
From VRChat Wiki
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Settings are preferences to customize your VRChat experience. This article provides a verbose explanation for the amount of settings in VRChat. Menus for settings can be found in the Quick Menu, Main Menu, and Action Menu.

Action Menu

The settings wheel in the Action Menu provide preferences only for the Action Menu itself.

Name Values
Menu Size 0-100%
Menu Opacity 0-100%
On Hud On/Off
HUD Position Up, Down, Left, Right
Flick Select On/Off
One Handed Movement On/Off

Quick Menu

These options can be found in the Quick Menu, providing coverage for Sharing, UI Elements, Your Avatar, Avatar Culling, Chatbox, Display and Visual Adjustments, Comfort, and Debugging.


Name Values Tooltip
Allow Direct Sharing On/Off Allow users to share content with you directly
Accept Sharing From Everyone, Friends [Everyone] Allow everyone to share content with you directly

[Friends] Allow friends to share content with you directly

Allow Pedestal Sharing On/Off Allow users to share content with you via pedestals
View Pedestals From Everyone, Friends [Everyone] Allow everyone to share content with you via pedestals

[Friends] Allow friends to share content with you via pedestals

UI Elements

Name Values Tooltip
Nameplate Visibility Standard, Icon, Hidden Set nameplate visibility.

[Standard] Show nameplate above every user
[Icon] Only show icons above each user
[Hidden] Don't show nameplates or icons

Show Group Banner On/Off Click to show/hide group nameplate banners
Show Additional Info On Nameplates On/Off Click to show/hide expanded information on nameplates when the Quick Menu is open
HUD Detail Level Off, Minimal, Verbose Change HUD detail level.

[Verbose] Show notification popups
[Minimal] Only show icons
[Off] Disable HUD

Your Avatar

See also Avatars for more detailed information.

Name Values Tooltip
Allow Avatar Cloning On/Off Allows other users to clone your current avatar
Auto Disable Avatar Cloning On/Off Click to turn on/off automatically disabling avatar cloning upon entering a world
Avatar Gestures On/Off When enabled, VRChat will attempt to match your current finger pose against the standard VRChat hand poses
Pause Avatar Interactions On/Off Click to pause ALL interactions, INCLUDING users you've overridden to allow
Avatar Allowed to Interact Everyone, Nobody, Friends Toggle interactions on or off
Avatar Self Interact On/Off Click to enable/disable Self Interaction

Avatar Culling

Name Values Tooltip
Hide Beyond 0-50m, On/Off Improve performance by reducing the number of avatars displayed
Show Nearest 0-80, On/Off Improve performance by reducing the number of avatars displayed
Always Show Friend Avatars On/Off Toggle to always show friend avatars
Allow override with "Show Avatar" On/Off Allow selected user's avatars to override culling settings


Name Values Tooltip
Chatbox Function Clear Chatbox, New message [Clear Chatbox] Clears the chatbox

[New message] Opens chatbox input

Local Chatbox Visibility Mine, Friends, Everyone Change chatbox visibility

[Mine] Only show your own chatbox
[Friends] Show chatboxes only from friends
[Everyone] Show chatboxes for everyone

Chatbox Position Above, Forward Set chatbox to [above head/forward] position
Chatbox Height 0-100% Change chatbox height
Chatbox Size 50-150% Change chatbox size
Chatbox Opacity 25-100% Change chatbox opacity
Chatbox Display Duration 2-60 seconds Change chatbox display duration
Chatbox Notification Volume On/Off, 0-100% Change chatbox notification volume
Show Own Chatbox On/Off Show or hide your own chatbox
Send Text Automatically On/Off Toggle chatbox auto send

Display and Visual Adjustments

Name Values Tooltip
Screen Brightness 0-100% Adjust screen brightness
Bloom Intensity 0-100% Bloom multiplier. Set to 0% to disable bloom

Color Blind Filters

Name Values Tooltip
Color Filters On/Off Enable/Disable color filters and their settings
Filter Intensity 0-100% Change the intensity of the current filter
Apply To World On/Off Apply Filter to World
Color Filter No filter, Protanopia, Deuteranopia, Tritanopia, Grayscale, Retro LUT Select the color filter you would like to apply

[None] No filter selected
[Protanopia] Red / Green Filter
[Deuteranopia] Green / Red Filter
[Tritanopia] Blue / Yellow Filter
[Grayscale] Monochrome Filter
[Retro LUT] I Live In The Past Filter

Simulate Color Blindness On/Off Simulate the selected color blindness option, rather than correcting for it.


