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(Created page with "<blockquote>Ein Mörder ist wieder auf freiem Fuß! Hilf dem Detektiv, indem du Hinweise findest und den Übeltäter aufspürst. Jetzt mit Avataren! Von jar</blockquote>")
(Created page with "Der Stift einer Granate kann durchs Drücken des Triggers oder der Maustaste gezogen werden. Solange die Granate gehalten wird, wird sie nicht detonieren.")
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Der Stift einer Granate kann durchs Drücken des Triggers oder der Maustaste gezogen werden. Solange die Granate gehalten wird, wird sie nicht detonieren.
The pin of a grenade can be pulled by clicking the trigger, or the mouse button. The grenade will not detonate as long as it is being held.

<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="en" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">

Revision as of 23:27, 29 September 2024

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Ein Mörder ist wieder auf freiem Fuß! Hilf dem Detektiv, indem du Hinweise findest und den Übeltäter aufspürst. Jetzt mit Avataren! Von jar

Murder 4 is a cross-compatible player-versus-player horror game world, created by Jar in 2020. Up to twenty-four players can play at a time, but a minimum of three players must be present to begin. There are three possible roles to play as: The Detective, The Bystander(s), and The Murderer. There are clues, photographs, weapons, and hazards that players will encounter. The goal of the Murderer is to eliminate every player in the mansion. The goal of the Detective, and the Bystanders is to work together to identify and neutralize the Murderer.


Der Instanz-Master kann optional Spielmodifikatoren hinzufügen, um die Regeln zu ändern.

  • Teams Enabled - beschwört zwölf Kreise zum Hineinstellen in der Lobby. Mehrere Spieler dürfen im selben Kreis stehen und übernehmen dadurch alle die gleiche Rolle, sodass es mehr als einen Detektiv oder Mörder geben kann.
  • Scrambled Spawns - zufällige Auswahl eines Raumes, in dem Spieler in der Villa starten. Nur der Detektiv spawnt immer im Arbeitszimmer.
  • One Unlock Only - spawnt eine freischaltbare Waffe für den ersten Spieler, der alle fünf Hinweise findet. Keine weiteren Hinweise spawnen mehr für alle anderen.
  • Invisible Knives bewirkt, dass nur der Mörder Messer auf dem Boden sehen kann. Messer sind immer noch sichtbar in der Hand des Mörders.


Es gibt einige Räume und drei Etagen in der Villa.

Raum Etage # Messer? Schubladen/Schränke
Schlafzimmer 2 Ja 5
Billardzimmer 1 Ja 11
Keller U1 Ja 2
Wintergarten 1 Nein 0
Esszimmer 1 Nein 8
Großer Saal 1 Nein 4
Küche 1 Ja 8
Klosett 2 Nein 1
Bibliothek 1 Ja 2
Lounge 1 Nein 3
Arbeitszimmer 2 Nein 9


Clues are collectible sheets of paper or framed pictures, which will reward the player with one of four weapons after five clues have been collected. Any player in the game can collect clues, however, clues are networked locally, meaning that each player's own clues will appear in a different place from everyone else, and cannot be shared. Clues can be out in the open on shelves or behind doors but also may be hidden in drawers and cabinets. Opening drawers and cabinets may reward the player with a clue, so open as many as possible; opening drawers and cabinets helps the Detective and other Bystanders in the search for their clues. Two clues will spawn at a time, and when one clue is collected, then another clue will appear elsewhere on the map.

Collecting all five clues will reward the player with one of four weapons:

  • Luger with suppressor - A handgun that can fire quietly. It can fire faster than the Detective's revolver.
  • Double-barrel shotgun - A shotgun that fires rounds very loudly. It can fire faster than the Detective's revolver.
  • Fragmentation grenade - A one-time-use grenade that will detonate and eliminate anyone within its blast radius.
  • Smoke grenade - A one-time use smoke bomb that obstructs vision, and slows down any player within the smoke's radius. The smoke clears after about thirty seconds.

