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VRChat utiliza varios tipos de menús que se pueden utilizar para interactuar con diferentes aspectos de la plataforma. Los más notables son el Menú rápido, el Menú principal y el Menú de acción. Si bien estos menús tienen propósitos distintos y ofrecen funciones exclusivas, a menudo comparten las mismas funciones y ajustes, solo que se presentan en formatos diferentes que se adaptan mejor a diferentes contextos.

Menú rápido

Una imagen del menú rápido en VRChat.

Consulta también Menú rápido para obtener información más detallada.

El menú rápido contiene opciones y acciones con las que el usuario puede querer interactuar con frecuencia. Las funciones que se encuentran en el menú rápido son, por lo general, una versión condensada de sus contrapartes en el menú principal, con algunas excepciones. Algunos ejemplos de funciones exclusivas del menú rápido son un botón para visitar tu mundo casa, un botón para reaparecer, la pestaña Aquí y más.

Los usuarios de VRChat pueden referirse al menú rápido coloquialmente como el menú "Pequeño". De manera predeterminada, se abre en PC usando la tecla "Escape", en VR presionando "B / Y" (botón superior del pulgar de cualquiera de las manos) y en mandos y dispositivos móviles presionando el botón "Menú".

Menú principal

Una imagen del menú principal en VRChat.

See also Main Menu for more detailed information.

The Main Menu can be revealed by 'expanding' the Quick Menu. It offers a more robust collection of tabs with in-depth information about VRChat systems like Worlds, Avatars, Groups, etc. Some examples of features exclusive to the Main Menu are browsing worlds, a full suite of settings, searching for users and content, and more.

The Main Menu may colloquially be referred to as the “Big Menu” by VRChat users.

Action Menu

See also Action Menu for more detailed information.

The Action Menu houses a variety of actions generally intended to be quickly used during social interaction. Options present themselves as segments in circular, nested menus, selected by inputting a flick in the direction of the segment you wish to interact with. The Action Menu is primarily used for activating features built in to avatars such as emotes within the Expressions category, however it also features categories for sending Emoji, toggling basic tools like the Personal Mirror, and an Options category for various settings.

The Action Menu may colloquially be referred to as the “Radial” or “Circle" menu by VRChat users. By default it is opened on PC using the R key, on VR by pressing and holding B / Y (top thumb buttons), on gamepads by pressing the Right Thumbstick, and on mobile by pressing and holding the Menu button.


See also Settings for more detailed information.

Settings are preferences to customize your VRChat experience. Menus for settings can be found in the Quick Menu, Main Menu, and Action Menu. They cover preferences for UI Elements, User Interface, Avatars, Your Avatar, Avatar Culling, Chatboxes, Display and Visual Adjustments, Comfort & Safety, and Audio & Voice, Graphics, Mirrors, Controls, Tracking & IK, Accessibility, and Debugging.

The Main Menu and Quick Menu tab for Settings is identified by a Icons Settings 25.png cog icon. The Settings tab in the Action Menu is identified as "Options", which can be accessed upwards on the wheel.


See also Camera for more detailed information.

The Camera is used to take pictures within VRChat. It can be accessed through the Quick Menu, or the Tools tab of the Action Menu. You can enable your camera in compatible modes, such as the Photo Camera, Screenshots, or Multi-Layered; also capture Icon, and Gallery photos, and access them within the client, or on the VRChat website if subscribed to VRChat+. Desktop and PCVR users will have access to a Open Photos Folder button in the Camera tab, and can browse their snapshots on their computer. The Camera can also be enabled through the Action Menu under Tools.

Debug Menus

See also Debug Menus for more detailed information.

These are tools to help debug worlds, avatars, and OSC in-game. In order to see these, VRChat needs to be launched using the launch paremeter --enable-debug-gui. There are 9 different debug views to help creators fix errors or to test optimizations applied and their impact.

See also