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File:ToN YellowCrystal.webp|黄色 “脑啡肽晶体”。价值约17-19Eph
File:ToN YellowCrystal.webp|黄色 “脑啡肽晶体”。价值约17-19Eph
File:ToN HeadsUpDisplay.webp|HUD,显示本回合所需的各种信息
File:ToN HeadsUpDisplay.webp|HUD,显示本回合所需的各种信息
File:Terrors Tracker.webp|处于空白状态的ToN进程追踪器,访问 []使用
File:Terrors Tracker.webp|处于空白状态的ToN进程追踪器,访问 [ ToN进程追踪]使用

Revision as of 00:36, 16 October 2024

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Terrors of Nowhere 是一个仅限 PC 的 PVE 游戏世界,由 Beyond 于2023年10月发布。在这款游戏中,最多 16 名玩家要在一个随机场景中与一个随机实体(游戏中称为Terror)进行长达三分钟的对抗。

回合之间的时间称为 中场休息(Intermission),您可以在这段时间内休息一下,并收集更多的脑啡肽水晶(即游戏货币,缩写为Eph)。 脑啡肽水晶 会定期在大厅周围生长,您可以在脑啡肽商店中花费Eph购买物品,帮助自己或他人在之后的回合中生存。

除了 Eph 之外,您还可以获得生存点数 (SP)。您可以在存活商店使用 SP 购买特殊物品。与 Eph 不同,购买物品时不会消耗生存点数。


除了普通回合外,特殊回合在每第二轮有50%的几率出现,如果第二轮也是 “普通回合”,则保底每第三轮出现一次。

  • 普通 - 这是Terrors of Nowhere的常规回合,实体从常规(普通)池中生成;玩家有180秒的时间存活,有时根据实体的不同会稍长一些,难度也各不相同。
  • 迷雾 - 大雾弥漫的普通恐怖回合,玩家人数会被隐藏,恐怖名称由“???”代替;可以使用辉光/心病线圈提高能见度,或用雷达显示实体距离,不过有经验的玩家通常会通过声音来辨别,偶尔也会出现 异体。
  • 惩戒 - 经典恐怖回合,但玩家会失去所有物品,无法逃跑或反击;回合结束后,必须在商店重新装备物品。
  • 异体 - 从异体池中生成难度更高的实体,它们通常需要大量配合才能存活,存活其中一部分后会获取奖励物品。
  • 血浴 - 从常规实体池中生成三个实体,根据实体的组合和所选的场地,难度从可应付到无解等。
  • 午夜 - 本质上是 “血浴”,但三个实体中有一个是从异体池中生成的,这使得本回合难度更高——预计会有很多人死亡。
  • 内鬼 - 从常规池中产生一个实体,其中一名玩家成为内鬼,手持一把刀,可以立即杀死其他人;实体会忽略内鬼(“Arrival抵达”除外),如果内鬼(们)未能杀死所有玩家,就会在回合结束前死亡,并且必须从商店中装备他们原来的物品。
  • 8页 - 玩家必须从地图上收集 8 张发光的书页,每次收集一张;找到第一张书页或一定的时间过去后,实体就会出现。与惩戒回合一样,大部分物品都不可携带,但仍会保留部分低级物品。与其他回合类型不同,8页的默认时间将会从 190 秒开始。
  • 快跑! - 在时间耗尽前到达地图的另一端。
  • 癫狂 - 普通回合,实体的速度和攻击动画都会明显加快;这种回合类型缺乏平衡,某些实体会破坏游戏平衡性,而且某些恐怖怪兽在其 “癫狂”形态下可能会表现怪异。
  • 并乱 - 本回合本应是 “血浴”,但其中一个实体试图生成两次,结果产生了两个不同的实体,二其中一个变成了该实体的加强版
  • 不羁 - 从新的池中生成预设的恐怖分子,其中包含许多社区建议,通常是无解的组合,从而导致难度不一致。
  • 幽魂 - 常规回合,在这一回合中,除非使用雷达等道具,否则实体是隐形的,只有它们的粒子和声音能告示它们的位置;异体出现概率极少。
  • 月亮 - Terrors of Nowhere中有多个月亮,满足特定条件即可激活;解锁后,监工长会警告玩家威胁即将到来,建议玩家准备好适当的物品。月亮出现后,每个月亮都有1/20的几率替换一个特殊(非常规)回合。


