社区:Murder 4
Murder 4 是一款兼容跨平台(安卓、PC)的 PVP 微惊悚游戏世界, 由 Jar 于 2020 年创作。最多可以有 24 名玩家共同游玩,但开始游戏的最低人数限制为 3 人。有三种角色可以扮演:侦探、局外人和杀手。玩家可以与各种线索、照片、武器和陷阱互动。杀手的目标是消灭宅邸里的每一个玩家。侦探和局外人的目标是共同努力找出并消灭凶手。
- Teams Enabled - 在大厅中生成十二个圆圈。多个玩家可以站在同一个圆圈中,保证他们与圆圈中的每个人都扮演相同的角色,这样就可以有多个侦探或杀手。
- Scrambled Spawns - 玩家将会随机出生在宅邸中的任意房间,但侦探只会在书房中出生。
- One Unlock Only - 为第一个收集到全部五条线索的玩家生成一件武器,其他人将不能再找到任何线索。
- Invisible Knives - 只允许杀手看到地上的刀。但杀手手中的刀仍然可见。
房间名称 | 所在层数 # | 是否有刀? | 抽屉/橱柜 |
卧室 | 2 | 是 | 5 |
台球室 | 1 | 是 | 11 |
地窖 | B1 | 是 | 2 |
温室 | 1 | 否 | 0 |
餐厅 | 1 | 否 | 8 |
大厅 | 1 | 否 | 4 |
厨房 | 1 | 是 | 8 |
洗手间 | 2 | 否 | 1 |
图书馆 | 1 | 是 | 2 |
休息室 | 1 | 否 | 3 |
书房 | 2 | 否 | 9 |
- Luger with suppressor - 一种可以消音射击的手枪。它的装填速度比侦探的左轮手枪快。
- Double-barrel shotgun - 一种霰弹枪,开枪时声音很大。它的装填速度比侦探左轮手枪更快。
- Fragmentation grenade - 一种一次性使用的手榴弹,会引爆并消灭爆炸半径内的任何玩家。
- Smoke grenade - 一种一次性使用的烟雾弹,会阻碍视线,并使烟雾半径内的任何玩家减速。烟雾会在大约 30 秒后散去。
在 VR 模式下,可以通过按压扳机来拉动手榴弹的引信,在 PC 模式下,则使用鼠标左键。只要手榴弹没有被扔下,它就不会爆炸。
杀手的目标是利用地图上的各种工具杀死一轮游戏中的所有其他玩家。通过启用 “Teams Enabled” 修饰词,杀手可以不止一个。
- 刀是杀手最容易获得和最容易隐藏的武器。杀手还可以向受害者投掷刀具。如果玩家触碰到移动的刀,就会被击杀。侦探和局外人不能拾取或使用刀具。
- 打开箱子会放出一条蛇(或一只猫,如果启用了 “Snake-phobia Safe” 设置),它会跟随并攻击其他玩家。蛇(或猫)会发出声音,提醒附近的玩家注意。只要准确射击或使用碎片手榴弹爆炸,就能将其杀死。
- 在书房、休息室的壁橱和台球的壁橱里都有捕兽夹,杀手可以把它们放在任何地方。只有两种解除陷阱的方法:玩家踩中它,它将会失效,或者杀手主动解除它。
- 酒和杯子是道具,任何玩家都可以拿起使用,但杀手可以在酒中下毒,如果玩家喝了这种被下毒的酒,就会被杀死。
- 凶手可以通过拉动断路器控制杆来切断宅邸内的电源。侦探和局外人在黑暗中将无法看清东西,他们的铭牌也会失效。可以让旁观者或侦探回到同一个断路器开关处重新打开电灯。这些开关分别位于楼上的壁橱、台球室的壁橱、地下室的壁橱和休息室的壁橱。断电时,最安全的地方是外面的温室,因为月亮可以提供一些照明和三种逃生方法。
Murder 4 has 52 achievements that can be unlocked by completing objectives. Achievements are saved using persistence.Normal achievements
Achievement | Description |
Slaughterhouse | Win a game with 12 or more players. |
Behind Closed Doors | Stab 25 players without witnesses. |
Sheer Steel | Kill 5 players with throwing knives from 5 meters away. |
Bear Necessities | Murder 10 players with bear traps. |
Give 'em the Grizzly | Kill someone with a bear trap in the dark. |
Knife to a Gun Fight | Use knives to kill a player who is holding a gun. |
Outgunned | Use guns to murder 5 other players holding guns. |
Point and Shoot | Use guns to murder 15 victims. |
Bitter End | Poison 5 players. |
Sommelier | Poison a victim shortly after drinking poison yourself. |
Free Noodle | Murder 3 players using the snake. |
Hook, Line, and Slither | Murder a player right after they shoot the snake. |
Lights Out | Switch off the lights 5 times. |
Darkest Hour | Turn off every light switch in a single game. |
Shinobi | Murder a player from within a smoke cloud. |
Hat Trick | Murder 3 players with the silenced pistol in a single game. |
