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是控制器和设备上的输入数组,用于在 VRChat 中导航。VRChat 支持多个操作系统,并支持多种设备和控制器组合。部分控制可以在 设置 菜单中进行配置。根据您使用的 VRChat 平台,您可能能够通过 VRChat 内的设置菜单或设备的仪表盘进一步自定义控制。

VRChat 内的设置菜单详细列出了您当前使用的设备的按钮映射。以下是默认配置:


这些是 VRChat 中适用于不同输入类型的基本导航和交互控制:

操作 键盘/鼠标 VR 控制器 游戏手柄(Xbox) 移动设备
移动 WASD 左摇杆 虚拟摇杆
转向 鼠标移动 左摇杆 按住并拖动屏幕
跳跃 Space A (右手, 底部按钮) A 跳跃按钮
蹲下 C −− 左摇杆 (按下) 跳跃键 (长按)
匍匐 / 爬行 Z 左摇杆 (长按)
奔跑 左 Shift −−
使用 / 互动 E 扳机键 / 食指扣动 Trigger Tap
抓取 / 拾取 鼠标左键 握持键 / 中指扣动
快捷菜单 退出键 B / Y (任意手,顶部按钮) Menu Button
动作菜单 R B / Y (长按) (任意手,顶部按钮) 右摇杆(按下) 菜单按钮(长按)
静音/取消静音 V X (左手,底部按钮) Y 麦克风按钮



VRChat officially supports the following headsets and their corresponding control schemes.

  • Meta Quest headsets
    • Meta Quest 2
    • Meta Quest 3(S)
    • Meta Quest Pro
  • HTC Vive XR Elite
  • Pico 4

In addition, VRChat supports these headsets in PCVR mode, where your headset is connected to a Windows gaming PC.

  • All SteamVR-compatible headsets, including (but not limited to)
    • Valve Index
    • HTC Vive series
    • Bigscreen Beyond
    • Tethered Pimax HMDs
    • Any Steam Link-compatible HMD (Meta Quest series)
    • Any Virtual Desktop-compatible HMD
    • Most ALVR-compatible HMDs

On PC, we also support gamepad input via Steam’s Input Manager.

Controller buttons

Most VR controllers are laid out similarly. Each controller has a joystick and two main buttons, a system button, a trigger, and a grip button.

Button Assignment
A - right hand, bottom button Jump
B - right hand, top button Press: Quick Menu Hold: Action Menu
X - left hand, button button Press: Mute/Unmute
Y - left hand, top button Press: Quick Menu Hold: Action Menu
Grip - Middle finger pull
Pick up
Trigger - Index finger pull Use
Right Thumbstick Turn
Left Thumbstick Move / Locomote
Both Triggers + Both Menu Buttons Enable Safe Mode

Hand tracking

See also Finger tracking for more detailed information.

VRChat also offers a Official VRChat source tutorial world, and tutorial video on setting up hand tracking on Meta Quest systems, and to learn hand tracking gestures within VRChat.

Enable hand tracking on the Quest settings dashboard. To use hand tracking, place your controllers down on a flat surface, and hold your hands out so the Quest hand tracking system can detect them. Make sure there is ample lighting in the room, for the Quest cameras to see your hands. Please note that hand tracking cannot be utilized over wired Quest Link methods at this time.

To move around the world, hold your left hand up, palm facing your face. Touch your middle finger to your thumb in a “pinch” motion, and a small blue sphere will appear. While still pinching, move your fingers away from that sphere, and you'll move in that direction!

To turn left and right, do the same motion with your middle finger to your thumb, but with your right hand. While still pinching, move your fingers left or right. You'll turn!

You can turn with Comfort Turning (snap turning) on or off. If you have Comfort Turning on, you'll need to move your pinched finger “past” the turn point each time you turn. It might be easier to use this locomotion method with Comfort Turning disabled in your settings.

Open your Quick Menu by "pinching" your index finger and your thumb on your left hand. This is a default gesture on Meta systems, and you will see a small menu icon floating over your hand, which fills a gauge as you long-pinch.

To interact with the user interface and menus, point at it with your hand, and select things by pinching your index and thumb together.

You can mute yourself by holding your thumb and ring finger together for a moment on your left hand.

Note: Hand tracking does not work with Quest Link.


You can play VRChat using a keyboard and mouse.

Movement is handled via the standard FPS “WASD” setup. Your mouse adjusts your view position. Your head points in the direction you’re looking.