Name Values Tooltip
Responsive Menu On/Off [On] Responsive Menu is enabled, click to keep Main Menu in its default position.

[Off] Responsive Menu is disabled, click to always spawn the main menu in your eyeline.


See also Debug Menu for more detailed information.

Name Values Tooltip
FPS Varies N/A
Ping Varies N/A
Build Varies N/A
Logging On/Off Logging is [enabled/disabled], click to [disable/enable] debug logging
Pin FPS and Ping On/Off [On] Stats are enabled, click to disable the FPS and Ping display

[Off] Stats are disabled, click to pin the FPS and Ping to the top of the Quick Menu

Report Bug Report Bug Logs when an issue is experienced

Click 'Continue' to create a timestamp in your active output log that can be included with your Bug Report ( or Support Ticket.

Reset Hand Tracking tutorial Reset Hand Tracking tutorial N/A

Main Menu

System and Settings.png

These options can be found in the Settings tab of the Main Menu. They provide coverage for Audio & Voice, Comfort & Safety, Graphics, Avatars, Mirrors, User Interface, Controls, Tracking & IK, Accessibility, and Debugging.

Audio & Voice

Audio Volume

Name Values Tooltip
Master 0-125%, On/Off Control the master volume for all audio
UI/Menu 0-100%, On/Off Control the menu sound volume
World 0-100%, On/Off Control the volume of sounds in this world
Voices 0-100%, On/Off Control the volume of other user's voices
Avatars 0-100%, On/Off Control the volumes of sounds from avatars
User Volume Overrides Reset Reset the volume of other users


Name Values Tooltip
Change Device Microphone List Change your current audio input device
Mic Output Volume 0-100% Control the volume of your microphone
Noise Suppression On/Off Background Noise Suppression is enabled/disabled, click to disable/enable
Mic Activation Threshold 0-100% Adjust the point where your microphone picks up your voice
Microphone Behaviour Push to Talk, Always Off, Always On, Toggle Change how the microphone is activated.
World Join Behaviour Default On, Default Off, Keep Last State Change how your mic behaves when joining worlds
Mic Icon Visibility On activity, When Muted, Always On Change when the microphone icon on your HUD is visible.

[Always On] Microphone icon always stays visible
[On Activity] Microphone icon fades in when you speak
[When Muted] Microphone icon only fades in when you speak while muted

Earmuff Mode

Name Values Tooltip
Earmuff Mode On/Off Reduce the volume of others outside of a distance.
Distance 0.0-10.0m Reduce the volume of users outside of this range.
Falloff Distance 0.0-10.0m The distance at which user volumes are fully reduced.
Outside Volume 0-100% The lowest volume user voice will be reduced to.
Always Show Visual Aide On/Off [On] Showing Earmuff radius at all times. Toggle to only show when using sliders.

[Off] Only showing the Earmuff effect radius when using the sliders, click to show at all times

Include Avatar Audio On/Off [On] Including Avatar Audio, click to disable

[Off] Include Avatar Audio disabled, click to enable

Forward Cone 0-100% The slider adjusts the shape of your earmuffs to favor users in front of you
Falloff Forward Shift 0-100% Adjust the amount of forward offset that the directionality property applies to you earmuffs falloff zone
Shape Follows Rotation of Camera, Avatar Sets the type for following camera

The earmuffs shape follows your [camera's/avatar's] rotation

Lock Shape Rotation On/Off [Unlock/Lock] the earmuff shape's rotation

Comfort & Safety


Name Values Tooltip
Comfort Turning [VR] On/Off Rotate your view by snapping which can help with motion sickness
Personal Space On/Off Avatars disappear if they get too close, friends are not affected
AFK Detection On/Off Detect if you've got your headset off (or in Desktop, press the End key) so your avatar can play a special "AFK" animation while you're away


Name Values Tooltip
Allow Direct Sharing On/Off Allow users to share content with you directly
Accept Sharing From Everyone, Friends [Everyone] Allow everyone to share content with you directly

[Friends] Allow friends to share content with you directly

Allow Pedestal Sharing On/Off Allow users to share content with you via pedestals
View Pedestals From Everyone, Friends [Everyone] Allow everyone to share content with you via pedestals