Terrors of Nowhere中总共有大约有198个实体。(134个普通、37个异体、23个变体、4个月亮Boss*以及2个特殊Boss)。



Huggy亨吉 Corrupted Toys腐败玩具 Demented Spongebob痴呆海绵宝宝 Specimen 8号实验体 HER她 Tails Doll塔尔斯娃娃 Black Sun黑太阳 Aku Ball恶之球 Ao Oni青鬼 Toren's Shadow托伦之影 [CENSORED]数据删除
WhiteNight白夜 An Arbiter调律者 Specimen 5 5号实验体 Comedy喜剧 Purple Guy紫色的家伙(威廉·阿夫顿) Spongefly Swarm海绵蝇群 Hush死寂 MopeMope美穗的花 Sawrunner电锯恶鬼 Imposter内鬼 Something某个东西 Squidward 悲泣章鱼哥(Deleted)
Starved饥荒 The Painter画家 The Guidance指引者 With Many Voices千喉之兽 Nextbots Harvest丰收 Smileghost微笑幽灵 Karol_Corpse卡洛尔的尸身 MX Big Bird大鸟 Dev Bytes开发者字节小队 Mario Has Logged In 马里奥已登入(Deleted)
Luigi & Luigi Dolls路易吉与路易吉娃娃 V2 Withered Bonnie老邦尼 The Boys男孩们(南瓜兄弟) Something Wicked一个坏东西 Seek Rush Sonic索尼克 Bad Batter坏击球手 Signus讯号 Mirror镜子
Legs腿子 Mona & The Mountain莫娜和尸山 Judgement Bird审判鸟 Slender瘦长鬼影 Maul-A-Child屠戮儿童 Garten Goers斑斑幼儿园 Don't Touch Me别碰我 Specimen 2 2号实验体 Specimen 10 10号实验体 The Lifebringer苏生机器 Pale Association苍白收尾人 The Old Man老男人(Deleted)
Toy Enforcer玩具执法员 TBH坦白说 Doombox末日之盒 Christian Brutal Sniper残暴基督教狙击手 Nosk诺斯克 Apocrean Harvester天启收割者 Arkus阿库斯 Cartoon Cat卡通猫 Wario Apparition瓦里奥幻影 Shinto神道 Hell Bell地狱之钟
Security警卫 The Swarm蜂群 Shiteyanyo腿音 Bacteria细菌 Tiffany蒂法尼 HoovyDundy胡维邓迪 Haket薄壳 Akumii-Kari阿库米-狩 Lunatic Cultist新月教徒 Sturm突击甲兵 Punishing Bird惩戒鸟
Prisoner囚犯 Red Bus(邪恶)红巴士 Waterwraith胶雨小子 Astrum Aureus黄色链球菌 Snarbolax狼王 All-Around-Helpers小帮手 Sakuya Izayoi十六夜咲夜 Arrival抵达 Miros Birds钢鸟 BFF永远的好朋友 Scavenger拾荒者
Tinky Winky丁丁 Tricky小丑崔奇 Yolm尤尔姆 Red Fanatic红狂热者 Dr.Tox毒素博士 Ink Demon恶魔班迪 Retep特皮 Those Olden Days那些往日时光 S.O.S Bigger Boot大靴子 The Pursuer咒缚者
Spamton斯潘顿 Immortal Snail不死蜗牛 Charlotte糖果魔女夏洛特 Herobrine Peepy皮皮 The Jester八音盒 Wild Yet Curious Creature狂野的奇特生物 Manti Horseless Headless Horsemann脱缰的无头骑士 Ghost Girl幽灵女孩 Cubor's Revenge方块儿的复仇
The Origin原件 Beyond Terror of Nowhere无处的恐惧 Deleted删除 Poly聚合体 Dog Mimic仿制犬 Warden循声守卫 Express Train To Hell黄泉列车 Killer Fish杀手鱼 FOX Squad狐狸小队 Time Ripper时间杀人魔 This Killer Does Not Exsit这个杀手不存在(隐藏)
Malicious Twins恶毒双胞胎 Parhelion's Victims Parhelion 的受害者 Bed Mecha机甲战床 Killer Rabbit杀手兔 Random Flying Knife随机杀手飞刀 MissingNo遗失号码 Living Shadow生者之影 The Plague Doctor疫医 The Rat大老鼠 Waldo沃尔多 Clockey克洛奇 lain玲音
Feddys弗莱迪们 TBH Spy坦白说间谍 Tragedy悲剧 Voidwalker虚空行者(戴維·米勒) Paradise Bird天堂鸟 Restless Creator不眠的作者 Lord's Signal主的信号 Joy MR. MEGA Eggman's Announcement艾格曼的公告 Knight of Toren托伦骑士
Decayed Sponge腐烂海绵宝宝 Parhelion 얀샋ㄷ요무rnfmabj Army in Black深黯「军团」 Bliss极乐 Glaggle Gang格拉格尔帮 WHITEFACE白脸 SM64.Z64 The Red Mist殷红迷雾
Sanic萨尼克 S.T.G.M. Convict Squad罪人小队 Fusion Pilot聚核试验机 Dev Maulers屠戮开发者 LISA丽莎 Apathy冷漠症
Angry Munci愤怒蒙西 Ambush Roblander Walpurgisnacht魔女之夜 Sakuya The Ripper开膛手咲夜
Teuthida Judas犹大 Try Not To Touch Me试着别碰我
The Observation观望者 Rabid Snarbolax狂野的双狼王(Deleted) Furnace火狐(与 Starved饥荒合并) The Navigator领航员(Deleted)
图鉴 名称 实体
1 Guidance & The Booboo's指引者&布布们
2 Red VS Blue红蓝对战
3 Third Trumpet三重号
4 Higher Beings更高级的存在
5 Forest Guardians森林守护者
6 Quadruple Sponge四倍海绵
7 Your Best Friends你最好的朋友
8 Hotel Monsters酒店的怪物们
9 Squibb Squad施贵宝小分队
10 Garden Rejects花园弃儿
11 Judgement Day审判之日
12 Me and My Shadow我和我的影子
13 Meltdown熔断
14 Faceless Mafia无面黑手党
15 Mansion Monsters宅邸的实验体们
16 Copyright Infringement版权纠纷
17 Purple Bros紫色兄弟
18 Scavengers拾荒者们
19 Life & Death生与死
20 Labyrinth迷宮
21 Spiteful Shadows被唾弃的影子
22 Triple Munci三重蒙西
23 Daycare日间托管
24 Huggy Horde亨吉部落
25 Infection感染
26 Triple Hush三重死寂
27 [CENSORED]数据删除
28 Byte Horde字节部落
29 SawMarathon电锯马拉松
31 Thunderstorm雷暴
33 Fragmented Memories残缺的记忆
34 Mona & Mona & Mona & Mona莫娜&莫娜&莫娜&莫娜
35 Seekers
36 Nugget Squad纽吉特小分队
37 Saul's Goodmen索尔·古德曼们
38 Something Old. Something New往事。新物
39 POV: Bug观点:Bug
40 Punishing Birdemic惩戒鸟灾
41 Double Ao Oni双重青鬼
42 Too Many Voices千喉之兽过量了
43 Memory Crypts记忆的墓穴
44 Zumbo Sauce珍宝酱
45 Freaks畸形人
46 Lunatic Cult新月教团
47 Transportation Trio & The Drifter交通三重奏和漂泊者
48 Father Son Bonding父子捆绑包
49 WHAT IS MY NAME我的名字是什么
50 Glaggleland Cremators格拉格尔兰火葬场
51 Triple Signus三重讯号
52 Triple Akumii Kari三重狩猎
53 Black & White黑与白
54 [LESSER CENSORED][小小的数据删除]
55 Blue Monsters蓝色的怪物们
56 Drones无人机
57 Scrapyard Takers废品收购者
58 Luigi Dolls路易吉娃娃们
59 Meteor Shower流星雨
60 Triple TBH坦白坦白坦白说
61 Lost Souls迷失的灵魂
62 Ballin进球
63 Reunion重聚
64 Angels大天使们
65 Ordinary Apocalypse Bird普通的天启鸟
66 Pack of Wild Yet Curious一群狂野又奇特的生物
67 ToN X SlashCo Collab ToN X SlashCo合作项目
68 Pack of Yolm一群约尔姆
69 Threepy三皮
70 ???
71 Delete He删了他
72 Spamton Spam斯潘顿斯潘们
73 Death From Above来自天空的死讯
74 It Came From Bus To Nowhere它来自无处可去的巴士
75 Zombie Apocalypse丧尸启示录
76 Eating Contest大胃王比赛
77 Triple Clockeys三重克洛奇
78 Triple Killer Fish三重杀手鱼
79 Lethal League致命同盟
80 Trollage巨魔
81 Mopemopemopemopemopemope小花小花小花小花
82 Triple Trouble三重祸乱
83 Tirple Living Shadow三重活影
84 Beyond's Masks Beyond的马甲
Cold Night寒夜