Key What it does
W Moves user forward
A Moves user left
S Moves user back
D Moves user right
Space Makes user jump (if it is enabled in the room)
Z Crawl/Go Prone
C Crouch
R Opens Action Menu
Escape Opens Quick Menu
Shift Sprint
Left Click Interact / Pickup
Right Click (Hold) Shows interaction mouse
Right Click Drop pickup
Right Click (Hold) (Pickups) Allows you to throw held pickups. The longer you hold, the further the object goes.
V (Hold) (If using push to talk) Enables microphone as long as it’s held
V (If using toggle talk) Enables / Disables microphone
Y Opens chatbox text input
Tab (Hold) Allows you to move your mouse around the screen without moving your avatar. (Useful for clicking UI elements)
End Toggles AFK mode
Control + N Cycles through visibility options of nameplates
Control + H Toggles visibility of the HUD (microphone and notification icons)
Control + \ Local switch to default Robot avatar (good for when unable to access menu or see out of avatar)
RShift + Backtick + 1 Toggles visibility of trigger debug menu
RShift + Backtick + 2 Toggles visibility of information debug menu
RShift + Backtick + 3 Toggles visibility of console debug menu
RShift + Backtick + 4 Toggles visibility of networking debug menu
RShift + Backtick + 5 Toggles visibility of networking graph debug menu
RShift + Backtick + 7 Toggles visibility of networking debug overlay
RShift + Backtick + 8 Toggles visibility of event debug overlay
RShift + Backtick + 9 Toggles visibility of user networking debug overlay
F12 Takes screenshot, saved to the folder VRChat is installed
Control + F12 Takes screenshot at double the normal resolution, by default 4K (3840 × 2160), saved to the User’s Pictures/VRChat folder
Shift + F1* Hand gesture - Idle
Shift + F2* Hand gesture - Fist
Shift + F3* Hand gesture - Open Hand
Shift + F4* Hand gesture - Point
Shift + F5* Hand gesture - Victory (Peace)
Shift + F6* Hand gesture - Rock ’n Roll
Shift + F7* Hand gesture - Finger-gun
Shift + F8* Hand gesture - Thumbs up
Shift + F11* Enables Safe Mode.
< and > Rotate the user left and right in.
I / K Adjusts pitch of the held object (rotate along X axis)
J / L Adjusts yaw of the held object (rotate along Y axis)
U / O Adjusts roll of the held object (rotate along Z axis)
Mouse Wheel Moves the held object forward/back (translate along Z axis)
Middle Mouse Button (Hold) Adjusts object rotation by moving the mouse

* Use left shift to control your left hand, use right shift to control your right hand.

On a standard English US QWERTY layout keyboard, “backtick” is the key in the top left, next to the 1 key. It shares a key with the tilde (~) character.

Debug options are disabled unless you launch VRChat with the --enable-debug-gui launch option.


On the left side of the screen is a virtual joystick, which will move your avatar around. Tapping and dragging on the screen will move your point of view. Double tapping and holding anywhere on the screen will let you walk around and move your viewpoint simultaneously.

The right side of the screen has buttons for jumping, picking up items, and interacting with the world. Holding down the button will allow for further options, such as an action menu, or crouching.

Tapping on another user or a portal will instantly bring up a secondary menu.


You can play VRChat using a gamepad on PC and Mobile.

Typical controllers supported include Xbox controllers, PlayStation controllers, and Nintendo Switch controllers. The below table uses the "Xbox" controller layout for reference.

Buttons (Based on Xbox Controller) Assignment
A Makes user jump (if it is enabled in the room)
B / X Drop pickup
Y (Hold) (If using push to talk) Enables microphone as long as it’s held
Y (If using toggle talk) Enables / Disables microphone
D-pad Up Toggles visibility of user nametags
D-pad Down Toggles visibility of the HUD (microphone and notification icons)
LB (Hold) + Left Joystick Moves the held object forward/back (translate along Z axis)
LB (Hold) + Right Joystick Rotates the held object
RB (Hold) + Left Joystick
Select left hand gesture (Only Available on Steam)
RB (Hold) + Right Joystick Select right hand gesture (Only Available on Steam)
LT/RT Interact / Pickup
Left Joystick Moves user
Left Joystick Click Crouch
Left Joystick Hold Crawl/Go Prone
Right Joystick Looks around
Right Joystick Click Opens Action Menu
View Takes screenshot, saved to the folder VRChat is installed
Menu Opens Quick Menu
A / RT (In Menu) Click in Menu
B (In Menu) Closes Menu

See also