[Friends] Allow friends to share content with you via pedestals


Name Values Tooltip
View Prints On/Off Allow users to share photos as prints
View Prints From Everyone, Friends [Everyone] Allow everyone to spawn prints

[Friends] Allow friends to spawn prints


Name Values Tooltip
Streamer Mode On/Off Friend requests will be auto-declined, user images and thumbnails will be disabled, and your location will be hidden
Show Community Labs On/Off Show Community Labs in the World and Search pages
Allow Untrusted URLs On/Off Worlds can load content remotely from URLs that are not trusted.
Chatbox Language Filter On/Off Toggle chatbox language filter
Portal Prompt On/Off Portal Prompt is [enabled/disabled], click to [disable/enable]
Portal Mode Drop in Front, Place Manually Choose the portal mode.

Enables Portal [Placement/Drop]

Home Instance Type Invite, Invite+, Friends, Friends+, Public Set your home instance type.

Set your home instance to [Invite/Invite+/Friends/Friends+/Public]

Home Region Automatic, US East, US West, Europe, Japan Set the region used by your home instance.

[Automatic] Let VRChat choose the best home region for you.
Set your home instance region to [US West/US East/Europe/Japan]

Content Gating

See also Content Gating for more detailed information.

Name Values Tooltip
Filter Sexually Suggestive Content On/Off Enable to hide content labeled with this Content Warning.
Filter Adult Language and Themes On/Off Enable to hide content labeled with this Content Warning.
Filter Graphic Violence On/Off Enable to hide content labeled with this Content Warning.
Filter Excessive Gore On/Off Enable to hide content labeled with this Content Warning.
Filter Extreme Horror On/Off Enable to hide content labeled with this Content Warning.

*Footnote regarding Content Gating: Content Gating keeps you safe by filtering content you don't want to see. VRChat has User Generated Content and relies on its creators to label it appropriately. If you see something that you feel has not been labeled correctly, please navigate to the content details page and file an in-game report so that VRChat's Trust & Safety team can investigate.

Shield Levels

V · EUnreleased or beta content!
This content is currently unreleased or in beta, be aware it could change!
[Reason: This section includes content that is currently in Open Beta for the upcoming 2025.1.3 update]

See also Trust and Safety for more detailed information.

Name Values Tooltip
Change Shield Level Maximum, Normal, None, Custom [Maximum] This is the safest mode. It turns off most avatar features for all user Trust Ranks.

[Normal] Turns off avatar features for less trusted users and enables more features for trusted users.
[None] See almost all avatar features on all users, excluding nuisance users. WARNING: This mode is not recommended, as it exposes you to everything on all users!
[Custom] Customize which avatar features you want to see for each user Trust Rank.

New User | User | Known User| Trusted | Friends
"Custom" Shield Level is allowed to change values
Name Values Tooltip
Voice On/Off Voice mutes or unmutes audio that emits from a user's microphone input for the combined Safety Mode and User

Trust Rank.

Avatar On/Off Avatar shows or hides the avatar for the combined Safety Mode and User Trust Rank.
User Icons On/Off User Icons shows or hides the custom User Icons for the combined Safety Mode and User Trust Rank.
Custom Images On/Off Custom Images shows or hides the custom Emojis, Sharing, Prints and Stickers for the combined Safety Mode and

User Trust Rank.

Drone On/Off Drone hides or reveals a user's drone for the combined Safetry Mode and User Trust Rank.
Audio On/Off Audio mutes or unmutes audio emitted from a user's avatar for the combined Safety Mode and User Trust Rank.
Lights & Particles On/Off Particles and Lights turns on or off particles and lights on a user's avatar for the combined Safety Mode and User

Trust Rank. Particles are components that shoot out effects, like graphics, fire, etc.

Shaders On/Off Shaders turns on or off shaders on a user's avatar for the combined Safety Mode and User Trust Rank.
Custom Animations On/Off Custom Animations turns on or off custom animations on a user's avatar for the combined Safety Mode and User

Trust Rank.

Animated Emojis On/Off Animated Emoji allows Custom Emoji to be animated for the combined Safety Mode and User Trust Rank.



Name Values Tooltip
Screen Resolution (Values differ depending on user's monitor resolution) Set screen resolution
Fullscreen On/Off Set full screen
Quality Preset Low, Medium, High, Custom Current graphics quality preset
Anti-Aliasing Disabled, X2, X4, X8 Current anti-aliasing quality
Mirror Resolution Quarter, Half, Full, Unlimited Set the mirror resolution.

