more - multiple broken formatting and tags have occurred (e.g. translated "<references/>" or HTML class names, broken tables and links), among others. While the willingness to localize the Wiki is appreciated, please make sure to only translate the languages you're proficient in enough to provide quality results, and what's really important - please always check and proofread the results of submitted contributions for any broken formatting.

Thanks! Patroll (talk) 23:37, 29 October 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]