Earmuff Mode

Earmuff Mode, or "Earmuffs" is a feature that allows a user to reduce the volume of other users outside a customizable radius around the user. Earmuff Mode was released on August 30, 2022. Earmuffs can be accessed by the Quick Menu through the Audio tab, in Main Menu's Settings tab, under Audio & Voice. The shortcut for quickly toggling on and off Earmuff Mode is double-clicking the Audio tab on the Quick Menu.
While Earmuff Mode is enabled, other users can see if another user has it enabled by looking at the top right of their nameplate as seen below:
Earmuffs Mode can be toggled on or off and comes with different settings to allow you to customize your preferred way of "muffling" users.
See also: Earmuff Mode settings page section for a streamlined view.
This changes the range in meters at which the volume of other players will begin to be reduced.
Distance value can be set between 0.0-10.0m.
Falloff Distance
The falloff in meters of which user volumes will be reduced outside the initial range.
Falloff distance value can be set between 0.0-10.0m.
Outside Volume
The lowest range a user's volume will be reduced to.
Outside volume value can be set between 0-100%.
Always Show Visual Aide
Will toggle the visualization of the Earmuff range to always be visible.
Toggles between Off/On.
Include Avatar Audio
Whether or not Avatar Audio is affected by Earmuff Mode.
Toggles between Off/On.
Forward Cone
Adjusts the range to a cone to favor users in front of the user.
Forward cone value can be set between 0-100%.
Falloff Forward Shift
Adjust the amount of forward offset that the directionality property applies to your Earmuff's falloff zone.
Forward cone value can be set between 0-100%.
Shape Follows Rotation of...
Whether the shape of the Earmuff cone follows the user's camera (current view) or the root of their avatar.
Toggles between Camera and Avatar.
Lock Shape Rotation
Locks the shape rotation in its current position.
Toggles between Off/On.