Set mirror resolution to [quarter/half/full/unlimited] mode

Shadows Low, Medium, High Set the shadow quality
Level of Detail Low, Medium, High Level of Detail (LOD) Quality
Vertical Field of View 50-100°, Reset Change the field of view
Portrait FOV [Mobile] 50-100°, Reset Change the field of view when in portrait mode
Landscape FOV [Mobile] 50-100°, Reset Change the field of view when in landscape mode
FPS Capped, VSync, Unlimited Controls the max fps for the system
FPS Limit [Mobile] 20, 30, 60; [PC] 10-240; Reset Set a maximum frame rate.


Name Values Tooltip
Particle Physics Quality Low, Medium, High Set the particle physics quality
Particle Limiter On/Off Limit avatar particles.
Pixel Light Count Off, Low, Medium, High Set pixel light count to [off/low/medium/high]
Forced Camera Near Distance Off, Dynamic, Forced Overrides the camera near clip plane.

[OFF] Won't override the near clip value and will use the world's camera settings.
[Dynamic Mode] Will override camera near clip to 1mm view distance ow lowest possible with Unity's limits in regard to world far view distance. Resets at end of session.
[Forced Mode] Camera near distance will always be 1mm. WARNING: This can result in significant render issues in worlds with a high view distance. Resets on world change.

DPI Scale [Mobile] 15-50% The amount we scale down the devices DPI [sic]


See also Avatars for more detailed information.

Your Avatar

Name Values Tooltip
Avatar Gestures On/Off When enabled, VRChat will attempt to match your current finger pose against the standard VRChat hand poses.
Allow Avatar Cloning On/Off Allows other users to clone your current avatar
Auto Disable Avatar Cloning On/Off Click to turn [on/off] automatically disabling avatar cloning upon entering a world
Use Impostor as Fallback On/Off Choose whether or not to use Impostors as a fallback avatar (when available)

Avatar Interactions

Name Values Tooltip
Pause Avatar Interactions On/Off [On] Click to resume interactions and activate overrides.

[Off] Click to pause ALL interactions, INCLUDING users you've overridden to allow.

Avatar Allowed to Interact Nobody, Friends, Everybody Toggles interactions on or off.

[Friends] Allow Avatar Interactions with friends and users you've overridden to allow, except friends you've overridden to deny.
[Everyone] Allow Avatar Interactions with everyone, except users you've overridden to deny.
[Nobody] Deny Avatar Interactions with everyone, except users you've overridden to allow.

Avatar Self Interact On/Off Click to [enable/disable] Self Interaction

Avatar Optimization

Name Values Tooltip
Block Poorly Optimized Avatars [Mobile] Very Poor, Poor and Below

[PC] Very Poor, Poor and Below, Don't Block

Set what avatars to block.

[Very Poor] Very Poor avatars will automatically be hidden
[Poor and Below] Poor and worse avatars will automatically be hidden

Maximum Download Size [Mobile] 0-10MB

[PC] 0-200MB

Set the maximum download size for slower connections or to save bandwidth
Maximum Uncompressed Size [Mobile] 0-40MB

[PC] 0-500MB

Set the maximum uncompressed size to prevent heavy avatars from loading.

Avatar Culling

Name Values Tooltip
Hide Avatar Beyond 5-50m, On/Off Improve performance by reducing the number of avatars displayed.

Enable or disable limit.

Maximum Shown Avatars 0-80, On/Off Improve performance by reducing the number of avatars displayed.

Enable or disable limit.

Always Show Friend Avatars On/Off Toggle to always show friend avatars.
Allow override with "Show Avatar" On/Off Allow selected user's settings to override culling settings.

Avatar Download Prioritization

Priorities will be considered in the order they are listed. If two downloads are otherwise of equal priority, the smallest size (fastest download) will come first. New downloads that are higher priority than all current downloads begin immediately.

Name Values Tooltip
Download Prioritize Distance 5-50m, On/Off Download avatars within this range first.

Enable or disable limit.

Download Prioritize Manually Shown On/Off Click to prioritize downloading avatars from users you've manually shown.
Download Prioritize Friends On/Off Click to prioritize downloading avatars from friends.


Name Values Tooltip
OSC On/Off Toggle OpenSoundControl on or off.
OSC Debug Panel On/Off Open a screen which will float in front of you and visualize any incoming OSC.
Reset Config Reset Reset the OSC configuration.


