在 VRChat 中,虚拟形象指的是玩家所使用的模型。虚拟形象是玩家在 VR 环境中互动和表达自己的主要方式。通过虚拟形象,玩家可以展现自己的个性,与世界互动,或以富有创意和沉浸感的方式探索新身份。虚拟形象有多种形状和大小,VRchat 社区开发了各种各样的虚拟形象,每个都有独特的风格和美感。玩家可以根据自己的个人喜好来决定哪种虚拟形象最适合自己,或者利用 VRChat SDK 创建自己的虚拟形象。
当用户第一次进入 VRChat 时,他们会使用默认的 Robot 虚拟形象。当然,他们也可以选择使用 VRChat 官方提供的各种角色。不过,这些选择仅是虚拟形象的冰山一角。用户可以通过多种方法更换虚拟形象。
VRChat 维护着一个精选的具有各种特色的公共虚拟形象列表,这些虚拟形象经过性能优化,旨在迎合各种风格和偏好。用户可以随时浏览和试用这些虚拟形象,只需在主菜单中的 “虚拟形象”选项卡选择“公共虚拟形象”或“旧的虚拟形象”即可。
用户可以收藏虚拟形象,以便以后使用。收藏的虚拟形象将显示在虚拟形象选项卡的“收藏”集中。每个收藏集最多可保存 50 个虚拟形象。如果订阅了 VRChat+,你将还可以多使用 5 个虚拟形象收藏集。
There are multiple ways to favorite an avatar. If you’re wearing the avatar you want to favorite, go to the avatars page and click the "Favorite Avatar" button in the bottom right corner, below the avatar preview. If someone else is wearing an avatar you want to favorite, select the user and press the "Favorite Avatar" button in the Quick Menu.
Platform compatibility
See also Platforms for more detailed information.
VRChat avatars are designed differently for PC and mobile platforms, primarily due to the limitations of devices like the Oculus Quest, Android, and iOS systems. Consequently, some avatars may not be viewable or usable on all devices. Detailed information on these limitations can be found in the following resources:
Creators can configure an avatar to be compatible with multiple platforms by uploading multiple versions of the same avatar ID. If an avatar can't be shown to the user, it will first try to display an Impostor of that avatar. If no impostor has been generated, the user will instead be displayed as a Fallback avatar.
The user's Fallback avatar can be changed in the Avatar menu.
Performance Ranking
Avatars are ranked by performance thresholds. They go from Very Poor, to Poor, to Medium, to Good, to Excellent. This classification helps users understand the performance impact of their avatars on the overall VRChat experience. Examples of things that influence avatar performance rankings include mesh polygon count, material count, texture resolution, animator complexity; and avatar components such as PhysBones or constraints.
You can find more details on the official documentation at Avatar Performance Ranking System.
Creating and uploading
Users can enhance their VRChat experience by creating and uploading custom avatars, provided they comply with VRChat's Terms of Service. To upload an avatar, users must first attain the rank of "New User" and acquire the necessary tools, such as the recommended version of Unity and the VRChat SDK.
A more detailed guide on what you can do with the SDK is available on the Creators docs at Creating Your First Avatar.
Once you have an uploaded avatar, you will be able to find them in the "Uploaded" section of your avatar list.
Official resources
- Avatars on VRChat Creators.