Der Stift einer Granate kann durchs Drücken des Triggers oder der Maustaste gezogen werden. Solange die Granate gehalten wird, wird sie nicht detonieren.

If a weapon is dropped, another player can pick it up and use it (unless a grenade's pin has already been pulled).

A "spectator" view of the Mansion. The purple gun shows where the detective spawns and the detective's revolver location, Hazards, and weapons are outlined. The cellar is hidden from view.

Fotos und Kamera

There are five collectible photographs to collect and sort out. These photographs can be sorted in the Study room. Finding all photographs and sorting them properly will reward the player with a flash-photography camera.

The camera will stun anyone within the picture, forcing them to drop their held items. The camera has a very long cooldown. Ideally, the camera should be used to make an escape when its photographer feels threatened.


Der Mörder

The Murderer's goal is to kill all other players in a round by utilizing various tools that can be found around the map. It is possible for there to be more than one Murderer via the 'Teams Enabled' modifier.

The Murderer can control hazards around the map which can harm the Bystanders and Detective. These hazards can only be operated by the Murderer:

  • Knives are the most accessible and most concealable weapon for the Murderer. The Murderer can also throw knives at their victims. If a player touches a moving knife, they will be defeated. The Detective and Bystanders cannot pick up or use knives.
  • Opening a crate will release a snake (or cat, if the "Snake-phobia Safe" setting is enabled) to follow and attack other players. The snake (or cat) will make noises, which will alert it to nearby players. It can be defeated with an accurate shot or blast from a frag grenade.
  • There are beartraps in the Study, the Ballroom closet, and the Billiards closet that can be deployed anywhere by the Murderer. The only two ways to disarm the beartrap are for a player to activate it, eliminating them, or for the Murderer to disarm it.
  • Wine and glasses are props that any player can pick up and use, however, the Murderer can poison the wine, eliminating a player if they drink the beverage.
  • Lastly, the Murderer can also turn off the power within the mansion by pulling the breaker lever. The Detective and Bystanders will not be able to see easily in the dark, and nameplates will be disabled for them. The lights can be turned back on, by having a bystander or detective go back to the same breaker switch to turn it back on. These levers are upstairs in the closet, the closet in the Billiards room, one in the Cellar, and one in the Ballroom closet. When the power is off, the safest room to be in is outside in the Conservatory since the moon provides some lighting, and three methods of escape.

Der Detektiv

The Detective's goal is to cooperate with the Bystanders to identify and neutralize the Murderer. There can be more than one Detective via the 'Teams Enabled' modifier. All detectives will spawn in the Study room upstairs, but there will only be one revolver. The Detective should also assist Bystanders by opening drawers and cabinets to look for clues. The Detective can collect their own clues, and carry two weapons if in VR mode.

The revolver is the slowest of the three guns, and the revolver will drop to the ground if the Detective or Bystander fires at an innocent player. This revolver can be picked up by anyone except for the Murderer, so it is also possible to ask Bystanders to pick up the revolver to prove their innocence. If a second firearm is found by the Detective, the smart strategy is to offer the revolver to the Bystander while the Detective keeps the Luger or shotgun.

Der Bystander

Der Bystander ist eine neutrale Fraktion mit dem Ziel zu überleben. Er kann entweder dem Mörder oder dem Detektiv helfen oder diese hindern, gewinnt aber, wenn der Mörder eliminiert wird. Idealerweise hält er nach Hinweisen oder Fotos ausschau, um ein Mittel zur Verteidigung zu erhalten.


  • Es gibt ein eingerahmtes Portrait des Schauspielers Will Smith im Schlafzimmer.
  • Viele der Soundeffekte von Murder 4 stammen von Valves Left 4 Dead-Spielereihe.
  • Murder 4 ist statistisch gesehen das populärste Spiel in Jars "Murder"-Reihe.