See also Mirrors for more detailed information.

Personal Mirror

Name Values Tooltip
Personal Mirror On/Off Turn the personal mirror on or off.
Grabbable On/Off Allows grabbing the mirror to move its world location.
Tracking World, Head, Playspace Select the object which the mirror is anchored.

[World] Mirror tracks world
[Head] Mirror tracks user's head
[Playspace] Mirror tracks playspace

Opacity 0-100% Set the opacity. [0%-100%]
Immersive Move On/Off Enable movement controls when grabbing the mirror.
Mirror Snap On/Off The mirror will snap to specific angles when enabled.
Calibration Mirror On/Off When enabled shows a mirror while calibrating [sic]
Border On/Off Toggle a border to the mirror.
Show Other Players On/Off When enabled, your personal mirror will reflect other players.
Show World On/Off When enabled, your personal mirror will reflect the world.
Show UI On/Off When enabled, your personal mirror will reflect the user interface.
Reset Personal Mirror Reset Resets all personal mirror changes

Face Mirror

Name Values Tooltip
Face Mirror On/Off Turn the face mirror on or off.
Opacity 0-100% Set the opacity. [0%-100%]
Size 0-100% Adjust the size of the face mirror.
Zoom 0-100% Adjust the zoom of the face mirror.
Reset Face Mirror Reset Resets all face mirror changes

User Interface

General UI Settings

Name Values Tooltip
Menu Tooltips On/Off Display tooltips under the menu.
Interactive Object Tooltips Highlight Only, Tether, Tooltip, Controller Change how tooltips on interactive objects in the world appear.

[Highlight Only] Only show the outline. [Tether] Show the outline and tether line. [Tooltip] Show the outline, tooltip and tether line. [Controller] Show the outline, tooltip, tether line and controller.

Show Desktop Reticle On/Off Show a small dot in the center of the view
Show Go Button On Load On/Off Show a "Go!" button before entering the world when it's ready
Slider-Snapping On/Off [Enable/Disable] snapping to fixed increments when adjusting sliders
Header Click Scrolls to Top of Page On/Off When enabled, clicking menu headers will scroll pages to the top
Wing Persistence On/Off When persistence is [enabled/disabled]. Quick menu and main menu [share the same/each have their own unique] wing state. Click to [enable/disable] persistence.
Preferred Language See Tooltip English, French, Spanish, Italian, Korean, Deutsch, Japanese, Polski, Russian, Portuguese (Brazil), Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, toki pona
AFK Detection On/Off Detect if you've got your headset off (or in Desktop, press the End key) so your avatar can play a special "AFK" animation while you're away
One Handed Movement [VR] On/Off Toggle one handed controls for avatar movement.


Name Value Tooltip
Nameplate Visibility Standard, Icon, Hidden Set nameplate visibility.

[Standard] Show nameplate above every user
[Icon] Only show icons above each user
[Hidden] Don't show nameplates or icons

Nameplate Scale Tiny, Small, Normal, Medium, Large Change the size of nameplates.

Shows [tiny/small/normal/medium/large] nameplates

Nameplate Opacity 0-100% Change the opacity of the nameplates
Show Group Banner On/Off Click to [show/hide] group nameplate banners
Quick Menu Info On/Off QM Info is [enabled/disabled], click to [disable/enable] extra nameplate information while the Quick Menu is open
Show Fallback Icon On/Off Fallback icon is [enabled/disabled], click to [disable/enable] the Fallback icon on nameplates
Show Earmuffs Icon On/Off Toggle show earmuffs icon.


Name Values Tooltip
HUD Detail Level Off, Minimal, Verbose Change HUD detail level.

[Verbose] Show notification popups
[Minimal] Only show icons
[Off] Disable HUD

Play Notification Audio On/Off Play audio when you receive a new notification
Show Gesture Icons On/Off Gesture icons are [enabled/disabled], click to [disable/enable] them on HUD
HUD Smoothing [VR] On/Off Toggle HUD Smoothing
HUD Opacity 0-100% Change HUD Opacity
Mic Opacity 0-100% Change Mic Opacity
Mic Toggle Volume 0-100% Change Mic Toggle Volume
Experimental: Use Outline Microphone Icon [VR] On/Off Experimental: Use an outline-only microphone icon on the HUD. Force-enabled on certain OLED headsets to avoid burn-in.
Experimental: Use Pixel Shifting HUD [VR] On/Off Experimental: Use pixel-shifting to avoid OLED burn-in. HUD elements will move in a circle very slowly. Force-enabled on certain OLED headsets to avoid burn-in.