Terrors of Nowhere一共有75个地点,其中74个是你在回合中会随机进入的场地。

Hub老枢纽 Sewers下水道 Construct实验田 Secret秘密 Innyume梦中旅店 Warehouse仓库 Sanctum圣地 Sea Base航海基地 Astral星际
Hell地狱 Fishbowl鱼缸 Forest森林 Pink Neon Towers霓虹塔(粉) Playplace游乐场 Isolation隔离 Pizzeria披萨店 Schoolhouse校舍 Ancient遗迹
Inner Towers塔的内部 Blackspace黑色空间 Museum博物馆 Throne王座 Green Neon Towers霓虹塔(绿) Pool泳池 Hole深坑 Iteration_0迭代_0 Dring King's Citadel德林王的城堡
Car Park停车场 Development开发中 Hotel酒店 Elevator货梯 TBH坦白说 Experimentation致命公司 Scrapyard垃圾场 Robland Backrooms后室
Desktop桌面 SlashCo HQ SlashCo总部 Harvest丰收 Heaven天堂 Hightower高塔 Lounge休息区 Baseplate基础板块 Challenge Cube挑战方块 Have
Engine引擎室 Orange起源引擎 Wall高墙 Nexus核心 Colony太空殖民舱 Alter覆写 Gardens裂隙花园 Dust沙城 Dots吃豆人
Mall商场 Nightlife夜生活 Skyscrapers摩天楼 Gaol牢笼 Chess国际象棋 Mineshaft矿井 Escape Route逃生路线 Garten幼儿园 Black Forest黑森林
Park公园 Wafflehouse华夫饼屋 Tunnels地道 Subway地下铁 Supply Route供应线 Vents通风管道 Cheese Maze芝士迷宫 Snowfield雪原 Luna Hills月光山丘
Court审判庭 Its Maze是迷宫哦(Deleted) Spaceless无垠(隐藏) This Map Does Not Exist这个地图不存在(隐藏)



名称 价格 商店描述 笔记
Radar雷达 20 Eph 一款实用的物品,能够检测出对玩家有威胁的实体和物体。它会一直跟踪主要实体,同时提醒玩家附近的任何情况。 持有该物品时,雷达将显示玩家与主要实体的距离。如果附近有任何危险性的东西(们),它就会提醒玩家。在某些回合类型中,它可以显示杀手。

