VRChat Home

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VRChat Home 是 VRChat 的默认主世界,由 VRChat 团队创作。你可以通过打开你的快速菜单并点击回家按钮,选择默认来访问 VRChat Home。你可以在选项卡上搜索世界,并点击设置为家按钮来将你喜欢的世界设置为主世界。在你登入 VRChat 以及点击回家按钮时,你将前往你的主世界。当然,你也可以在“世界”选项卡中搜索你的主世界,然后点击重置主世界按钮来重置“主世界”。

一张 VRChat Home 的截图。

VRChat Home 是初学者和资深玩家的理想去处,它向新玩家介绍了 VRChat 的常用概念和菜单选项,这些对 VRChat 体验至关重要;所有这些都让玩家置身于一个宁静的空间环境中,在外星建筑和植物环绕下的休息室令人心旷神怡。

There are interactive panels at the spawn point to change locomotion and movement to be more comfortable; the locomotion panel is different on each platform. Throughout the world, there are signs explaining core VRChat functions, as well as avatars that you can select near a mirror to look at the different avatars, and portals leading to different worlds. One of the highlighted worlds leads to No Time Two Talk, a social icebreaker game, great for all users. The other portals off to the side lead to curated worlds, and some of the portals may lead to an avatar world for you to find more avatars.

Near the mirror is an interactive music panel. The music heard by default in the VRChat Home world is "Youth" by Tony Schay, but can also be changed to three other songs: "Seeking Solace" by Arcane, "Partially Offline" by Andrea Baroni, and "SpeedTrials" by Rocktopus.

Occasionally, VRChat may host a special event, and the theme or Holopod for the VRChat Home may temporarily change, or an additional extension or portal to the VRChat Home will be presented.