HUD Verbose Mode Settings

Name Values Tooltip
Show Join Notifications On/Off Show user join notifications
Show Leave Notifications On/Off Show user leave notifications
Show Portal Notifications On/Off Show portal created notifications
Only Show Friends Join/Leave/Portal Notifications On/Off Only show join/leave/portal notifications for friends
Show Invites On/Off Show the invite notification popup
Show Friend Requests On/Off Show the friend request notification popup
Notification Position Center, Right, Left Choose the anchor position for the notification popups


Chatbox settings are also available in the Accessibility row.

Name Values Tooltip
Local Chatbox Visibility Mine, Friends, Everyone Change chatbox visibility

[Mine] Only show your own chatbox
[Friends] Show chatboxes only from friends
[Everyone] Show chatboxes for everyone

Chatbox Position Above, Forward Set chatbox to [above head/forward] position
Chatbox Height 0-100% Change chatbox height
Chatbox Size 50-150% Change chatbox size
Chatbox Opacity 25-100% Change chatbox opacity
Chatbox Display Duration 2-60 seconds Change chatbox display duration
Chatbox Notification Volume On/Off, 0-100% Change chatbox notification volume
Show Own Chatbox On/Off Show or hide your own chatbox
Send Text Automatically On/Off Toggle chatbox auto send
Chatbox Function Clear Chatbox, New message [Clear Chatbox] Clears the chatbox

[New message] Opens chatbox input

Action Menu

Name Values Tooltip
Action Menu Opacity 0-100% Changes action menu opacity
Action Menu Size 0-100% Changes action menu size
Action Menu Left Opacity [VR] 0-100% Changes left action menu opacity
Action Menu Right Opacity [VR] 0-100% Changes right action menu opacity
Action Menu Left Size [VR] 0-100% Changes left action menu size
Action Menu Right Size [VR] 0-100% Changes right action menu size
Flick Select [VR] On/Off Toggle flick select

Background Designs

Every user will have access to 4 background designs.

VRChat+ subscribers will have access to 33 extra background designs to choose from.


See also Controls for more detailed information.

This menu will vary, depending on the device being used to access VRChat.


Control Settings [VR]
Name Values Tooltip
Open SteamVR Input Bindings Panel Edit SteamVR Bindings Configuration for SteamVR Input is done through Steam Input Bindings
Finger Tracking Exclusive Mode On/Off Exclusive Mode automatically excludes Inputs sent by SteamVR drivers while hand tracking is enabled. This can avoid conflicting inputs such as double-clicks
Avatars Use Finger Tracking On/Off Avatars fingers will be animated by SteamVR skeletal data if enabled
Double Tap Menu button opens Main menu On/Off Double tap the menu button to open the Main Menu


Control Settings [Desktop]
Name Values Tooltip
Mouse Look Sensitivity 10-100% Change how sensitive the mouse is when looking around the world
Invert Mouse Look On/Off Invert up and down movement when looking around the world


Touch Control Settings [Mobile]
Name Values Tooltip
Look Sensitvity 0-100% Change how sensitive the touch controls are
Auto Rotate Speed 0-30 Change how fast your rotate when you touch the edge of the screen
Show Secondary UI On/Off [Show/Hide] the secondary UI on the left side of the screen
Enable Auto Walk On/Off Click to [enable/disable] auto walk
Invert Look On/Off Invert up and down movement when looking around the world
Allow Focus View On/Off Click to [enable/disable] focus view support
Interaction Mode Direct Touch, Reticle Aim Change your interaction mode

[Direct Touch] Equip pickups by tapping on them
[Reticle Aim] Aim at pickups and tap the select button

Tracking & IK

Face Tracking

See also Selfie Expression for more detailed information.

