Quick Menu

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An image of the Quick Menu in VRChat.
An image of the Quick Menu in VRChat.

The Quick Menu is the most utilized menu in VRChat for its versatility. It offers several features instantaneously, including tiles to bring open other menus, and accessing information at a glance. When opening the Quick Menu, it always opens on the Launch Pad tab, symbolized by the rocket symbol on the bottom. The primary features of the Launch Pad are the banners, and the easy access to Quick Links and Quick Actions, as described in the tiles shown. One can change tabs that are located on the bottom side of the Quick Menu, expand or close the Wings, change the clock, or access the other buttons.

Launch Pad banners

Banners that are on display for the Launch Pad can notify you of VRChat events, new features, or resources for new players. In rare cases, the Launch Pad banners can display a message to update VRChat if a new systematic feature is rolled out, or to let you know if you're currently running an Open Beta version of VRChat, where you may be isolated from friends playing on a different version.


Within the Launch Pad, there are eight buttons or tiles that are featured on the center of the Quick Menu. These tiles are commonly accessed during your VRChat session to change worlds, avatars, and settings.

Tile Tooltip Function
Worlds Discover and visit new worlds Opens the World tab of the Main Menu.
Avatars Change your avatar Opens the Avatars tab of the Main Menu.
Social Browse users in the instance and your friends Opens the Social tab of the Main Menu.
Groups Click to view the Groups page Opens the Groups tab of the Main Menu.
Go Home Go to your Home World Opens submenu to choose "Yes" for your Home world, or "Default" for the VRChat Home.
Respawn Teleport to the start of this world Teleports user to the spawnpoint.
Select User (PC/Mobile) Free look to select a user. Alternatively hold [Shift] This tile will appear when a user is on desktop mode, or the mobile client.
Sit/Stand (VR) Change to seated mode

Change to standing mode

This tile will appear when a user is in VR mode. Clicking this avatar will move your viewpoint up, or down.

It will aide your avatar to crouch, go prone, or stand back up.

Calibrate FBT (VR) Calibrate full body tracking This tile will appear when a user is in VR mode, and pairs body trackers.
Change Shield Level Adjust what you see and hear from other users Opens submenu, allowing the shield to be changed to Maximum, Normal, None, or Custom. See also Safety


There are buttons on the bottom of the Quick Menu, referred to as 'tabs' that can be single-clicked or double-clicked to access more options.

Tab Icon Tooltip Function
Launch Pad 🚀 Access quick links and actions. Double click to view in Main Menu. The Launch Pad provides Quick Links, and Quick Actions.
Notifications 🔔 View your notifications. Double click to view in Main Menu. The Notification tab displays friend requests, invites, boops, as well as group, system, and instance-related announcements.
Here 📍 View information about your current instance. Double click to view in Main Menu. The Here tab displays basic world information, world actions to rejoin the instance, (un)favorite the world, or close off the instance if you're hosting, as well as a list of users that are currently present in the instance; may include blocked users if you have moderation privileges.
Camera 📷 View your camera options. Double click to spawn the photo camera. The Camera tab will allow a user to choose from a Photo Camera, Stream Camera, Icon Camera, or Gallery Camera. Advanced options include screenshots, multi-layered photos, and accessing photographs on your device's storage. See also Camera
Volume 🔊 Adjust your microphone and audio settings. Double click to toggle Earmuffs on and off. The Volume tab gives accessibility to Master volume, and volume for UI/Menu, World, and Voices. If you're on PC, or PCVR, there is also a slider for Avatar volume. Microphone options for yourself, including output volume, noise suppression, activation thresholds, as well as preferences for toggling your mic, activating push-to-talk, or leaving it always on, or always off. There are also advanced options for Earmuffs, if activated for increasing radius and volume inside and outside the bubble. See also Volume Settings.
VRChat+ Icon VRC Plus Icon.png VRChat+ The VRChat+ tab showcases features apart of VRChat+ when you aren't a member. If you have a active subscription, it displays quick link tiles to the various VRChat+ features.
Settings ⚙️ Adjust settings for UI, accessibility, and more. Double click to view in Main Menu. The Settings tab covers various topics such as UI Elements, Your Avatar, Avatar Culling, Chatboxes, Display and Visual Adjustments, Comfort, Tracking & IK, Advanced Options for Horizon Adjust, and Debugging. For more in-depth coverage of Settings, you can open the Main Menu which offers a wider variety.


An image of the Quick Menu in VRChat, with it's wings open.
An image of the Quick Menu in VRChat, with expanded wings.

Wings are expandable and customizable widget menus that appear on each side of the Quick Menu and Main Menu, offering an easier way to instantly access the preferences to your favorite VRChat content.

Option Tooltip Function
Profile View your user details Includes name, profille banner and icon, as well as tabs for nameplate status, current avatar, current world, amount of friends online, and Trust rank appearance.
Friends View your online friends Shows the available users on your friend list who are online. You can sort alphabetically, by availability, by location, or only show favorited friends.
Groups View your groups Allows you to choose a group, and shows you any active instances.
Avatars View your avatars Displays a condensed grid of avatars you've favorited or have recently worn.
Worlds Browse Worlds Shows recently visited worlds, worlds uploaded by you, or the lists of your favorite worlds.
Emoji Express yourself with Emojis Choose an emoji to show to other users. VRChat+ users an use custom emojis!
Stickers Express yourself with Stickers Choose a sticker to place in worlds. VRChat+ exclusive feature.
Expressions Make your avatar wave, dance, and more Utilize custom animations, props, or other features equipped to your current avatar. See also Expressions
Explore Discover things to do in VRChat Read VRChat tutorials from the Help and Info menu!