Medkit医疗包 20 Eph 一个装有多种医疗用品的箱子,这些医疗用品是从绿巴士到过的各个地方收集来的。虽然不多,但能让你度过一场混战。 使用时,可治疗自身和附近玩家25%的HP。使用后必须充能。使用医疗包从病毒(血月boss)中存活下来可获得红色医疗包。有了它,你可以完全治疗自己,但不能治疗其他人。
Have's Mysterious BrewHave的神秘酿造 20 Eph 一种由森林生物酿造的奇怪饮料。不知道里面是什么,但闻起来很难闻。如果你喝了它,我会说你喝这个和疯了没什么两样,但...欸,你自己喝吧 使用时会随机产生一种buff。效果可好可坏。效果包括迅捷、治疗、失明、灼烧、迟钝、传送等。
Glow Coil辉光线圈 75 Eph 这个线圈为那些害怕黑暗的罪人提供了光明。我不经常用它,但它能帮你度过一些最黑暗的夜晚。 当持有时,玩家可获得2点速度。该线圈能提供舒适的光线,让你在黑暗中看得更清楚。它在对付具有黑暗效果或迷雾效果的实体(如钢鸟或一个坏东西)时非常有用。辉光线圈是对付迷雾回合的主要方案,因为它能将雾气效果减半,并显示杀手的名字颜色(但不显示名字)。使用辉光线圈在精神错乱(谜月Boss)中存活下来会给你一个变体--心病线圈。它能比 辉光线圈提供更多速度,且仍然可以抵消迷雾效果,但不会发出任何光线。
Teleporter传送器 125 Eph 这个装置是从绿巴士到过的许多地方之一捡来的。它的性质使其成为一种不可靠但非常有效的逃生工具。 使用时,会传送到地图上的随机位置。使用时有少许延迟。使用后必须重新充能。拥有三种变体,都需要基础传送器才能解锁--从异体中生还获得的 “苍白手提箱”、从血浴中获得生还的 “浴血传送器”和从至日中生还获得的 “荆棘骇客”。苍白手提箱的冷却时间较长,但拥有更好、更长的迅捷buff。血腥传送器的充能速度更快,但使用时会消耗你的HP。荆棘骇客每次都会将你传送到荆棘(实体生成)处。
Speed Coil速度线圈 125 Eph 速度线圈是玩家最好的伙伴,能让他们更快地移动。北面(红商人)制造的这些高速线圈比原来的同类产品要轻得多。 持有时,玩家可获得3点速度,使他们能够超越实体。使用 “速度线圈 ”从 “血浴 ”中存活,就能获得 “浴血线圈”。有了它,你就能在受到伤害后暂时加快移动速度。
Regen Coil再生线圈 125 Eph 再生线圈可为持有者提供治疗,同时提供相当可观的速度。虽然速度较慢,但使用该线圈的乘客的生坏能力不容小觑。 持有时,玩家会获得2点速度。同时,HP 的再生速度是原来的4倍。
Metal Bat金属球棒 200 Eph 这只球棒是给予勇于挑战实体的人的武器。其内部的电子元件可以使它眩晕实体。它可能无法对付更强大或无载体的实体。 使用时,可以挥击并眩晕一名实体。不同实体的眩晕效果差异很大。眩晕成功会产生黄色粒子。眩晕失败会出现红色粒子。使用后必须重新充能。它允许使用者眩晕特定的实体。挥动时可获得短暂的无敌帧,成功击中后可在短时间内提升速度,充电时间约为15秒。充能时间会随着房间中玩家数量的增加而增加。有四种变体,分别是染浴血球棒(存活血浴)、金属水管(存活异体)、正义(存活午夜)和彩色球棒(存活癫狂)。要获得这些变体,必须使用金属球棒、彩色球棒或橡胶锤子。玩家HP值越少,浴血球棒的充能速度越快,不过,它的初始冷却时间较长。金属水管的冷却时间稍长,但它能同时击中多个实体。正义的效果与浴血球棒相似,但在一个动画中会挥舞三次。彩色蝙蝠的作用与金属球棒完全相同,但顾名思义,你可以在商店里给它着色!
Silver Kat Charm银猫坠饰 200 Eph 据说是一个女巫创造的魔法坠饰,她只想消除人性。创造这个坠饰是为了保护她自己和她所爱的人。它或许也能保护你。 使用时会受到保护并获得2点速度。受保护时被击中会被格挡。效果持续时间为6秒。使用后需要重新充能。充能时间为30秒。
Chaos Coil混沌线圈 200 Eph T混沌线圈被异世界的能量所扭曲,无法在一个地方停留太久。线圈虽然能大幅提升速度,但非常不稳定也不可靠。 持有时,玩家会获得4点速度。移动时,线圈有时会断裂2-7秒,3秒后会自动修复。使用混沌线圈在 “天启鸟(即薄暝)”中存活下来,就能获得暮光线圈。有了它,你的移动速度会比混沌线圈快,但断裂的频率也更高。
Glass Coil玻璃线圈 250 Eph 由玻璃制成的强力线圈。虽然它比大多数线圈更坚固,但也很容易碎裂。这是我作为礼物制作的,但我不想说是送给谁的。 持有时,玩家会获得3.5点速度。受到任何伤害都会破坏线圈。60秒无损伤后,线圈会自动修复。
Corkscrew Coil螺旋线圈 250 Eph 螺旋线圈是 “要么战斗,要么逃跑 ”的终极实用工具,可同时提供速度和防御。不过,它必须在两次使用之间重新充能,因此请谨慎使用。 持有时,可获得1点速度。使用时,获得4点速度,持续3秒。在此期间,线圈可以眩晕实体。之后必须重新充能。充能时间约为 30 秒。使用时可获得短暂的持续时间。
Antique Revolver古董左轮手枪 250 Eph 一把破旧的左轮手枪。它看起来随时都会散架。它的弹膛只能容纳一颗子弹,而且子弹很难打出去。只要一发就够了。 使用时,发射子弹并远距离眩晕实体。不同实体的眩晕效果差别很大。子弹可以穿透多个实体。使用后必须充能30秒。在使用该枪的异体回合中存活下来,即可拥有苍白手枪。使用 “苍白手枪”射击并击中实体可获得临时迅捷加成,但冷却时间较长。
名称 价格 商店描述 笔记
Burger汉堡包 1 SP 汉堡 芝士汉堡 巨无霸汉堡 汉堡 芝士汉堡 巨无霸汉堡 汉堡 芝士汉堡 巨无霸汉堡 使用时会消耗该物品,恢复所有HP。使用后必须在商店重新装备。
Beyond Plush Beyond玩偶 10 SP 一个神秘的毛绒玩具,它的主人可能在某个时期非常尊贵。它蕴含着微弱的远古能量,谁知道它能做什么呢? 使用时,有几率播放随机声音和随机效果,效果包括格挡、传送或死亡。,10秒冷却时间,也有几率触发其他效果。
Magic Conch神奇海螺 25 SP 在一个奇怪的水下祭祀地点打捞到的海螺壳。拉动绳子它就会说话。尽管它是由贝壳制成的,但里面似乎装有电子设备。 问它点什么,然后拉一下绳子。
Radar Coil雷达线圈 50 SP 它是雷达和速度线圈的奇特混合物。由于没有屏幕,它很难判断威胁来自何方。不过,它会确保你知道。 持有时,玩家会获得2点速度。雷达会捕捉到用户周围35米内的实体。雷达会每0.8秒更新一次距离。雷达线圈在探测到实体时会明显提升速度。在迷雾回合中会显示恐怖生物的名字,在血浴或午夜回合中会显示所有三个恐怖生物的名字。
Rubber Mallet橡胶锤子 100 SP 橡胶锤子对胆小的玩家很有效。但对某些人来说,可能会更熟悉它,或者使用起来比金属球棒更舒服;但从功能上讲,它们的作用是一样的。 持有时,挥击并眩晕一名实体。不同杀手的眩晕效果差异很大。成功眩晕会产生黄色粒子。眩晕失败会产生红色粒子。功能与金属球棒相同。您可以用橡胶锤子解锁金属球棒的变体。
Banana香蕉 250 SP 香蕉是一种可以让玩家......把香蕉皮扔到地上的道具。香蕉一旦掉在地上,就无法再捡起来,只能从商店里装备一个新的。和砖头一样,你也无法召回它。 当玩家踩到香蕉时,他们会获得类似‘滑一下’的效果,向随机方向移动。
TBH坦白说 500 SP 一个小家伙,一个小动物。没有任何大脑活动,只是有点震动。如果你捏它,它可能还会发出声音。不过,我见过这些家伙爆炸,所以要小心。 使用时,获得临时5点多的速度。会对自身造成烧伤。使用后必须充能。充能时间为30 秒起。
Taser泰瑟枪 700 SP 用这个对这个坏小子施以正义,它会暂时压制一切。我们保留了这个,以防Linzie在旅行时陷入混乱。. 使用时,发射短距离电击;暂时麻痹实体2-3秒。使用后会有较长的冷却时间。使用者可以在范围内电击几乎所有实体,包括不会被眩晕的实体。成功击中后,你可以看到实体周围有黄色粒子,表示它的移动速度变慢了。如果玩家仍在实体攻击范围内,实体仍会正常攻击,因此像V2这样的攻击仍会让人感到痛苦。
Darkgrey Plush Darkgrey玩偶 750.5 SP 是Darkgrey!哇哦!太酷了!Darkgrey的举止! Darkgrey举止!太酷了!太不可思议了!看看他!!!!!!!
Delicate Coil精致线圈 1000 SP 如果你觉得玻璃线圈太危险了,那么这东西在你手里会直接碎掉。有些人会死于玻璃爆炸;所以我不建议使用它,除非你愿意冒这个险。 持有时,玩家会获得3.8点速度。但受到任何伤害都会导致使用者原地爆炸。
Emerald Coil翡翠线圈 2500 SP 这个线圈可以利用你一直在收集的东西。原来脑啡肽是一种非常有用的能源。虽然有用,但它并不是一个可持续的能源,所以如果你想活下去,就少用它。 使用时,可以为线圈充能2秒,并消耗5脑啡肽。充能时,将获得6点速度。如果没有脑啡肽则无法使用。
Pot of Greed贪欲之壶 5000 SP 我不记得我找到过这个罐子,不过它让我很害怕。它可以让你远离危险,但我估计它不会免费帮你。 需要至少100脑啡肽才能使用。如果贪欲之壶发现你附近有实体,它会自动将你传送走。考虑到贪欲之壶将你的脑啡肽减半,建议使用较少的脑啡肽而不是收集大量的脑啡肽。
Brick砖头 10000 SP 没有什么事情是一块好砖头解决不了的。你可能需要练习扔砖头,但这是值得的。只是别弄丢了,你可能再也找不回来了。 物理投掷砖头眩晕实体。无冷却时间,但必须捡起砖头。(无法召回!)即使是轻微的力度也会造成眩晕。使用后必须手动拾起。
Event Shop
Name Shop Description Notes Unlock Requirement
Luxury Coil A specialty coil created from some gold-like material. It provides all the things needed for survival, albeit not doing the best job at it. It’s much for show than anything else. When held, the player gains 1.5 points of speed. When held, HP regenerates 2.5x faster. When held, the players earns 1.5x more Eph. Also shares fog-clearing capabilities of Glow Coil. Given to all Patreons (Caretaker) who submitted a form before April 2023.
Blue Medkit A case that contains multiple medical supplies, gathered from the many locations the Green Bus visited. I wonder why it’s blue? It’s not much, but it’ll get you through a scuffle. On use, heal self and nearby allies for 25% HP. Grants a random status effect to self and anyone else nearby. Must recharge after use. Given to all Patreons (Pilot) who submitted a form before April 2023.
Sealed Sword An ancient weapon. It is covered in cloth and talismans, designed to absorb both blessings and curses alike. The weapon is clunky and slow. I wouldn’t recommend using it. On use, swing and stun a Terror. Applies Slowness to you. Stun effect varies greatly between Terrors. Successful stuns result in yellow particles. Failed stuns result in red particles. Must recharge after use. Can be broken out of a case in Museum with a stun tool.