Name Values Tooltip
Enable Selfie Expression On/Off Selfie Expression uses your camera to animate your avatar! No one will see your real face. Image data is processed locally on your divce, only used for animation, and never saved.
Auto-Adjust Selfie Expression Quality On/Off Automatically adjust Selfie Expression quality depending on current frame rate
Selfie Expression Quality Level Best Quality/High Quality/Balanced/Performance/Off [Best Quality] Quality - Selfie Expression uses camera with highest resolution and framerate

[High Quality] Quality - Selfie Expression uses camera with higher resolution and framerate
[Balanced] Balanced - Selfie Expression uses camera with medium resolution and framerate
[Performance] Performance - Selfie Expression disables hand tracking and uses minimum camera resolution and framerate
[Off] Off - Selfie Expression is disabled until frame rate improves

Selfie Expression Also Moves Hands On/Off While Selfie Expression is enabled, and the Quality setting is set to 'Balanced' or above, allow moving hands via your webcam
Auto Recentering Speed 0-100 Adjust how quickly your avatar will automatically recenter rotation (to compensate your camera offset)
Recenter Instantly recenter your avatar to compensate for camera offset
Reset Reset to default
Change Webcam Device Change your current webcam device. Makes sure your webcam is not being used by other software

Eye Tracking

Name Values Tooltip
Force Eyetracking Raycast On/Off When eyetracking is active, force eyes to converge at a distance determined by raycast hit
Display Eyetracking Debug On/Off When eyetracking is active, display debug overlay information
Disable Eye Look Tracking On/Off Disable tracking eye look direction
Disable Eye Lid Tracking On/Off Disable tracking eyelid closed amount
Mic Mute Disabled Eyetracking On/Off The in-app mic mute function will disable eyetracking as well (when not using push-to-talk mode)

Finger Tracking

Name Values Tooltip
Jump Gesture On/Off Enable or Disable jump Gesture
Grab Gesture Grab/Pinch/Combined Choose finger grab gesture

Calibration & Debug

Name Values Tooltip
Legacy Calibration On/Off Toggles using the old locked avatar position style of FBT calibration
One Handed Calibration On/Off Only require holding a single trigger rather than both when finalizing FBT calibration
Display Calibration Visuals On/Off Display extra detail during FBT calibration, Adjust FBT mode, and eyetracking debug
IK Debug Logging On/Off Adds additional output to the log regarding IK
Per-Avatar Calibration Adjustment On/Off Changes made in Adjust FBT mode will be applied per-avatar
Allow Sending Head and Wrist VR Tracking OSC Data* On/Off Send VR system head and wrist OSC data
Calibration Range 0.05-2.00m Determines the distance from predicted supported binding points that the caliibration will search (in meters). The closest binding point to the center of the search sphere will be used.
Confirm Calibration On/Off Confirmation dialogs when clicking the "Calibrate FBT" button are [enabled/disabled], click to [disable/enable].
FBT Tracker Model Sphere, System, Box, Axis Switch tracker model

[Sphere] Sphere - Your trackers will display as the classic default white ball
[System] System - Your trackers will display using models provided by your VR system
[Box] Box - Your trackers will display as boxes with colored sides representing standard xyz axis colors (lighter colors for positive direction)
[Axis] Axis - Your trackers will display with axis aligned protrusions with colored tips representing standard xyz axis colors (lighter colors for positive direction)

*Footnote regarding the Allow Sending Head and Wrist VR Tracking OSC Data option: Legal Disclaimer: You are enabling a feature that will share data about you with third-party services and devices using the OSC network protocol. if you proceed, you are expressly directing VRChat to share data from your headset and other accessories with services and devices that you configure to receive such data. You can turn off this feature at any time in the "Tracking & IK" main menu options page.

Body Tracking

Name Values Tooltip
User Real Height (3'0"-8'0" ft)/(0.81m-2.44m) User Real Height should always be set to your height in real life. its important for properly matching your avatar with your body.
Metric Units Adjustment On/Off Adjustment arrows for User Real hight increment in cm instead of inches

Adjustment arrows for User Real hight increment in inches instead of cm

Use Legacy IK Solving On/Off [Off] Now using new IK2.0

[On] Now using old legacy IK     

Disable Shoulder Tracking On/Off Prevents arm trackers from affecting shoulders. Use this to avoid issues with some types of IMU-only based arm trackers
Freeze Tracking on Disconnect On/Off Cause trackers to freeze in place relative to the user when they are disconnected   
Shoulder Width Compensation On/Off Assists in straightening the arm when reaching upwards on avatars with narrow shoulders
FBT Locomotion Animation On/Off FBT locomotion animation is [enabled/disabled] click to [enable/disable]
Tracker Motion Prediction 0-100% Set how much latency compensating moton prediciton to use on body trackers, only works for SteamVR trackers.
Wrist Angle -45° to 45° Offsets the angle of the wrist alignment toward or away from the thumb     
Arm vs Height Ratio 30-60% Adjusts the ratio used to scale the avatar when using mesure-by-arms mode  
Knee Angle -180° to 180° Offsets the knee-bend angle as predicted by the foot angle. Ignored if knee trackers are used.