Widgets is an element that appears above the section where your social status, clock and VRChat Credits are. This area displays information about certain features that are turned on or the status of world related features.

Element Icon Description
Earmuff Mode EarmuffModeIcon QM.png Appears when Earmuff Mode is on, displays earmuff mode distance and a "Turn Off" button on the far right.
Streamer Mode StreamerModeIcon QM.png Appears when Streamer Mode is active. "Turn Off" button on the far right.
Safe Mode SafeModeIcon QM.png Appears when Safe Mode is active. "Turn Off" button on the far right.
Preloading World N/A Appears when preloading a world. The icon is the thumbnail of the world you are preloading.

When preloading, the name, and download size of the world displays, along with a status bar showing the progress of the preload. You can cancel the preload at anytime by clicking the "Cancel" button of the far right. When the world is finished preloading, you can join the world by clicking the "Join" button on the far right.

Instance Queue InstanceQueueIcon QM.png

InstanceQueueReadyIcon QM.png

Appears when you are in a instance queue.

When waiting, it displays your queue position by default but this can be changed by clicking it. You can cycle between time in queue, position in queue, and hide info. When ready, you have 1 minute to join the world by using the "Join" button on the far right, before you get kicked from the queue.

Unfinished Report UnfinishedReportIcon QM.png Appears when you have a unfinished report. Click the "Open" button on the far right to resume the report.


An image of the clock settings in VRChat.
An image of the clock settings in VRChat.

Optionally, you can display different clocks at the top of your Quick Menu. Clocks were revealed and added to the Quick Menu on April Fools, 2024. Presumed as a temporary feature for April Fools, there was overwhelming support from the community to keep this feature as a permanent addition to the Quick Menu. Naturally, there are toggles for a 12-hour clock, and a 24-hour clock. The clock system also allows you to set the time zone that the clock is displaying. The available time zones are "Local Time", the time set on your device, UTC (Universal Time Coordination), Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), or "Random Time Zone".

Additionally, there are different pre-set fonts and colors to choose for your clock:

Clock Name Description
Normal Clock (Default, Boring) Displays a clock at the top of the Quick Menu.
No Time! to talk? Removes the clock entirely from the Quick Menu, leaving it blank.
LGBTQ+ Clock Puts up a colorful rainbow clock, in reference to the Pride Flag.
Swatch Internet Time (.beats) An alternate decimal-based time measurement; displays .beats
VRChat Session Time ⏱️ Shows how long you have been online for, in HH:MM.
VRChat+ Ultra Premium Time ☆ Turns the clock yellow. This is a VRChat+ exclusive clock!
Date Time (ask them out, you got this!) The month, date, and year in MM/DD/YYYY format appears.
Is It Thursday? Replies "No" every day, except Thursdays where it says "Yes".
Large Clock The same as the Normal Clock, but in a larger, easier to see font.
Tiny Clock The same as the Normal Clock, but in a smaller, harder to see font.
WAY TOO LARGE CLOCK Larger than the Large Clock, which exceeds the boundaries of the Quick Menu.
Broken Clock Always red and blinking "12:00AM" or "00:00", like an LCD alarm clock.
Shader Time Displays the current time, in pink. In reference to a Missing Shader error.
<blink /> Allows the current time to blink.
<marquee /> Causes the clock to 'scroll', as if it were a digital marquee.
Backwards Clock 🔙 The clock is backwards!
kcolC esreveR The clock is reversed!
Backfacing Clock??? The clock goes behind the Quick Menu, and VRCat also flips around.
ʞɔolƆ uʍop ǝpᴉsd∩ The clock is upside down!
Star Date (TNG) Displays the current Star Date from Star Trek: The Next Generation. 🖖
Unix Time (32-bit) Seconds since January 1, 1970, in relation to the Unix Epoch.

The maximum signed integer for 32-bit will expire on January 29, 2038.

Unix Time (64-bit) Seconds since January 1, 1970, in relation to the Unix Epoch.

The maximum signed integer for 64-bit will expire in billions of years.

Very Accurate Clock Shows hours, minutes, seconds, and 10-7 in seconds.
DateTimeFormat.ShortTimePattern Displays "h:mm tt".
Udon Network Time Shows the Official VRChat source network time for Udon, in milliseconds.
Random! Chooses any of the above clocks at random.

Other buttons

To the left of the clock is your profile. You can click it to change your nameplate status, and availability, edit your biography, languages, or URLs attached to your bio. To the right of the clock, is the balance of your VRChat Credits. Clicking on the button will send you to the Marketplace tab in the Main Menu, where you can purchase more credits, or find groups and worlds to exchange credits for perks.

Below the credit balance, are two buttons. The one on the left is the Report button. You can click it if you find an offensive user, world, group, or avatar that violates VRChat Community Guidelines. On the right of the report button will expand the Quick Menu into the Main Menu. At the very bottom left of the Quick Menu, left of the Launch Pad tab, is the Microphone toggle button. You can click it to enable or disable your microphone. You may need to adjust your settings if you are using Push To Talk.

At the bottom right of the Quick Menu is the Safe Mode button. Clicking this will hide most avatars and mute most users instantly. To disable Safe Mode, you can click the button again, or click "Change Safety Shield" tile on the Launch Pad. If a user has VRChat+, then VRChat's mascot, VRCat will appear at the top of your screen. You can repeatedly click on VRCat to 'pet' them which VRCat will say different phrases.