Gran Faust Its charge attacks are powerful enough to curse its wielder, but that hasn’t stopped Devilites from treasuring these rare blades even more highly than their meager vacation time. The weapon itself is much less powerful in the hands of those who don’t know how to use it. On use, swing and stun a Terror. Stun effect varies greatly between Terrors. Successful stuns result in yellow particles. Chance to Curse self on swing. Swinging while Cursed will damage the user and reapply Curse. Faster recharge after use. When unlocked, you can't unlock Divine Avenger anymore. Acquired by facing Arkus with the Sealed Sword and surviving without hitting them.
Divine Avenger A holy sword created in another time to arm knights who fought against the legions of the Underworld. There are few foes remaining in this world that are worthy enough to be defeated by such a fine blade, and there are even fewer heroes worthy of wielding it. On use, swing and stun a Terror. Stun effect varies greatly between Terrors. Successful stuns result in yellow particles. Successful stuns grant regeneration. Must recharge after use. When unlocked, you can't unlock Gran Faust anymore. Acquired by facing Arkus with the Sealed Sword and surviving after hitting them at least two times.
Maxwell One of the old gods of creation. He has many names, but only one is fitting for one such as himself. He has taken pity upon your plight; and will help you as you have helped him. Once per round, absorb fatal damage and teleport away with full HP. Maxwell will be consumed after this and must be respawned at the shop. Found in Its Maze. (spawns once per round)
Rock Doesn’t look like any rock i’ve ever seen before. Don’t feel like one, either. Don’t think you’ll want this, stranger. Sometimes I hear this thing whispering to me. Physically throw the rock to stun Terrors. No cooldown, but you have to pick up your rock. (no recall!) Functionally the same as brick. Acquired from surviving Fusion Pilot.
Illumina An ancient weapon that reveals itself to those who show determination to rid the world of impure hearts. Even in the darkest of nights, there will always be a light. On use, swing and stun a Terror. Stun effect varies greatly between Terrors. Successful stuns result in yellow particles. Faster recharge, but no immunity on attack. Acquired from surviving Bliss.
RedBull An energy drink said to give you wings, but it’s more likely to give you heart failure. (ToN is NOT sponsored by Red Bull) On use, grants a massive speed boost. After the speed boost ends, gain severe slowness. Acquired from surviving Roblander.
Omori Plush Found this lil guy at a yard sale awhile back. Been holding him ever since. I don't think it'll really increase your chances of survival, but he's fun to squeeze! Squeeze to play a sound. Might help you forget about all the bad things, maybe. Heals 1 HP per use. Acquired from surviving Something.
Paradise Lost Some weird staff, seems to be powerless without faith in the right deity. Can't say what religion this belongs to though, but if you figure it out I'm happy to give it to you. Stun killers that are a short range in front of you. Heals other players that it hits. Hurts user on use. Acquired from repeatedly stunning Apostles in one round. (Metal Bat/Colorable Bat/Rubber Mallet: 7 hits) (Antique Revolver/Pale Revolver: 14 hits) (Everything else that stuns: 12 hits)
Thorn Glognut The original Glognut! Fluffy small sponge cake with bright amber tasty icing and low levels of sugar.Super tasty and addicting! Every Giggler or Gembo or whatever has tried one of these at least once. When eaten, gain 'Glagglevision', a massive speed boost, and protection for 15 seconds. Additionally, lose all but 10% of your HP. Acquired from surviving Glaggle Gang.
Jailbird A piece of sentient machinery that seems to enjoy being used as a weapon.I've reinforced it to prevent it from exploding, as it seems these have a tendency to do that. On use, charge up the Jailbird and gain strong swiftness for 3 seconds. Jailbird can be used again to swing, and paralyzes any Terror hit by it for 2-3 seconds. Failing to hit a target will paralyze the user instead.You can also use this item on Terrors that are unstunnable. Acquired from surviving all of the Terrors in the Classic index.
Joyous Orb Ancient relic recovered from a distant sun. It looks like it's deep in thought, or just asleep.What could such an object be dreaming about? When released during a round, the orb will fly around randomly and stun terrors in it's path before detonating. Cannot be used in Lobby. Acquired from surviving Joy.
Have Plush A plush resembling the creatures that lurk in the dark roofed forests.Very little know that the roofed forest is under the protection of one who claims to be the forest's king. When held, the player will no longer receive any debuffs, but also cannot receive buffs either. Acquired from surviving The Observation.
