VRChat Creator Companion

VRChat Creator Companion (VCC) is the official tool provided by VRChat for creating and managing Unity projects intended for VRChat. It integrates the VRChat Package Manager, manages your projects, and facilitates access to official and community packages, tools, and resources. VCC serves as the primary platform for developers to build VRChat avatars and worlds.
System requirements
- A PC meeting the Unity Editor system requirements
- Operating system
- Windows 10 and newer (Windows 11 is not fully tested)
- Linux (limited to CLI functionality)
- MacOS (limited to CLI functionality)
- Internet connection
- Download page:
VRChat Downloads
- Direct download:
VCC Download
- VRChat Package Manager
- Automatic detection and installation of the supported Unity versions
- Upgrading the Unity version of projects
- Creation of new projects with VRChat SDKs integrated
- Import of Projects
- Support for GUI and CLI
- Project backup
- Learn section with Links to VRChat docs
The documentation for VCC is hosted on
GitHub and open for community contributions. Users can suggest changes by creating a fork and submitting pull requests.
Installation (Default) Path: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\VRChat Creator Companion
E.g. C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\VRChat Creator Companion
Configuration Path: %LOCALAPPDATA%\VRChatCreatorCompanion
E.g. C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\VRChatCreatorCompanion
Cool Mode
Cool Mode gives you access to special debug options, to clear your cache and reset VCC.
Cheat code
To enter the cheat code open the 'Settings' tab and enter the 'Konami Code' by pressing the following buttons:
up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, enter.