General Accessibility Settings

[VR Only]
Name Values Tooltip
Holoport Locomotion On/Off Enable third person locomotion (Holoport)
Locomotion Tunneling None, Low, High Choose locomotion style and tunneling to reduce motion sickness.

[None] Standard movement with no tunneling
[Low] Add a light tunneling effect while moving
[High] Add a heavy tunneling effect when moving

Third Person Rotation On/Off Reduces motion sickness while turning.
Responsive Menu On/Off [On] Responsive Menu is enabled, click to keep Main Menu in its default position.

[Off] Responsive Menu is disabled, click to always spawn the main menu in your eyeline.

Display and Visual Adjustments

Name Values Tooltip
Screen Brightness 0-100% Adjust screen brightness
Bloom Intensity 0-100% Bloom multiplier. Set to 0% to disable bloom

Color Blind Filters

Name Values Tooltip
Color Filters On/Off Enable/Disable color filters and their settings
Filter Intensity 0-100% Change the intensity of the current filter
Apply To World On/Off Apply Filter to World
Color Filter No filter, Protanopia, Deuteranopia, Tritanopia, Grayscale, Retro LUT Select the color filter you would like to apply

[None] No filter selected
[Protanopia] Red / Green Filter
[Deuteranopia] Green / Red Filter
[Tritanopia] Blue / Yellow Filter
[Grayscale] Monochrome Filter
[Retro LUT] I Live In The Past Filter

Simulate Color Blindness On/Off Simulate the selected color blindness option, rather than correcting for it.


[VR and Mobile Only]
Name Values Tooltip
UI Haptics On/Off When enabled your controller will react when interacting with UI elements
Pickup Haptics On/Off Interact haptics are [enabled/disabled], click to [disable/enable]
Avatar Touch Haptics On/Off Avatar haptics are [enabled/disabled], click to [disable/enable] Avatar haptics

Warning: Haptics can result in faster battery drain


Chatbox settings are also available in the User Interface row.

Name Values Tooltip
Local Chatbox Visibility Mine, Friends, Everyone Change chatbox visibility

[Mine] Only show your own chatbox
[Friends] Show chatboxes only from friends
[Everyone] Show chatboxes for everyone

Chatbox Position Above, Forward Set chatbox to [above head/forward] position
Chatbox Height 0-100% Change chatbox height
Chatbox Size 50-150% Change chatbox size
Chatbox Opacity 25-100% Change chatbox opacity
Chatbox Display Duration 2-60 seconds Change chatbox display duration
Chatbox Notification Volume On/Off, 0-100% Change chatbox notification volume
Show Own Chatbox On/Off Show or hide your own chatbox
Send Text Automatically On/Off Toggle chatbox auto send
Chatbox Function Clear Chatbox, New message [Clear Chatbox] Clears the chatbox

[New message] Opens chatbox input


See also Debug Menu for more detailed information.


Name Values Tooltip
Ping N/A N/A
Build N/A N/A
Report Bug Report Bug Logs when an issue is experienced

Click 'Continue' to create a timestamp in your active output log that can be included with your Bug Report ( or Support Ticket.

Clear Local Profile Data Clear Local Profile Data Clear the local profile data

The current user will be logged out.

Open Logs Folder Open Logs Folder Open the local logs folder

Avatar Debugging

Name Values Tooltip
Avatar Overlay None, Proximity Bones, All Bones, Contacts Displays bone and contacts information when enabled.

[None] No avatar debug mode
Avatar shows [proximity bones/all bones/contacts]

Avatar Debug On/Off Toggle the avatar debug console.

Managed Cached Data

Name Values Tooltip
Clear Content Cache Clear Content Cache Remove all cached downloaded data

All cached downloaded content will be deleted.

Clear Local Avatar Data Clear Local Avatar Data Clear your saved persistent avatar parameters

Your local avatar data will be deleted.

Clear Texture Cache Clear Texture Cache Reduce cache size by removing cached textures

All locally cached textures will be deleted.

User Data

Name Values Tooltip
User Data Reset All User Data Reset your saved user data in all worlds you've visited (to reset a specific world's user data, visit that world's page).