Silver Coil I'm feeling kind today, and decided that you should be the one to use this beauty. It's not everyday you get to use something as slick as this! When held, the player gains 3 points of speed; allowing them to outrun Terrors. Functionally similar to Speed Coil. Silver Coil is a temporary item that does not save upon leaving an instance. 1/250 (0.4%) chance to show up in Event Shop when joining an instance.
Special Items*
Name Description
Torch of Obsession This is an item which you can get from surviving Cold Night during the Winterfest. It provides AoE stun and healing as well as some extra light when used.
Snowy Speed Coil This is an item which you can unlock during Winter Event by picking it from the snow pile next to the shop. Once picked, you get to keep it after the Winterfest. Despite the name, it goes just a tiny, really tiny bit slower than regular Speed Coil. However, it is free for those who have it.
Carrot This is a contributor item specifically owned by MaraRizer (Webmaster of the official ToN Wiki) and not only does it make its user happy little bnnyu, carrot gives them the same benefits as a regular Speed Coil. When picked up, it plays a sound effect from one of MaraRizer´s favorite games, Super C. It has a title "Wiki Webmaster" when dropped.
Overseer Plush Overseer Plush is an extremely rare item that only few have received for surviving a battle royale. Yes, sometimes Beyond gets really bored during some of the testing instances and put players to fight for their lives. The plush itself doesn't do anything, besides making a sound effect and light up the Overseer´s eyes when used. However, if you spectate someone in the list below (except contributors), they'll have a short string under their name; "overseer loves you :)".
Judia This is a contributor item specifically owned by nkt_にこまる, the person who made the base used in Terrors, including Bliss, Judas and Roblander. When used, it lunges where the spear is pointed at and stuns Terrors. It works in a similar way like Corkscrew Coil in a way that its attack animation is longer than your average stun weapon. When it hits a Terror however, knockback (caused by parry) will stop the lunge, making nkt_にこまる vulnerable against Terrors with hitboxes still on even when stunned. Judia also provides about ~2 speed boost when held. When dropped, title shows owner's name.
Wispy Plush This is an unique item specifically owned by WispySpectre.Similar to Beyond Plush, it plays various, unique sound effects when used. These sounds are ghost themed and includes:Standard plushie squeak,Boo's laugh from Super Mario 64,Muffet's giggle from Undertale,Mimikyu's cry from Pokémon,Death sound from Pikmin,MopeMope scream.Additionally, Wispy Plush provides 2 speed.
Wave Coil This is a contributor item that most ToN contributors have. It is a reskin of Emerald Coil, plays a small tune and emits few bubble-like particles. It has a cool shading animation with the cyan light.The song that it plays is this song.
Darkheart This is Illumina variant that is exclusive to all the community mappers which location got added to the update.
Subspace Tripmine This is an extremely powerful item that functions, as name implies, like a tripmine.All the player needs to do is to throw or drop it. Subspace Tripmine makes a small sound and then becomes completely invisible. If a player goes close to it, mine makes noise and explodes, killing anyone who is near it. Players with kat charms can protect themselves from the explosion.This item is no longer obtainable by any means. Very few people possess this item considering how much it can ruin experience of others.
Knife This weapon is exclusive to saboteurs during Sabotage round. It grants small speed boost (depending on amount of players) and on use it swings the knife, launching the player a little bit forward.When player is about to become saboteur, their item gets removed and the knife will spawn next to them.Knife's hit detection used to favour survivors but with the recent update, it is other way around. In exchange, knife's hitbox has been heavily reduced.
First Shape This mysterious cube is an item only for majority of the closed testers when Joyous Update was being developed.The item has two different tase attacks. Primary attack fires a burst in front of the user and while secondary attack has a longer cooldown, it fires an airstrike directly at the terror. Secondary attack can also be used in the lobby, making this extremely powerful support item. Primary fire is capable of providing Regeneration buff if shot at another player instead.First Shape is a reference both to Destiny (The Final Shape DLC) as well as the fact that it's just a Blender cube, which is the first shape you see when making a new Blender project by default.Kittenji (developer of the ToN Save Manager) has an unique variant with completely different particle effects.
Memoria A contributor item for Bakame (バ亀⁄bakame) that has the same functionality as Judia but with a different appearance. It is designed with a connection between Judas and Psychosis in mind.While held, it slightly increases movement speed, and during a charge, it grants invincibility and can stun enemies.It uses exactly the same code as Judia and as such it is technically called that way in-game.Originally, Memoria was a fan creation designed and modeled by Bakame for Beyond's scrapped project. It was later implemented as a surprise for Bakame in the Joyous Update.