Shotgun Spree | Murder 6 people with a shotgun in a single game. |
The Long Con | As the murderer, collect enough clues to unlock an item. |
Gonna Need a Bigger Morgue | Murder 100 players. |
Opportune Moment | Murder someone while they are blinded. |
Secret Weapon | Kill using a knife stashed in the great hall grandfather clock. |
Cat and Mouse | Murder the detective last. |
No Witnesses | Kill 3 players who witnessed you turn off the lights. |
Case Closed | As the detective, shoot the murderer 3 times. |
My Favorite Deputy | Give your revolver to a bystander who shoots the murderer. |
Legacy | Give your revolver to the detective from the previous round. |
Super Sleuth | As the detective, unlock an additional weapon. |
Trigger Happy | Get 10 game-winning shots as a bystander. |
Sharpshooter | Shoot the murderer from 12 meters away. |
Everyone Stand Back | Blow up the murderer and nobody else. |
Bombs Away | Kill 4 or more players with a single explosion. |
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em | Detonate a smoke grenade on 4 or more players. |
Say Cheese | Blind 5 or more players with a camera flash. |
Paparazzi | Photograph 12 players with the flash camera. |
Martyr | Blow up yourself and the murderer with the same grenade. |
Contingency Plan | Blow up the murderer from beyond the grave. |
Obtain Luger | Collect clues to find the silenced pistol 3 times. |
Obtain Sawed-Off | Collect clues to find a shotgun 3 times. |
Obtain Smoke | Collect clues to find a smoke grenade 3 times. |
Obtain Frag | Collect clues to find a frag grenade 3 times. |
Obtain Camera | Solve the puzzle to unlock the flash camera. |
Town Ain't Big Enough | Shoot the murderer in the final showdown. |
Cold Case | Win a game that lasts longer than 15 minutes. |
Secret achievements
Achievement | Description |
Not My Problem | Toss the revolver into the back garden. |
Highly Suspect | Click the suspicious painting 50 times. |
Meow | Get killed by a cat. |
Flushed | Detonate smoke in the toilet. |
Road Trip | Be in the car with 3 other players for a while. |
Tilted | Shoot the tilted sconce. |
Fortissimo | Die while playing the piano. |
Dressed to Impress | Win 3 games after using a murder avatar pedestal. |
Toss-Up | As the detective, throw the revolver for a bystander to catch. |
- 卧室里有一幅演员 Will Smith 的画像。
- Murder 4 的许多音效都来自 Valve 的 《Left 4 Dead》 系列。
- Murder 4 是 Jar “Murder” 系列中最受欢迎的作品。
- "Murder 4 in VRChat" 发布在YouTube上的预告片
- "Murder 4 poison wine" 发布在YouTube上的预告片
- "Murder 4 Partners in Crime (Valentine's Day)" 发布在YouTube上的预告片
- "Murder 4 Halloween Trailer" 发布在YouTube上的预告片
- "Merry Murder 4" 发布在YouTube上的预告片