*Special items are either not found in the store or accessible at all.


Terrors of Nowhere有99个成就,您可以通过完成各种目标来解锁这些成就。

Name Flavor Text Unlock Requirements
Not Enough Blood What, were you expecting more?! Survive a Bloodbath Round.
No Smoking! It´s bad for your lungs! Survive a Fog Round.
Broken Boundaries Every star will burn itself out someday. Survive a Cracked Round.
The Other Side We´ve all got friends on the other side. Survive an Alternate Round.
Escaped! You escaped that crazed lunatic! Oh wait, did you know them? Survive a Sabotage Round as an innocent.
Walk It Off Not only can you run for your life, you can now run with it! Survive Bloodbath Round with a Speed Coil.
Slaughter Look at the mess you´ve made! There´s so much blood! Survive Bloodbath Round with a Bat.
Sacrificial Hey, were you always missing your ear? Survive Bloodbath Round with a Teleporter.
Oooo Shiny! You found a pipe. Congratulations, I guess. Why do you even want a pipe? Survive Alternate Round with a Bat.
Business Partner You ever wonder what´s inside those suitcases? Now´s your chance! Survive Alternate Round with a Teleporter.
Pale Associate Congratulations, you´re hired! Hopefully the others get the memo. Survive Alternate Round with a Revolver.
Judgement You´d think the sword would be more effective with the blade out. Survive a Midnight with the Metal Bat.
Am I tripping? That Bat is looking a little colorful. Is it just me? Survive a Cracked Round with a Bat.
Crack of Dawn The horrors came out, at midnight! They were Midnight Horrors! Survive a Midnight Round.
The False Light It´s only a memory of her power, but it´s enough to make use of. Survive Mystic Moon with a Glow Coil.
Watchful Eyes The twilight was endured, and we now face towards dawn. Survive a Twilight with a Chaos Coil.
The War Is Over With nowhere left for him to go, you offer him a place of safety. Survive Blood Moon with the Medkit.
Fateful Encounter Everything for as long as time has led up to this moment. Find Maxwell.
Collateral Damage You swear it was an accident, and you have no idea where the sword went! Steal the Sealed Sword.
Know Your Enemy There isn´t enough room for the two of us. Encounter the Alternates.
Forgive Us The cost was too great and grief overtook her will to persist. Survive Bliss.
Did You Have Fun? There was no room left in the asylum for you. Survive Roblander.
Fahrenheit 10K Despite her burning hatred for you, you managed to push through the fire. Survive Fusion Pilot
It´s Dark It´s there again, behind you. You can see it, can´t you? Survive Something.
Fading Memory Wait, what did we just beat? I don’t remember. Survive Mystic Moon.
Darkest Day There was no such beast in the forest. Survive Twilight.
War The fight never ends for him, and he will be back to fight another day. Survive Blood Moon.
The Acolyte There’s no reason to look back. We can only move forward. Survive Solstice.
Genocide You had a bad time, but came out ontop. Survive TBH Sans.
It Happened. You should probably go for a walk after this round. Encounter Punished Arkus while holding the Sealed Sword.
Forget Me Not No thanks, I think I´d rather forget about this. Survive MopeMope.
The Purplest Guy And employee of the month goes too... Purple Guy! Survive Cracked Purple Guy.
Heresy You resisted temptations and fought against the teaching of sin. Combat the Apostles during WhiteNight.
Time Out Go sit in the corner, you´ve been naughty Survive a Punished round.
Ancient Power The weapon banished the knights curse, and grew stronger. / The weapon absorbed the knights curses, at what cost? Upgrade the Sealed Sword.
All Skill Despite watching everyone die, you never submitted to the fear. Survive a Solstice with no item.
Survivor You won your first round! Congratulations! Survive a round.
From The Ashes We will reform. We will beuild.We will show the world we are strong. Survive Glaggle Gang.
Muted “AMBUSH” has been muted by a moderator for micspam. Survive Ambush.
The Greatest Performance To Ever Be Held The performance is over, for now. The crowd awaits an encore. Survive Teuthida.
Conflict & Resolve Even after letting go of what made them alive, they still could not let go of their hate. Survive Convict Squad
Persistence Your life in the palm of your hand. Keep it safe, if you value it. Save for the first time.
You died! It´s okay, you´ll die at least 3 more times before you get the hang of it! Die for the first time.
Powered By Fear Now your chances of survival are 50% better! Purchase an item for the first time.
Rent´s Due Don´t have the money? Don´t worry, your life will make a fine payment! Get killed by a closet.
Big Bank You´ve done so much grinding today, you should probably take a break! Obtain 1000 Enkephalin.
INTERLOPE Was it just a dream? Or maybe something more. Don’t dwell on it. Die to the Interloper.
Oh No Look what you did, now she´s angry! Enrage Toren´s Shadow.
Dango Dango Dango I don´t think he can get any bigger. But it´s best not to feed him anymore to find out. Encounter a full Mountain of Smiling Bodies.
STOP You should always make sure the light is green before crossing! Die to Guidance´s red light.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time Well, at least the chances of it happening twice are basically zero. Die to MR MEGA´s passive lightning.
To Take The Dead Nailing the broken pieces back together, one AFK player at a time. Survive a round while being chased by Specimen 9.
Ph.D While you may not have the knowledge, you have the experience! Experience every status effect in one instance.
Spending Spree Guess he´ll have to restock his wares now. Purchase everything in the Enkephalin shop.
Deal With The Devil You sold your soul! I hope you didn´t need it for anything! Sign Beelzebub´s contract.
Freedom Enjoy it while it lasts, you know you won´t stay here forever. Stand in a grass section of The Wall for 170 seconds without leaving.
Be Nice You never know who´s waiting just down the hall from you. Survive Angry Munci.
Deleted The world will continue as it always has, just without you in it. Survive sm64.z64
Standard Procedure You resisted your intrusive thoughts and lived to see another day! Survive Don't Touch Me
Rule Breaker You allowed your intrusive thoughts to take over, and took everyone else with you. Press Don't Touch Me
Stand Proud I won! Hey guys! ...guys? Where´d everyone go? Be the only survivor of a round.
Perfection You survived so many rounds, without even a scratch! Survive 10 rounds in a row without taking any damage.
Crystal Clicker It´s just like one of those idle games! Break an enkephalin crystal.
Sightseer You´ve been all around the place! Complete a round in every location at least once in a single instance.
What’s For Dinner? Violence never solved anything. Survive Starved without stunning it.
Vengeance The only light that remained was fueled by a desire to take back what was taken. Survive Judas.
No Cost Too Great You betrayed everyone, and befriended a monster. Kill everyone in a Sabotage Round.
The First Festival We hope you had fun! Survive Walpurgisnacht.
The Red Mist Returns What remained of her opponents was nothing but red stains. Survive The Red Mist.
Uber Cheap Killer The X-Tier is really something else. Survive Sakuya The Ripper.
Dilemma A dubious creature stands before you. What can you do? Encounter Neko Arc.
Late For Work People got places to be! You´re just wasting their time! Enrage the Red Bus.
Primordial Signal It tells the story of our world;but nobody will ever recieve it. Survive S.O.S.
Live and Learn You proved that there is always hope in the face of fear. Survive a Midnight with a point reward over 200.
Endless Appetite Nothing will quench its everlasting hunger. Survive The Meatball Man
Researcher You´ve seen all this world has to offer. Complete the Nightmare Index.
Void Walker You´ve seen all this reality has to offer. Complete the Alternate Index.
Stargazer You spend too much time staring at the stars. Complete the Moon Index.
Ran´s Guidance Now you learned how to run! Survive “Christian Brutal Sniper”, “Huggy”, and “Akumii-Kari”.
Ran´s Favourite Say “Hi” to them! Survive “The Boys”.
Like She Do! She always does this very easily! Be the only survivor of a Bloodbath.
It´s the Slenderman! and he´s cooking hotdogs on the stove! Encounter the Hungry Home Invader.
Victory^3 That´s like, three times the victory! I think? I don´t know math. Survive a round in Challenge Cube.
Page Thief I wonder who drew all of these anyway? Beat 8 Pages
Mindless Machine But alas, he could be nothing more than a common machine. Survive that which has no name.
Rite of Passage With her choice made, she never looked back. Survive a Solstice with Teleporter.
An Unknown Challenger Was there an update I missed? Encounter a rare killer variant.
Hide & Seek Champion You better hope nobody else takes your hiding spot next time! Survive a Bloodbath or Midnight featuring Rush or Ambush.
The World They invaded her world of stopped time, and still you managed to survive. Survive a Bloodbath or Midnight featuring Sakuya Izayoi.
Empathy Everything can be emphasized with; except that thing. Survive Apathy.
Showstar! Looks like this rounds all about them! See a Round Takeover.
Seeing Double Did that witch do something to my eyes? See two of the same killer at once.
Paradise Found Perhaps what we consider paradise is subjective to us all. Some of us don´t want to be eaten by a bird. Survive Paradise Bird.
Lost Soul No home, no destiny, there is truly nothing for her left. Survive Kimera.
Heart of Horror It all had to come from somewhere, but in the end, ended up nowhere. Encounter Beyond in an instance.
Like Banbans to Heaven There is something wrong seriously with me for making this. Survive Garten Goers.
THIS IS NOT FUN Whatever, I'll just go play with someone else. Bye! Enraging Roblander.
The Observer I stared into the abyss, and the abyss stared back.Quit staring at me! Survive The Observation.
Radiant Happiness The only happiness we can look towards is the one that shines brightest. Survive Joy.
Scorched Your ashes scatter across the lands,returned to earth once more. Burn to death.
Yoink! Looks like that monster took your item,hope you don't need it. Have your item stolen.
The Judge Has Decided. You have sinned, but you already knew that didn't you? Die to a Judgement.
Perfected Split No, splitting in half does not double your points. Die to Red Mist's Greater Split.
Shocker If only you were an electric type... Be afflicted with Paralysis.
Homefield Advantage No fair, they know the map already! Encounter a terror on its own map.
Unchained That was fun, back into the chains you go. Survive an Unbound round.
Close Encounter Nature is beautiful. You know, when it's not killing you. Encounter the Cat on Have Dimension.
Lost In Space The sound escapes your ears, as the last of your air leaves your lunges. Activate the lasers on Colony and escaping.
Shutdown! Screw this game, I quit! Die to the power button on Desktop.
TBH To be honest, I'm surprised you got this. Encounter TBH on TBH.
Loremaster Not only are you a nerd, you're a button presser too! Press all the buttons on Museum in one round.
Bus Pass It's only good for a month, so make sure you renew it! Survive the Transportation Trio & The Drifter.
The Only Friend I Need You don't need friends when you have marketable toys. Suevive an Alternate with any plush item.
Ruined The last of his legion crumbles,as the flame is extinguished once again. Survive Monarch.
An Alternate Exit Who knew the Meatball was just another part of Robland? Escape The Meatball through the door.
HEY STOP THAT! Those are expensive!How would you like if I broke YOUR screens? Break every screen in Robland in one round.
Responsible Pet Owner With everyone feeding him,Swim Shady will live a long life. Feed Swim Shady.
Depressing Prize You won an amazing prize from the Claw Machine! Win Nora from the Claw Machine in Fishbowl.
Chaotic Prize You won an amazing prize from the Claw Machine! Win Roblander from the Claw Machine in Fishbowl.
Sefless Prize You won an amazing prize from the Claw Machine! Win Observation from the Claw Machine in Fishbowl.
Astral Burial Little do you know, there's actually nothing under this grave, not even the ground. Someone bring the Darkgrey Plush to Darkgrey's Hole's Grave on Astral.
Henry114's Secret You listened to the madman's ramblings. Follow Henry114´s instructions.
Om Nom Nom You are a burger, congratulations! Eat a Burger.
143 No matter where you are,I'll always be looking out for you. Die to Hellmari in Blackspace.
Whale Watcher Simply wonderful. It's not everyday you get to see something like this. Witness the whale in Sea Base.  
Massive W While you did get a massive W,it seems that you were unable to hold it. Be crushed by the W in Wafflehouse.
This Item Sucks! Maybe next time you'll purchase something useful. Trash an item.
Peek-A-Boo! Hehe, I see you! But what's that behind you? Peek through the crack in Hotel.
The Deep Dark Must have been hard finding all those pages, without making a single noise! Survive The Warden on 8 Pages.
ROAD ROLLAR DA! This was not a Jojo reference; but I made it one. Die to Waterwraith by it dropping down on you.
Red Defender While you protected yourself, the blood of those fallen tainted your shield. Survive a Bloodbath with the Silver Kat Charm.
Super Ghost Burgers The ghost, they're trying to control me!Helppp, ARUUGHHh!! Survive a Ghost round with the Burger.
Deadman's Iron Five will do, friend. No more, no less. Survive a Bloodbath with the Antique Revolver.
Better With Friends! With numbers, you are stronger. Play a round with a full lobby.
All Her Fault There's nothing you can do for her.You've already broken her heart. Survive the Restless Creator.
Followed The voices grew louder and became overwhelming,but you kept calm and escaped. Survive Shadow Freddy.
Stayin Alive You may have lost most of your blood and suffered greatly, but you survived! Survive a round with less than 3 HP.
Who Needs Pain? Pain is just a physical responseof the body, so therefore, I can just ignore it! Beat an Alternate Round with a Regen Coil.
It Grows Within You should probably get that checked out by a doctor. Survive a round while afflicted with Arrival Infection at Stage 3.
One Way Ticker You best be sure you won't be returning. Purchase a ticket from Express Train To Hell.
Anomalous Discovery The weapon is loyal to you, surely you won't betray it's trust. Survive every terror at least once. (excluding Alternates & Moons)
Remember Me When the TV turns off, just please, remember our time together. Survive Those Olden Days.
A Shiny Quarter You're incredible, here's your prize! A shiny quarter! Survive Baldi.
The Force Did you just stun that killer, with your mind?! Survive a Ghost round with a Bat.
Something Strange We'd better call somebody, but who? Survive a Ghost round.
Cheese'd to Meet You You did it, you found the cheese. Find all the cheeses in Cheese Maze.
:3 I´ll always be watching from up here. Survive Parhelion.
Don't Ask Me Why I desperately wish to be included in the city's night. Survive 얀샋ㄷ요무.
Oh, So Sleepy Don't think he'll mind if I use this as a bed. Interact with Bed Mecha's bed after it collapses.
Destroyer of Worlds And now I have become death. Survive a Midnight with the Corkscrew Coil.
Linked Now you'll never be alone again! Survive an Unbound with the Teleporter.
Thrilling Gameplay They made a little version of Terrors, just for you! surviving an Unbound

with Have's Mysterious Brew.

Pressured You're lucky Urbanshade can't get to you here. Survive Searchlights.
Happy Winterfest! There´s something in the snow for you! Find the Snowy Speed Coil.
Their Garden If I went with you, would there be happily-ever-afters? Survive the Cold Night.
Which Way? (Not obtainable) I think I´m lost. Oh well, I´ll just google it. Survive The Navigator.
Insurrection (Not obtainable) While unable to undo the damage done that day, the door has opened for a better future. Survive Glaggle Gang.
The Fog Is Coming

(Not obtainable)

Is the reason the mist is red because of all the blood? Survive Red Mist Squidward.
Fallen Kingdom

(Not obtainable)

The king failed to exact his revenge, and once again returned to darkness. Survive Monarch.



  • Terrors of Nowhere的最初灵感来源于CaptainSpinxs制作的Roblox游戏Midnight Horrors
  • 游戏中引用了许多不同媒体的内容和典故,其中许多在游戏中都有解释,但也有一些没有解释:
    • "脑啡肽"指的是 Project Moon 的游戏 Lobotomy Corporation 和 Limbus Company 中的能源。
    • 线圈物品参考了 Roblox 中名称相似的物品。
